path: root/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft')
2 files changed, 335 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/tabulator/Options.kt b/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/tabulator/Options.kt
index 7a9ef0ed..f5f58010 100644
--- a/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/tabulator/Options.kt
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/tabulator/Options.kt
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import pl.treksoft.kvision.panel.Root
import pl.treksoft.kvision.tabulator.EditorRoot.disposeTimer
import pl.treksoft.kvision.tabulator.EditorRoot.root
import pl.treksoft.kvision.tabulator.js.Tabulator
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.JSON
import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.obj
import kotlin.browser.document
import kotlin.browser.window
@@ -238,9 +237,9 @@ enum class AddRowMode(internal val mode: String) {
* Download config options.
data class DownloadConfig(
- val columnGroups: Boolean? = null,
- val rowGroups: Boolean? = null,
- val columnCalcs: Boolean? = null
+ val columnGroups: Boolean? = null,
+ val rowGroups: Boolean? = null,
+ val columnCalcs: Boolean? = null
@@ -259,98 +258,98 @@ fun DownloadConfig.toJs(): Tabulator.DownloadConfig {
* Column definition options.
data class ColumnDefinition<T : Any>(
- val title: String,
- val field: String? = null,
- val visible: Boolean? = null,
- val align: Align? = null,
- val width: String? = null,
- val minWidth: Int? = null,
- val widthGrow: Int? = null,
- val widthShrink: Int? = null,
- val resizable: Boolean? = null,
- val frozen: Boolean? = null,
- val responsive: Int? = null,
- val tooltip: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> String)? = null,
- val cssClass: String? = null,
- val rowHandle: Boolean? = null,
- val hideInHtml: Boolean? = null,
- val sorter: Sorter? = null,
- val sorterFunction: ((
- a: dynamic, b: dynamic, aRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, bRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
- column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent, dir: SortingDir, sorterParams: dynamic
- ) -> Number)? = null,
- val sorterParams: dynamic = null,
- val formatter: Formatter? = null,
- val formatterFunction: ((
- cell: Tabulator.CellComponent, formatterParams: dynamic,
- onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit
- ) -> dynamic)? = null,
- val formatterComponentFunction: ((
- cell: Tabulator.CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, data: T
- ) -> Component)? = null,
- val formatterParams: dynamic = null,
- val variableHeight: Boolean? = null,
- val editable: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Boolean)? = null,
- val editor: Editor? = null,
- val editorFunction: ((
- cell: Tabulator.CellComponent,
- onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit,
- success: (value: dynamic) -> Unit, cancel: (value: dynamic) -> Unit, editorParams: dynamic
- ) -> dynamic)? = null,
- val editorComponentFunction: ((
- cell: Tabulator.CellComponent,
- onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit,
- success: (value: dynamic) -> Unit, cancel: (value: dynamic) -> Unit, data: T
- ) -> Component)? = null,
- val editorParams: dynamic = null,
- val validator: Validator? = null,
- val validatorFunction: dynamic = null,
- val validatorParams: String? = null,
- val download: Boolean? = null,
- val downloadTitle: String? = null,
- val topCalc: Calc? = null,
- val topCalcParams: dynamic = null,
- val topCalcFormatter: Formatter? = null,
- val topCalcFormatterParams: dynamic = null,
- val bottomCalc: Calc? = null,
- val bottomCalcParams: dynamic = null,
- val bottomCalcFormatter: Formatter? = null,
- val bottomCalcFormatterParams: dynamic = null,
- val headerSort: Boolean? = null,
- val headerSortStartingDir: SortingDir? = null,
- val headerSortTristate: Boolean? = null,
- val headerClick: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val headerDblClick: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val headerContext: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val headerTap: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val headerDblTap: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val headerTapHold: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val headerTooltip: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> String)? = null,
- val headerVertical: Boolean? = null,
- val editableTitle: Boolean? = null,
- val titleFormatter: Formatter? = null,
- val titleFormatterParams: dynamic = null,
- val headerFilter: Editor? = null,
- val headerFilterParams: dynamic = null,
- val headerFilterPlaceholder: String? = null,
- val headerFilterEmptyCheck: ((value: Any) -> Boolean)? = null,
- val headerFilterFunc: Filter? = null,
- val headerFilterFuncParams: dynamic = null,
- val headerFilterLiveFilter: Boolean? = null,
- val cellClick: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellDblClick: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellContext: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellTap: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellDblTap: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellTapHold: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellMouseEnter: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellMouseLeave: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellMouseOver: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellMouseOut: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellMouseMove: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellEditing: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellEdited: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val cellEditCancelled: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null
