path: root/src/core/lombok
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authorReinier Zwitserloot <r.zwitserloot@projectlombok.org>2021-04-16 06:40:35 +0200
committerReinier Zwitserloot <r.zwitserloot@projectlombok.org>2021-04-16 06:40:35 +0200
commit415e303ac283df8d694b311f4f8df08f6e79cf0e (patch)
tree99c4e502fdb90db2e8e1e27ebf855b236ac41b59 /src/core/lombok
parent2e212de523407c8d9f4471fea573c6c70164513b (diff)
[pr 2702] finishing the `@StandardException` feature.
* rewritten how it works a bit: Now compatible with parent exceptions that don't have the Throwable variants. * rewritten how it works a bit: You can now provide the full constructor only; the rest will forward to it. * fixing up style. * rewrite the docs.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/lombok')
3 files changed, 242 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleStandardException.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleStandardException.java
index e7f25edb..1a2542f4 100755
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleStandardException.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleStandardException.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 The Project Lombok Authors.
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 The Project Lombok Authors.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -26,129 +26,138 @@ import lombok.ConfigurationKeys;
import lombok.experimental.StandardException;
import lombok.core.AST.Kind;
import lombok.core.AnnotationValues;
-import lombok.eclipse.Eclipse;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseAnnotationHandler;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseNode;
import lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.*;
import lombok.spi.Provides;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeConstants;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;
import static lombok.core.handlers.HandlerUtil.handleFlagUsage;
import static lombok.eclipse.Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG;
-import static lombok.eclipse.Eclipse.pos;
import static lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.*;
public class HandleStandardException extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<StandardException> {
- private static final String NAME = StandardException.class.getSimpleName();
public void handle(AnnotationValues<StandardException> annotation, Annotation ast, EclipseNode annotationNode) {
handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.STANDARD_EXCEPTION_FLAG_USAGE, "@StandardException");
EclipseNode typeNode = annotationNode.up();
- if (!checkLegality(typeNode, annotationNode)) return;
- SuperParameter message = new SuperParameter("message", new SingleTypeReference("String".toCharArray(), pos(typeNode.get())));
- SuperParameter cause = new SuperParameter("cause", new SingleTypeReference("Throwable".toCharArray(), pos(typeNode.get())));
- boolean skip = true;
- generateConstructor(
- typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, Collections.<SuperParameter>emptyList(), skip, annotationNode);
- generateConstructor(
- typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, Collections.singletonList(message), skip, annotationNode);
- generateConstructor(
- typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, Collections.singletonList(cause), skip, annotationNode);
- generateConstructor(
- typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, Arrays.asList(message, cause), skip, annotationNode);
- }
- private static boolean checkLegality(EclipseNode typeNode, EclipseNode errorNode) {
- TypeDeclaration typeDecl = null;
- if (typeNode.get() instanceof TypeDeclaration) typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) typeNode.get();
- int modifiers = typeDecl == null ? 0 : typeDecl.modifiers;
- boolean notAClass = (modifiers & (ClassFileConstants.AccInterface | ClassFileConstants.AccAnnotation)) != 0;
- if (typeDecl == null || notAClass) {
- errorNode.addError(HandleStandardException.NAME + " is only supported on a class or an enum.");
- return false;
+ if (!isClass(typeNode)) {
+ annotationNode.addError("@StandardException is only supported on a class.");
+ return;
- return true;
+ AccessLevel access = annotation.getInstance().access();
+ generateNoArgsConstructor(typeNode, access, annotationNode);
+ generateMsgOnlyConstructor(typeNode, access, annotationNode);
+ generateCauseOnlyConstructor(typeNode, access, annotationNode);
+ generateFullConstructor(typeNode, access, annotationNode);
- public void generateConstructor(
- EclipseNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, List<SuperParameter> parameters, boolean skipIfConstructorExists,
- EclipseNode sourceNode) {
+ private void generateNoArgsConstructor(EclipseNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, EclipseNode source) {
+ if (hasConstructor(typeNode) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) return;
+ int pS = source.get().sourceStart, pE = source.get().sourceEnd;
- generate(typeNode, level, parameters, skipIfConstructorExists, sourceNode);
+ ExplicitConstructorCall explicitCall = new ExplicitConstructorCall(ExplicitConstructorCall.This);
+ explicitCall.arguments = new Expression[] {new NullLiteral(pS, pE), new NullLiteral(pS, pE)};
+ ConstructorDeclaration constructor = createConstructor(level, typeNode, false, false, source, explicitCall, null);
+ injectMethod(typeNode, constructor);
- public void generate(
- EclipseNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, List<SuperParameter> parameters, boolean skipIfConstructorExists,
- EclipseNode sourceNode) {
- if (!(skipIfConstructorExists
- && constructorExists(typeNode, parameters) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS)) {
- ConstructorDeclaration constr = createConstructor(level, typeNode, parameters, sourceNode);
- injectMethod(typeNode, constr);
- }
+ private void generateMsgOnlyConstructor(EclipseNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, EclipseNode source) {
+ if (hasConstructor(typeNode, String.class) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) return;
+ int pS = source.get().sourceStart, pE = source.get().sourceEnd;
+ long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
+ ExplicitConstructorCall explicitCall = new ExplicitConstructorCall(ExplicitConstructorCall.This);
+ explicitCall.arguments = new Expression[] {new SingleNameReference(MESSAGE, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE)};
+ ConstructorDeclaration constructor = createConstructor(level, typeNode, true, false, source, explicitCall, null);
+ injectMethod(typeNode, constructor);
+ private void generateCauseOnlyConstructor(EclipseNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, EclipseNode source) {
+ if (hasConstructor(typeNode, Throwable.class) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) return;
+ int pS = source.get().sourceStart, pE = source.get().sourceEnd;
+ long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
+ ExplicitConstructorCall explicitCall = new ExplicitConstructorCall(ExplicitConstructorCall.This);
+ Expression causeNotNull = new EqualExpression(new SingleNameReference(CAUSE, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL);
+ MessageSend causeDotGetMessage = new MessageSend();
+ causeDotGetMessage.sourceStart = pS; causeDotGetMessage.sourceEnd = pE;
+ causeDotGetMessage.receiver = new SingleNameReference(CAUSE, p);
+ causeDotGetMessage.selector = GET_MESSAGE;
+ Expression messageExpr = new ConditionalExpression(causeNotNull, causeDotGetMessage, new NullLiteral(pS, pE));
+ explicitCall.arguments = new Expression[] {messageExpr, new SingleNameReference(CAUSE, p)};
+ ConstructorDeclaration constructor = createConstructor(level, typeNode, false, true, source, explicitCall, null);
+ injectMethod(typeNode, constructor);
+ }
+ private void generateFullConstructor(EclipseNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, EclipseNode source) {
+ if (hasConstructor(typeNode, String.class, Throwable.class) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) return;
+ int pS = source.get().sourceStart, pE = source.get().sourceEnd;
+ long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
+ ExplicitConstructorCall explicitCall = new ExplicitConstructorCall(ExplicitConstructorCall.Super);
+ explicitCall.arguments = new Expression[] {new SingleNameReference(MESSAGE, p)};
+ Expression causeNotNull = new EqualExpression(new SingleNameReference(CAUSE, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL);
+ MessageSend causeDotInitCause = new MessageSend();
+ causeDotInitCause.sourceStart = pS; causeDotInitCause.sourceEnd = pE;
+ causeDotInitCause.receiver = new SuperReference(pS, pE);
+ causeDotInitCause.selector = INIT_CAUSE;
+ causeDotInitCause.arguments = new Expression[] {new SingleNameReference(CAUSE, p)};
+ IfStatement ifs = new IfStatement(causeNotNull, causeDotInitCause, pS, pE);
+ ConstructorDeclaration constructor = createConstructor(level, typeNode, true, true, source, explicitCall, ifs);
+ injectMethod(typeNode, constructor);
+ }
* Checks if a constructor with the provided parameters exists under the type node.
