path: root/webpack.config.d
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-08add moment.js to webpack configRobbie Cronin
2019-03-05Minor fixes.Robert Jaros
2018-08-22I18n fixes for modal components.Robert Jaros
2018-04-25Upgrade Kotlin to 1.2.40 and kotlin-fronted-plugin to 0.0.30 (with webpack 4)Robert Jaros
2018-03-29Components for file upload.Robert Jaros
2018-03-24Handlebars templating support.Robert Jaros
2017-09-24New containers: StackPanel, SplitPanel, TabsRobert Jaros
2017-09-01Testing frameworkRobert Jaros
2017-08-16Initial commitRobert Jaros