+ val title: String,
+ val field: String? = null,
+ val visible: Boolean? = null,
+ val align: Align? = null,
+ val width: String? = null,
+ val minWidth: Int? = null,
+ val widthGrow: Int? = null,
+ val widthShrink: Int? = null,
+ val resizable: Boolean? = null,
+ val frozen: Boolean? = null,
+ val responsive: Int? = null,
+ val tooltip: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> String)? = null,
+ val cssClass: String? = null,
+ val rowHandle: Boolean? = null,
+ val hideInHtml: Boolean? = null,
+ val sorter: Sorter? = null,
+ val sorterFunction: ((
+ a: dynamic, b: dynamic, aRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, bRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
+ column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent, dir: SortingDir, sorterParams: dynamic
+ ) -> Number)? = null,
+ val sorterParams: dynamic = null,
+ val formatter: Formatter? = null,
+ val formatterFunction: ((
+ cell: Tabulator.CellComponent, formatterParams: dynamic,
+ onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit
+ ) -> dynamic)? = null,
+ val formatterComponentFunction: ((
+ cell: Tabulator.CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, data: T
+ ) -> Component)? = null,
+ val formatterParams: dynamic = null,
+ val variableHeight: Boolean? = null,
+ val editable: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Boolean)? = null,
+ val editor: Editor? = null,
+ val editorFunction: ((
+ cell: Tabulator.CellComponent,
+ onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit,
+ success: (value: dynamic) -> Unit, cancel: (value: dynamic) -> Unit, editorParams: dynamic
+ ) -> dynamic)? = null,
+ val editorComponentFunction: ((
+ cell: Tabulator.CellComponent,
+ onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit,
+ success: (value: dynamic) -> Unit, cancel: (value: dynamic) -> Unit, data: T
+ ) -> Component)? = null,
+ val editorParams: dynamic = null,
+ val validator: Validator? = null,
+ val validatorFunction: dynamic = null,
+ val validatorParams: String? = null,
+ val download: Boolean? = null,
+ val downloadTitle: String? = null,
+ val topCalc: Calc? = null,
+ val topCalcParams: dynamic = null,
+ val topCalcFormatter: Formatter? = null,
+ val topCalcFormatterParams: dynamic = null,
+ val bottomCalc: Calc? = null,
+ val bottomCalcParams: dynamic = null,
+ val bottomCalcFormatter: Formatter? = null,
+ val bottomCalcFormatterParams: dynamic = null,
+ val headerSort: Boolean? = null,
+ val headerSortStartingDir: SortingDir? = null,
+ val headerSortTristate: Boolean? = null,
+ val headerClick: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val headerDblClick: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val headerContext: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val headerTap: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val headerDblTap: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val headerTapHold: ((e: dynamic, column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val headerTooltip: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> String)? = null,
+ val headerVertical: Boolean? = null,
+ val editableTitle: Boolean? = null,
+ val titleFormatter: Formatter? = null,
+ val titleFormatterParams: dynamic = null,
+ val headerFilter: Editor? = null,
+ val headerFilterParams: dynamic = null,
+ val headerFilterPlaceholder: String? = null,
+ val headerFilterEmptyCheck: ((value: Any) -> Boolean)? = null,
+ val headerFilterFunc: Filter? = null,
+ val headerFilterFuncParams: dynamic = null,
+ val headerFilterLiveFilter: Boolean? = null,
+ val cellClick: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellDblClick: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellContext: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellTap: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellDblTap: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellTapHold: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellMouseEnter: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellMouseLeave: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellMouseOver: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellMouseOut: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellMouseMove: ((e: dynamic, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellEditing: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellEdited: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val cellEditCancelled: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null
internal object EditorRoot {
@@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ internal object EditorRoot {
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST_TO_EXTERNAL_INTERFACE", "ComplexMethod", "MagicNumber")
fun <T : Any> ColumnDefinition<T>.toJs(
- i18nTranslator: (String) -> (String)
+ i18nTranslator: (String) -> (String)
): Tabulator.ColumnDefinition {
val tmpEditorFunction = editorComponentFunction?.let {
{ cell: Tabulator.CellComponent,
@@ -518,160 +517,160 @@ fun <T : Any> ColumnDefinition<T>.toJs(
* Tabulator options.