- public static MemberExistsResult constructorExists(EclipseNode node, List<SuperParameter> parameters) {
+ public static MemberExistsResult hasConstructor(EclipseNode node, Class<?>... paramTypes) {
node = upToTypeNode(node);
- SuperParameter[] parameterArray = parameters.toArray(new SuperParameter[0]);
if (node != null && node.get() instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
- TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration)node.get();
+ TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) node.get();
if (typeDecl.methods != null) for (AbstractMethodDeclaration def : typeDecl.methods) {
if (def instanceof ConstructorDeclaration) {
- if (!paramsMatch(node, def.arguments, parameterArray)) continue;
+ if ((def.bits & ASTNode.IsDefaultConstructor) != 0) continue;
+ if (!paramsMatch(node, def.arguments, paramTypes)) continue;
return getGeneratedBy(def) == null ? MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_USER : MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK;
return MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS;
- private static boolean paramsMatch(EclipseNode node, Argument[] arguments, SuperParameter[] parameters) {
- if (arguments == null) {
- return parameters.length == 0;
- } else if (arguments.length != parameters.length) {
- return false;
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
- String fieldTypeName = Eclipse.toQualifiedName(parameters[i].type.getTypeName());
- String argTypeName = Eclipse.toQualifiedName(arguments[i].type.getTypeName());
- if (!typeNamesMatch(node, fieldTypeName, argTypeName))
- return false;
- }
+ private static boolean paramsMatch(EclipseNode node, Argument[] a, Class<?>[] b) {
+ if (a == null) return b == null || b.length == 0;
+ if (b == null) return a.length == 0;
+ if (a.length != b.length) return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ if (!typeMatches(b[i], node, a[i].type)) return false;
return true;
- private static boolean typeNamesMatch(EclipseNode node, String a, String b) {
- boolean isFqn = node.getImportListAsTypeResolver().typeMatches(node, a, b);
- boolean reverseIsFqn = node.getImportListAsTypeResolver().typeMatches(node, b, a);
- return isFqn || reverseIsFqn;
- }
private static final char[][] JAVA_BEANS_CONSTRUCTORPROPERTIES = new char[][] { "java".toCharArray(), "beans".toCharArray(), "ConstructorProperties".toCharArray() };
- public static Annotation[] createConstructorProperties(ASTNode source, Collection<SuperParameter> fields) {
- if (fields.isEmpty()) return null;
+ private static final char[] MESSAGE = "message".toCharArray(), CAUSE = "cause".toCharArray(), GET_MESSAGE = "getMessage".toCharArray(), INIT_CAUSE = "initCause".toCharArray();
+ public static Annotation[] createConstructorProperties(ASTNode source, boolean msgParam, boolean causeParam) {
+ if (!msgParam && !causeParam) return null;
int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
long[] poss = new long[3];
Arrays.fill(poss, p);
QualifiedTypeReference constructorPropertiesType = new QualifiedTypeReference(JAVA_BEANS_CONSTRUCTORPROPERTIES, poss);
setGeneratedBy(constructorPropertiesType, source);
SingleMemberAnnotation ann = new SingleMemberAnnotation(constructorPropertiesType, pS);
@@ -157,12 +166,16 @@ public class HandleStandardException extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<StandardEx
ArrayInitializer fieldNames = new ArrayInitializer();
fieldNames.sourceStart = pS;
fieldNames.sourceEnd = pE;
- fieldNames.expressions = new Expression[fields.size()];
+ fieldNames.expressions = new Expression[(msgParam && causeParam) ? 2 : 1];
int ctr = 0;
- for (SuperParameter field : fields) {
- char[] fieldName = field.name.toCharArray();
- fieldNames.expressions[ctr] = new StringLiteral(fieldName, pS, pE, 0);
+ if (msgParam) {
+ fieldNames.expressions[ctr] = new StringLiteral(MESSAGE, pS, pE, 0);
+ setGeneratedBy(fieldNames.expressions[ctr], source);
+ ctr++;
+ }
+ if (causeParam) {
