diff options
authorReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2015-01-26 22:11:57 +0100
committerReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2015-01-26 22:11:57 +0100
commit34835fa8b7ad24cf8bb80cda71594c9a1eb785de (patch)
parent5c7493511dc3108c593617922cbc62285e4475f4 (diff)
small updates to the documentation of @Singular.
4 files changed, 28 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/usage_examples/BuilderExample_post.jpage b/usage_examples/BuilderExample_post.jpage
index 0446a0dc..863ab19b 100644
--- a/usage_examples/BuilderExample_post.jpage
+++ b/usage_examples/BuilderExample_post.jpage
@@ -37,14 +37,18 @@ public class BuilderExample {
if (this.occupations == null) {
this.occupations = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
+ return this;
public BuilderExampleBuilder occupations(Collection<? extends String> occupations) {
if (this.occupations == null) {
this.occupations = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
+ return this;
public BuilderExample build() {
diff --git a/usage_examples/BuilderExample_pre.jpage b/usage_examples/BuilderExample_pre.jpage
index 374799ad..1557fff4 100644
--- a/usage_examples/BuilderExample_pre.jpage
+++ b/usage_examples/BuilderExample_pre.jpage
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ import java.util.Set;
public class BuilderExample {
private String name;
private int age;
- @Singular Set<String> occupations;
+ @Singular private Set<String> occupations;
diff --git a/usage_examples/Singular-snippetExample_post.jpage b/usage_examples/Singular-snippetExample_post.jpage
index 689d97e8..4e2b0460 100644
--- a/usage_examples/Singular-snippetExample_post.jpage
+++ b/usage_examples/Singular-snippetExample_post.jpage
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ public class SingularExample<T extends Number> {
private SortedMap<Integer, T> elves;
private Collection<?> minutiae;
- SingularExample(final Set<String> occupations, final ImmutableList<String> axes, final SortedMap<Integer, T> elves, final Collection<?> minutiae) {
+ SingularExample(Set<String> occupations, ImmutableList<String> axes, SortedMap<Integer, T> elves, Collection<?> minutiae) {
this.occupations = occupations;
this.axes = axes;
this.elves = elves;
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class SingularExample<T extends Number> {
SingularExampleBuilder() {
- public SingularExampleBuilder<T> occupation(final String occupation) {
+ public SingularExampleBuilder<T> occupation(String occupation) {
if (this.occupations == null) {
this.occupations = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class SingularExample<T extends Number> {
- public SingularExampleBuilder<T> occupations(final java.util.Collection<? extends String> occupations) {
+ public SingularExampleBuilder<T> occupations(java.util.Collection<? extends String> occupations) {
if (this.occupations == null) {
this.occupations = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public class SingularExample<T extends Number> {
return this;
- public SingularExampleBuilder<T> axis(final String axis) {
+ public SingularExampleBuilder<T> axis(String axis) {
if (this.axes == null) {
this.axes = com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.builder();
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class SingularExample<T extends Number> {
return this;
- public SingularExampleBuilder<T> axes(final java.lang.Iterable<? extends String> axes) {
+ public SingularExampleBuilder<T> axes(java.lang.Iterable<? extends String> axes) {
if (this.axes == null) {
this.axes = com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.builder();
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class SingularExample<T extends Number> {
return this;
- public SingularExampleBuilder<T> elf(final Integer elfKey, final T elfValue) {
+ public SingularExampleBuilder<T> elf(Integer elfKey, T elfValue) {
if (this.elves$key == null) {
this.elves$key = new java.util.ArrayList<Integer>();
this.elves$value = new java.util.ArrayList<T>();
@@ -74,20 +74,20 @@ public class SingularExample<T extends Number> {
return this;
- public SingularExampleBuilder<T> elves(final java.util.Map<? extends Integer, ? extends T> elves) {
+ public SingularExampleBuilder<T> elves(java.util.Map<? extends Integer, ? extends T> elves) {
if (this.elves$key == null) {
this.elves$key = new java.util.ArrayList<Integer>();
this.elves$value = new java.util.ArrayList<T>();
- for (final java.util.Map.Entry<? extends Integer, ? extends T> $lombokEntry : elves.entrySet()) {
+ for (java.util.Map.Entry<? extends Integer, ? extends T> $lombokEntry : elves.entrySet()) {
return this;
- public SingularExampleBuilder<T> minutia(final java.lang.Object minutia) {
+ public SingularExampleBuilder<T> minutia(java.lang.Object minutia) {
if (this.minutiae == null) {
this.minutiae = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Object>();
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class SingularExample<T extends Number> {
return this;
- public SingularExampleBuilder<T> minutiae(final java.util.Collection<?> minutiae) {
+ public SingularExampleBuilder<T> minutiae(java.util.Collection<?> minutiae) {
if (this.minutiae == null) {
this.minutiae = new java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Object>();
diff --git a/website/features/Builder.html b/website/features/Builder.html
index 5cf7c23e..b4731b07 100644
--- a/website/features/Builder.html
+++ b/website/features/Builder.html
@@ -83,12 +83,11 @@
are very complicated in order to guarantee the following properties:
<li>When invoking <code>build()</code>, the produced collection will be immutable.</li>
- <li>Repeatedly invoking <code>build()</code> works fine and does not corrupt any of the collections already generated.</li>
- <li>Calling one of the 'adder' methods after invoking <code>build()</code> does not modify any already generated objects, and, if <code>build()</code> is later called again,
+ <li>Calling one of the 'adder' methods after invoking <code>build()</code> does not modify any already generated objects, and, if <code>build()</code> is later called again, another collection with all the elements added since the creation of the builder is generated.</li>
<li>The produced collection will be compacted to the smallest feasible format while remaining efficient.</li>
- <code>@Singular</code> can only be applied to collection types for which lombok has a recipe to produce the singular methods. Currently, the supported types are:
+ <code>@Singular</code> can only be applied to collection types known to lombok. Currently, the supported types are:
<li><a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/package-summary.html"><code>java.util</code></a>:<ul>
<li><code>Iterable</code>, <code>Collection</code>, and <code>List</code> (backed by a compacted unmodifiable <code>ArrayList</code> in the general case).</li>
@@ -98,17 +97,14 @@
<li><a href="https://github.com/google/guava">Guava</a>'s <code>com.google.common.collect</code>:<ul>
<li><code>ImmutableCollection</code> and <code>ImmutableList</code> (backed by the builder feature of <code>ImmutableList</code>).</li>
<li><code>ImmutableSet</code> and <code>ImmutableSortedSet</code> (backed by the builder feature of those types).</li>
- <li><code>ImmutableMap</code>, <code>ImmutableBiMap</code>, and ImmutableSortedMap</code> (backed by the builder feature of those types).</li>
+ <li><code>ImmutableMap</code>, <code>ImmutableBiMap</code>, and <code>ImmutableSortedMap</code> (backed by the builder feature of those types).</li>
- If your identifiers are written in common english, lombok assumes that any collection with <code>@Singular</code> on it is an english plural and will attempt to automatically
- singularize it. If this is possible, the add-one method will use this name. For example, if your collection is called <code>statuses</code>, then the add-one method will automatically
- be called <code>status</code>. If lombok cannot singularize your identifier, or it is ambiguous, lombok will generate an error and force you to explicitly specify the singular name.