data class TabulatorOptions<T : Any>(
- val height: String? = null,
- val virtualDom: Boolean? = null,
- val virtualDomBuffer: Int? = null,
- val placeholder: String? = null,
- val footerElement: String? = null,
- val tooltips: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> String)? = null,
- val tooltipGenerationMode: TooltipGenerationMode? = null,
- val history: Boolean? = null,
- val keybindings: dynamic = null,
- val downloadDataFormatter: dynamic = null,
- val downloadConfig: DownloadConfig? = null,
- val reactiveData: Boolean? = null,
- val autoResize: Boolean? = null,
- val columns: List<ColumnDefinition<T>>? = null,
- val autoColumns: Boolean? = null,
- val layout: Layout? = null,
- val layoutColumnsOnNewData: Boolean? = null,
- val responsiveLayout: ResponsiveLayout? = null,
- val responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen: Boolean? = null,
- val responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters: Boolean? = null,
- val columnMinWidth: Int? = null,
- val resizableColumns: Boolean? = null,
- val movableColumns: Boolean? = null,
- val tooltipsHeader: Boolean? = null,
- val headerFilterPlaceholder: String? = null,
- val scrollToColumnPosition: ColumnPosition? = null,
- val scrollToColumnIfVisible: Boolean? = null,
- val rowFormatter: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- val addRowPos: RowPos? = null,
- val selectable: dynamic = null,
- val selectableRangeMode: RangeMode? = null,
- val selectableRollingSelection: Boolean? = null,
- val selectablePersistence: Boolean? = null,
- val selectableCheck: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Boolean)? = null,
- val movableRows: Boolean? = null,
- val movableRowsConnectedTables: dynamic = null,
- val movableRowsSender: dynamic = null,
- val movableRowsReceiver: dynamic = null,
- val resizableRows: Boolean? = null,
- val scrollToRowPosition: RowPosition? = null,
- val scrollToRowIfVisible: Boolean? = null,
- val index: String? = null,
- @Suppress("ArrayInDataClass") var data: Array<T>? = null,
- val ajaxURL: String? = null,
- val ajaxParams: dynamic = null,
- val ajaxConfig: dynamic = null,
- val ajaxContentType: dynamic = null,
- val ajaxURLGenerator: ((url: String, config: dynamic, params: dynamic) -> String)? = null,
- val ajaxRequestFunc: ((url: String, config: dynamic, params: dynamic) -> Promise<Any>)? = null,
- val ajaxFiltering: Boolean? = null,
- val ajaxSorting: Boolean? = null,
- val ajaxProgressiveLoad: ProgressiveMode? = null,
- val ajaxProgressiveLoadDelay: Int? = null,
- val ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin: Int? = null,
- val ajaxLoader: Boolean? = null,
- val ajaxLoaderLoading: String? = null,
- val ajaxLoaderError: String? = null,
- val initialSort: List<Tabulator.Sorter>? = null,
- val sortOrderReverse: Boolean? = null,
- val initialFilter: List<Tabulator.Filter>? = null,
- val initialHeaderFilter: List<Any?>? = null,
- val pagination: PaginationMode? = null,
- val paginationSize: Int? = null,
- val paginationSizeSelector: Boolean? = null,
- val paginationElement: dynamic = null,
- val paginationDataReceived: dynamic = null,
- val paginationDataSent: dynamic = null,
- val paginationAddRow: AddRowMode? = null,
- val paginationButtonCount: Int? = null,
- var persistenceID: String? = null,
- var persistenceMode: Boolean? = null,
- var persistentLayout: Boolean? = null,
- var persistentSort: Boolean? = null,
- var persistentFilter: Boolean? = null,
- val locale: String? = null,
- var langs: dynamic = null,
- val localized: ((locale: String, lang: dynamic) -> Unit)? = null,
- val dataTreeRowExpanded: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent, level: Number) -> Unit)? = null,
- val dataTreeRowCollapsed: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent, level: Number) -> Unit)? = null,
- val movableRowsSendingStart: ((toTables: Array<Any>) -> Unit)? = null,
- val movableRowsSent: ((
- fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
- toRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator
- ) -> Unit)? = null,
- val movableRowsSentFailed: ((
- fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
- toRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator
- ) -> Unit)? = null,
- val movableRowsSendingStop: ((toTables: Array<Any>) -> Unit)? = null,
- val movableRowsReceivingStart: ((fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null,
- val movableRowsReceived: ((
- fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
- toRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, fromTable: Tabulator
- ) -> Unit)? = null,
- val movableRowsReceivedFailed: ((
- fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
- toRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, fromTable: Tabulator
- ) -> Unit)? = null,
