path: root/buildScripts/info.ant.xml
diff options
authorReinier Zwitserloot <r.zwitserloot@projectlombok.org>2023-02-03 03:54:46 +0100
committerReinier Zwitserloot <r.zwitserloot@projectlombok.org>2023-02-03 03:54:46 +0100
commit566dfe73ca11ed60e1a5b545872cefc4f0c8f976 (patch)
tree12473955f506b6d80a28d68e132a586aa1e98d5a /buildScripts/info.ant.xml
parentdbb7ea00b803b619697d372435d38631c41c686e (diff)
[build] final touches on updating deployment to new cloudflare host
Diffstat (limited to 'buildScripts/info.ant.xml')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/buildScripts/info.ant.xml b/buildScripts/info.ant.xml
index fe6e0ee3..e975ce4d 100644
--- a/buildScripts/info.ant.xml
+++ b/buildScripts/info.ant.xml
@@ -250,13 +250,16 @@ Turns the changelog at doc/changelog.markdown into
&gt; ant website.build
- &gt; ant website.pack
+ &gt; ant website.release-build
&gt; ant website.publish
+ &gt; ant website.release-publish
-'build' Builds the website (by for example applying freemarker templates) into
-'pack' bzips this up, ready to ship to the server.
-'publish' sends this to the server and runs a script to deploy.
+'build' Builds the website into build/website, _without_ reflecting a new release; this is
+ just in case you e.g. edited some documentation.
+'publish' deploys this to the server.
+'release-build' builds the website _with_ reflecting a new release, updating all-versions,
+ the download page, updating the javadoc, etc.
+'release-ppublic' deploys this to the server.
&gt; ant website.open
@@ -269,14 +272,9 @@ Makes a changelog variant that lists only the newest changes; it is included
in the distribution for convenience.
&gt; ant javadoc.build
- &gt; ant javadoc.pack
- &gt; ant javadoc.publish
'build' Builds the javadoc into build/api.
-'pack' bzips this up, ready to ship to the server.
-'publish' sends this to the server and runs a script to deploy.
- &gt; ant edge.pack
&gt; ant edge.publish
'pack' creates a bzip with all relevant files needed to deploy a new edge
@@ -285,8 +283,7 @@ maven repo update so that the edge release can be fetched as a maven dep,
and an update to the download-edge page listing the latest changes included
in the edge release.
-'publish' sends this to the server, runs a script server-side to deploy the
-content, and updates a git tag on success.</echo>
+'publish' sends the edge release to projectlombok.org directly.</echo>
<target name="help.p2">