- To do this, just pass the singular name as string, like so: <code>@Singular("axis") List&lt;Line&gt; axes;</code>.
- </p><p>
- When using the <code>java.util</code> interfaces, lombok always uses <code>ArrayList</code> to store items added to the builder, because this is more efficient than adding them to a map or
- set immediately, as lombok needs to compact and potentially duplicate the result.
+ If your identifiers are written in common english, lombok assumes that the name of any collection with <code>@Singular</code> on it is an english plural and will attempt to automatically
+ singularize that name. If this is possible, the add-one method will use this name. For example, if your collection is called <code>statuses</code>, then the add-one method will automatically
+ be called <code>status</code>. You can also specify the singular form of your identifier explictly by passing the singular form as argument to the annotation like so: <code>@Singular("axis") List&lt;Line&gt; axes;</code>.<br />
+ If lombok cannot singularize your identifier, or it is ambiguous, lombok will generate an error and force you to explicitly specify the singular name.
The snippet below does not show what lombok generates for a <code>@Singular</code> field/parameter because it is rather complicated.
You can view a snippet <a href="Singular-snippet.html">here</a>.
@@ -132,9 +128,9 @@
<dt><code>lombok.builder.flagUsage</code> = [<code>warning</code> | <code>error</code>] (default: not set)</dt>
<dd>Lombok will flag any usage of <code>@Builder</code> as a warning or error if configured.</dd>
<dt><code>lombok.singular.useGuava</code> = [<code>true</code> | <code>false</code>] (default: false)</dt>
- <dd>If <code>true</code>, lombok will use guava's <code>ImmutableX</code> builders and types to implement <code>java.util</code> collection interfaces, instead of creating
- implementations based on <code>Collections.unmodifiableX</code>. You must ensure that guava is actually available on the classpath and buildpath if you use this setting.
- Guava is used automatically if your field/parameter has one of the guava <code>ImmutableX</code> types.
+ <dd>If <code>true</code>, lombok will use guava's <code>ImmutableXxx</code> builders and types to implement <code>java.util</code> collection interfaces, instead of creating
+ implementations based on <code>Collections.unmodifiableXxx</code>. You must ensure that guava is actually available on the classpath and buildpath if you use this setting.
+ Guava is used automatically if your field/parameter has one of the guava <code>ImmutableXxx</code> types.
<dt><code>lombok.singular.auto</code> = [<code>true</code> | <code>false</code>] (default: true)</dt>
<dd>If <code>true</code> (which is the default), lombok automatically tries to singularize your identifier name by assuming that it is a common english plural.
If <code>false</code>, you must always explicitly specify the singular name, and lombok will generate an error if you don't (useful if you write your code in a language other than english).
@@ -146,9 +142,11 @@
@Singular support for <code>java.util.NavigableMap/Set</code> only works if you are compiling with JDK1.8 or higher.
You cannot manually provide some or all parts of a <code>@Singular</code> node; the code lombok generates is too complex for this. If you want to
- manually control (part of) the builder nodes associated with some field or parameter, don't use @Singular and add everything you need manually.
+ manually control (part of) the builder code associated with some field or parameter, don't use <code>@Singular</code> and add everything you need manually.
The sorted collections (java.util: <code>SortedSet</code>, <code>NavigableSet</code>, <code>SortedMap</code>, <code>NavigableMap</code> and guava: <code>ImmutableSortedSet</code>, <code>ImmutableSortedMap</code>) require that the type argument of the collection has natural order (implements <code>java.util.Comparable</code>). There is no way to pass an explicit <code>Comparator</code> to use in the builder.
+ </p><p>
+ An <code>ArrayList</code> is used to store added elements as call methods of a <code>@Singular</code> marked field, if the target collection is from the <code>java.util</code> package, <em>even if the collection is a set or map</em>. Because lombok ensures that generated collections are compacted, a new backing instance of a set or map must be constructed anyway, and storing the data as an <code>ArrayList</code> during the build process is more efficient that storing it as a map or set. This behaviour is not externally visible, an an implementation detail of the current implementation of the <code>java.util</code> recipes for <code>@Singular @Builder</code>.