- val movableRowsReceivingStop: ((fromTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowClick: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowDblClick: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowContext: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowTap: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowDblTap: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowTapHold: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowMouseEnter: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowMouseLeave: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowMouseOver: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowMouseOut: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowMouseMove: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowAdded: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowUpdated: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowDeleted: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowMoved: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowResized: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowSelectionChanged: ((data: Array<Any>, rows: Array<Tabulator.RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowSelected: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var rowDeselected: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellClick: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellDblClick: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellContext: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellTap: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellDblTap: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellTapHold: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellMouseEnter: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellMouseLeave: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellMouseOver: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellMouseOut: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellMouseMove: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellEditing: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellEdited: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var cellEditCancelled: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var columnMoved: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent, columns: Array<dynamic>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var columnResized: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var columnVisibilityChanged: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent, visible: Boolean) -> Unit)? = null,
- var columnTitleChanged: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
- var tableBuilding: (() -> Unit)? = null,
- var tableBuilt: (() -> Unit)? = null,
- var renderStarted: (() -> Unit)? = null,
- var renderComplete: (() -> Unit)? = null,
- var htmlImporting: (() -> Unit)? = null,
- var htmlImported: (() -> Unit)? = null,
- var dataLoading: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var dataLoaded: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var dataEdited: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var pageLoaded: ((pageno: Int) -> Unit)? = null,
- var dataSorting: ((sorters: Array<Tabulator.Sorter>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var dataSorted: ((sorters: Array<Tabulator.Sorter>, rows: Array<Tabulator.RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var dataFiltering: ((filters: Array<Tabulator.Filter>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var dataFiltered: ((filters: Array<Tabulator.Filter>, rows: Array<Tabulator.RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null,
- var validationFailed: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent, value: Any, validators: dynamic) -> Unit)? = null,
- var ajaxRequesting: ((url: String, params: dynamic) -> Boolean)? = null,
- var ajaxResponse: ((url: String, params: dynamic, response: dynamic) -> Any)? = null,
- var ajaxError: ((xhr: dynamic, textStatus: String, errorThrown: dynamic) -> Unit)? = null
+ val height: String? = null,
+ val virtualDom: Boolean? = null,
+ val virtualDomBuffer: Int? = null,
+ val placeholder: String? = null,
+ val footerElement: String? = null,
+ val tooltips: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> String)? = null,
+ val tooltipGenerationMode: TooltipGenerationMode? = null,
+ val history: Boolean? = null,
+ val keybindings: dynamic = null,
+ val downloadDataFormatter: dynamic = null,
+ val downloadConfig: DownloadConfig? = null,
+ val reactiveData: Boolean? = null,
+ val autoResize: Boolean? = null,
+ val columns: List<ColumnDefinition<T>>? = null,
+ val autoColumns: Boolean? = null,
+ val layout: Layout? = null,
+ val layoutColumnsOnNewData: Boolean? = null,
+ val responsiveLayout: ResponsiveLayout? = null,
+ val responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen: Boolean? = null,
+ val responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters: Boolean? = null,
+ val columnMinWidth: Int? = null,
+ val resizableColumns: Boolean? = null,
+ val movableColumns: Boolean? = null,
+ val tooltipsHeader: Boolean? = null,
+ val headerFilterPlaceholder: String? = null,
+ val scrollToColumnPosition: ColumnPosition? = null,
+ val scrollToColumnIfVisible: Boolean? = null,
+ val rowFormatter: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val addRowPos: RowPos? = null,
+ val selectable: dynamic = null,
+ val selectableRangeMode: RangeMode? = null,
+ val selectableRollingSelection: Boolean? = null,
+ val selectablePersistence: Boolean? = null,
+ val selectableCheck: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Boolean)? = null,
+ val movableRows: Boolean? = null,
+ val movableRowsConnectedTables: dynamic = null,
+ val movableRowsSender: dynamic = null,
+ val movableRowsReceiver: dynamic = null,
+ val resizableRows: Boolean? = null,
+ val scrollToRowPosition: RowPosition? = null,
+ val scrollToRowIfVisible: Boolean? = null,
+ val index: String? = null,
+ @Suppress("ArrayInDataClass") var data: Array<T>? = null,
+ val ajaxURL: String? = null,
+ val ajaxParams: dynamic = null,
+ val ajaxConfig: dynamic = null,
+ val ajaxContentType: dynamic = null,
+ val ajaxURLGenerator: ((url: String, config: dynamic, params: dynamic) -> String)? = null,
+ val ajaxRequestFunc: ((url: String, config: dynamic, params: dynamic) -> Promise<Any>)? = null,
+ val ajaxFiltering: Boolean? = null,
+ val ajaxSorting: Boolean? = null,
+ val ajaxProgressiveLoad: ProgressiveMode? = null,
+ val ajaxProgressiveLoadDelay: Int? = null,
+ val ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin: Int? = null,
+ val ajaxLoader: Boolean? = null,
+ val ajaxLoaderLoading: String? = null,
+ val ajaxLoaderError: String? = null,
+ val initialSort: List<Tabulator.Sorter>? = null,
+ val sortOrderReverse: Boolean? = null,
+ val initialFilter: List<Tabulator.Filter>? = null,
+ val initialHeaderFilter: List<Any?>? = null,
+ val pagination: PaginationMode? = null,
+ val paginationSize: Int? = null,
+ val paginationSizeSelector: Boolean? = null,
+ val paginationElement: dynamic = null,
+ val paginationDataReceived: dynamic = null,
+ val paginationDataSent: dynamic = null,
+ val paginationAddRow: AddRowMode? = null,
+ val paginationButtonCount: Int? = null,
+ var persistenceID: String? = null,
+ var persistenceMode: Boolean? = null,
+ var persistentLayout: Boolean? = null,
+ var persistentSort: Boolean? = null,
+ var persistentFilter: Boolean? = null,
+ val locale: String? = null,
+ var langs: dynamic = null,
+ val localized: ((locale: String, lang: dynamic) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val dataTreeRowExpanded: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent, level: Number) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val dataTreeRowCollapsed: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent, level: Number) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val movableRowsSendingStart: ((toTables: Array<Any>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val movableRowsSent: ((
+ fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
+ toRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator
+ ) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val movableRowsSentFailed: ((
+ fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
+ toRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator
+ ) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val movableRowsSendingStop: ((toTables: Array<Any>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val movableRowsReceivingStart: ((fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val movableRowsReceived: ((
+ fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
+ toRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, fromTable: Tabulator
+ ) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val movableRowsReceivedFailed: ((
+ fromRow: Tabulator.RowComponent,
+ toRow: Tabulator.RowComponent, fromTable: Tabulator
+ ) -> Unit)? = null,
+ val movableRowsReceivingStop: ((fromTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowClick: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowDblClick: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowContext: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowTap: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowDblTap: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowTapHold: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowMouseEnter: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowMouseLeave: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowMouseOver: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowMouseOut: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowMouseMove: ((e: dynamic, row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowAdded: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowUpdated: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowDeleted: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowMoved: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowResized: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowSelectionChanged: ((data: Array<Any>, rows: Array<Tabulator.RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowSelected: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var rowDeselected: ((row: Tabulator.RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellClick: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellDblClick: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellContext: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellTap: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellDblTap: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellTapHold: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellMouseEnter: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellMouseLeave: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellMouseOver: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellMouseOut: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellMouseMove: ((e: Any, cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellEditing: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellEdited: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var cellEditCancelled: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var columnMoved: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent, columns: Array<dynamic>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var columnResized: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var columnVisibilityChanged: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent, visible: Boolean) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var columnTitleChanged: ((column: Tabulator.ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var tableBuilding: (() -> Unit)? = null,
+ var tableBuilt: (() -> Unit)? = null,
+ var renderStarted: (() -> Unit)? = null,
+ var renderComplete: (() -> Unit)? = null,
+ var htmlImporting: (() -> Unit)? = null,
+ var htmlImported: (() -> Unit)? = null,
+ var dataLoading: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var dataLoaded: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var dataEdited: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var pageLoaded: ((pageno: Int) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var dataSorting: ((sorters: Array<Tabulator.Sorter>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var dataSorted: ((sorters: Array<Tabulator.Sorter>, rows: Array<Tabulator.RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var dataFiltering: ((filters: Array<Tabulator.Filter>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var dataFiltered: ((filters: Array<Tabulator.Filter>, rows: Array<Tabulator.RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var validationFailed: ((cell: Tabulator.CellComponent, value: Any, validators: dynamic) -> Unit)? = null,
+ var ajaxRequesting: ((url: String, params: dynamic) -> Boolean)? = null,
+ var ajaxResponse: ((url: String, params: dynamic, response: dynamic) -> Any)? = null,
+ var ajaxError: ((xhr: dynamic, textStatus: String, errorThrown: dynamic) -> Unit)? = null
@@ -679,7 +678,7 @@ data class TabulatorOptions<T : Any>(
fun <T : Any> TabulatorOptions<T>.toJs(
- i18nTranslator: (String) -> (String)
+ i18nTranslator: (String) -> (String)
): Tabulator.Options {
val tmpCellEditCancelled = this.columns?.find { it.editorComponentFunction != null }?.let {
{ cell: Tabulator.CellComponent ->
@@ -712,9 +711,9 @@ fun <T : Any> TabulatorOptions<T>.toJs(
if (layoutColumnsOnNewData != null) this.layoutColumnsOnNewData = layoutColumnsOnNewData
if (responsiveLayout != null) this.responsiveLayout = responsiveLayout.layout
if (responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen != null) this.responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen =
- responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen
+ responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen
if (responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters != null) this.responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters =
- responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters
+ responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters
if (columnMinWidth != null) this.columnMinWidth = columnMinWidth
if (resizableColumns != null) this.resizableColumns = resizableColumns
if (movableColumns != null) this.movableColumns = movableColumns
@@ -749,7 +748,7 @@ fun <T : Any> TabulatorOptions<T>.toJs(
if (ajaxProgressiveLoad != null) this.ajaxProgressiveLoad = ajaxProgressiveLoad.mode
if (ajaxProgressiveLoadDelay != null) this.ajaxProgressiveLoadDelay = ajaxProgressiveLoadDelay
if (ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin != null) this.ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin =
- ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin
+ ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin
if (ajaxLoader != null) this.ajaxLoader = ajaxLoader
if (ajaxLoaderLoading != null) this.ajaxLoaderLoading = i18nTranslator(ajaxLoaderLoading)
if (ajaxLoaderError != null) this.ajaxLoaderError = i18nTranslator(ajaxLoaderError)
@@ -828,9 +827,24 @@ fun <T : Any> TabulatorOptions<T>.toJs(
if (renderComplete != null) this.renderComplete = renderComplete
if (htmlImporting != null) this.htmlImporting = htmlImporting
if (htmlImported != null) this.htmlImported = htmlImported
- if (dataLoading != null) this.dataLoading = dataLoading
- if (dataLoaded != null) this.dataLoaded = dataLoaded
- if (dataEdited != null) this.dataEdited = dataEdited
+ val dataLoadingFun = dataLoading?.let {
+ { data: Array<T> ->
+ it(data.toList())
+ }
+ }
+ if (dataLoadingFun != null) this.dataLoading = dataLoadingFun
+ val dataLoadedFun = dataLoaded?.let {
+ { data: Array<T> ->
+ it(data.toList())
+ }
+ }
+ if (dataLoadedFun != null) this.dataLoaded = dataLoadedFun
+ val dataEditedFun = dataEdited?.let {
+ { data: Array<T> ->
+ it(data.toList())
+ }
+ }
+ if (dataEditedFun != null) this.dataEdited = dataEditedFun
if (pageLoaded != null) this.pageLoaded = pageLoaded
if (dataSorting != null) this.dataSorting = dataSorting
if (dataSorted != null) this.dataSorted = dataSorted
diff --git a/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/tabulator/Tabulator.kt b/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/tabulator/Tabulator.kt
index c609a400..bd17d7bf 100644
--- a/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/tabulator/Tabulator.kt
+++ b/kvision-modules/kvision-tabulator/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/tabulator/Tabulator.kt
@@ -23,25 +23,20 @@ package pl.treksoft.kvision.tabulator
import com.github.snabbdom.VNode
import com.lightningkite.kotlin.observable.list.ObservableList
-import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
-import kotlinx.serialization.list
-import kotlinx.serialization.serializer
import org.w3c.dom.HTMLElement
import pl.treksoft.kvision.KVManagerTabulator
import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Container
import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.StringBoolPair
import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Widget
import pl.treksoft.kvision.i18n.I18n
+import pl.treksoft.kvision.redux.ReduxStore
import pl.treksoft.kvision.table.TableType
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.JSON
import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.createInstance
import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.obj
import pl.treksoft.kvision.utils.syncWithList
import redux.RAction
import kotlin.browser.window
import pl.treksoft.kvision.tabulator.js.Tabulator as JsTabulator
-import redux.RAction
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.redux.*
* Tabulator component.
@@ -56,13 +51,13 @@ import pl.treksoft.kvision.redux.*
@Suppress("LargeClass", "TooManyFunctions")
open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
- protected val data: List<T>? = null,
- protected val dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true,
- val options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
- types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
- classes: Set<String> = setOf()
+ protected val data: List<T>? = null,
+ protected val dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true,
+ val options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
+ types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
+ classes: Set<String> = setOf()
) :
- Widget(classes) {
+ Widget(classes) {
* Table types.
@@ -213,8 +208,8 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
protected fun createJsTabulator() {
(this.getElement() as? HTMLElement)?.let {
jsTabulator =
- KVManagerTabulator.getConstructor()
- .createInstance(it, options.toJs(this::translate))
+ KVManagerTabulator.getConstructor()
+ .createInstance(it, options.toJs(this::translate))
if (currentPage != null) {
jsTabulator?.setPageSize(pageSize ?: 0)
@@ -251,6 +246,9 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
open fun replaceData(data: Array<T>) {
options.data = data
+ if ((getElementJQuery()?.find(".tabulator-editing")?.length?.toInt() ?: 0) > 0) {
+ this.removeCustomEditors()
+ }
jsTabulator?.replaceData(data, null, null)
@@ -269,10 +267,10 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* @param active return only visible data
* @return current data
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
open fun getData(active: Boolean): List<T>? {
return if (jsTabulator != null) {
- val native = jsTabulator?.getData(active) as? List<T>
- native
+ jsTabulator?.getData(active)?.toList() as? List<T>
} else {
@@ -282,10 +280,10 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* Returns the selected data in the table.
* @return selected data
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
open fun getSelectedData(): List<T> {
return if (jsTabulator != null) {
- val native = jsTabulator?.getSelectedData() as List<T>
- native
+ jsTabulator?.getSelectedData()?.toList() as List<T>
} else {
@@ -339,9 +337,9 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* @param ifVisible scroll to already visible row
open fun scrollToRow(
- row: Int,
- position: RowPosition? = null,
- ifVisible: Boolean? = null
+ row: Int,
+ position: RowPosition? = null,
+ ifVisible: Boolean? = null
) {
jsTabulator?.scrollToRow(row, position, ifVisible)
@@ -545,13 +543,13 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* It takes the same parameters as the constructor of the built component.
- inline fun <reified T : Any> Container.tabulator(
- data: List<T>? = null,
- dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true,
- options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
- types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
- classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
- noinline init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
+ fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(
+ data: List<T>? = null,
+ dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true,
+ options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
+ types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
+ classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
+ init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
): Tabulator<T> {
val tabulator = create(data, dataUpdateOnEdit, options, types, classes)
@@ -562,13 +560,13 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* DSL builder extension function for general redux store.
- inline fun <reified T : Any, S : Any, A: RAction> Container.tabulator(
- store: ReduxStore<S, A>,
- noinline dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>,
- options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
- types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
- classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
- noinline init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
+ fun <T : Any, S : Any, A : RAction> Container.tabulator(
+ store: ReduxStore<S, A>,
+ dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>,
+ options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
+ types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
+ classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
+ init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
): Tabulator<T> {
val tabulator = create(store, dataFactory, options, types, classes)
@@ -579,12 +577,12 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* DSL builder extension function for dedicated redux store (backed with a list).
- inline fun <reified T : Any, A: RAction> Container.tabulator(
- store: ReduxStore<List<T>, A>,
- options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
- types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
- classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
- noinline init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
+ fun <T : Any, A : RAction> Container.tabulator(
+ store: ReduxStore<List<T>, A>,
+ options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
+ types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
+ classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
+ init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
): Tabulator<T> {
val tabulator = create(store, options, types, classes)
@@ -596,10 +594,10 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* DSL builder extension function for dynamic data (send within options parameter).
fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(
- options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
- types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
- classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
- init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
+ options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
+ types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
+ classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
+ init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
): Tabulator<T> {
val tabulator = Tabulator(dataUpdateOnEdit = false, options = options, types = types, classes = classes)
@@ -610,13 +608,13 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* A helper function to create a Tabulator object with correct serializer.
- inline fun <reified T : Any> create(
- data: List<T>? = null,
- dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true,
- options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
- types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
- classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
- noinline init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
+ fun <T : Any> create(
+ data: List<T>? = null,
+ dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true,
+ options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
+ types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
+ classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
+ init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
): Tabulator<T> {
val tabulator = Tabulator(data, dataUpdateOnEdit, options, types, classes)
@@ -626,13 +624,13 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* A helper function to create a Tabulator object with correct serializer and general redux store.
- inline fun <reified T : Any, S : Any, A : RAction> create(
- store: ReduxStore<S, A>,
- noinline dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>,
- options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
- types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
- classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
- noinline init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
+ fun <T : Any, S : Any, A : RAction> create(
+ store: ReduxStore<S, A>,
+ dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>,
+ options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
+ types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
+ classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
+ init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
): Tabulator<T> {
val data = dataFactory(store.getState())
val tabulator = Tabulator(data, false, options, types, classes)
@@ -646,12 +644,12 @@ open class Tabulator<T : Any>(
* A helper function to create a Tabulator object with correct serializer and dedicated redux store.
- inline fun <reified T : Any, A : RAction> create(
- store: ReduxStore<List<T>, A>,
- options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
- types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
- classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
- noinline init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
+ fun <T : Any, A : RAction> create(
+ store: ReduxStore<List<T>, A>,
+ options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(),
+ types: Set<TableType> = setOf(),
+ classes: Set<String> = setOf(),
+ init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null
): Tabulator<T> {
val data = store.getState()
val tabulator = Tabulator(data, false, options, types, classes)