+ fieldNames.expressions[ctr] = new StringLiteral(CAUSE, pS, pE, 0);
setGeneratedBy(fieldNames.expressions[ctr], source);
@@ -172,59 +185,55 @@ public class HandleStandardException extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<StandardEx
setGeneratedBy(ann.memberValue, source);
return new Annotation[] { ann };
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static ConstructorDeclaration createConstructor(
- AccessLevel level, EclipseNode type, Collection<SuperParameter> parameters, EclipseNode sourceNode) {
+ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static ConstructorDeclaration createConstructor(AccessLevel level, EclipseNode typeNode, boolean msgParam, boolean causeParam, EclipseNode sourceNode, ExplicitConstructorCall explicitCall, Statement extra) {
ASTNode source = sourceNode.get();
- TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = ((TypeDeclaration) type.get());
- boolean isEnum = (((TypeDeclaration) type.get()).modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccEnum) != 0;
- if (isEnum) level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE;
+ TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = ((TypeDeclaration) typeNode.get());
+ int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
+ long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
boolean addConstructorProperties;
- if (parameters.isEmpty()) {
+ if ((!msgParam && !causeParam) || isLocalType(typeNode)) {
addConstructorProperties = false;
} else {
- Boolean v = type.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_ADD_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES);
+ Boolean v = typeNode.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_ADD_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES);
addConstructorProperties = v != null ? v.booleanValue() :
- Boolean.FALSE.equals(type.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPPRESS_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES));
+ Boolean.FALSE.equals(typeNode.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPPRESS_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES));
- ConstructorDeclaration constructor = new ConstructorDeclaration(((CompilationUnitDeclaration) type.top().get()).compilationResult);
+ ConstructorDeclaration constructor = new ConstructorDeclaration(((CompilationUnitDeclaration) typeNode.top().get()).compilationResult);
constructor.modifiers = toEclipseModifier(level);
constructor.selector = typeDeclaration.name;
constructor.thrownExceptions = null;
constructor.typeParameters = null;
constructor.bits |= ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG;
- constructor.bodyStart = constructor.declarationSourceStart = constructor.sourceStart = source.sourceStart;
- constructor.bodyEnd = constructor.declarationSourceEnd = constructor.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
+ constructor.bodyStart = constructor.declarationSourceStart = constructor.sourceStart = pS;
+ constructor.bodyEnd = constructor.declarationSourceEnd = constructor.sourceEnd = pE;
constructor.arguments = null;
List<Argument> params = new ArrayList<Argument>();
- List<Expression> superArgs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
- for (SuperParameter fieldNode : parameters) {
- char[] fieldName = fieldNode.name.toCharArray();
- long fieldPos = (((long) type.get().sourceStart) << 32) | type.get().sourceEnd;
- Argument parameter = new Argument(fieldName, fieldPos, copyType(fieldNode.type, source), Modifier.FINAL);
+ if (msgParam) {
+ TypeReference typeRef = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_STRING, new long[] {p, p, p});
+ Argument parameter = new Argument(MESSAGE, p, typeRef, Modifier.FINAL);
- superArgs.add(new SingleNameReference(fieldName, 0));
- // Super constructor call
- constructor.constructorCall = new ExplicitConstructorCall(ExplicitConstructorCall.Super);
- constructor.constructorCall.arguments = superArgs.toArray(new Expression[0]);
- constructor.constructorCall.sourceStart = source.sourceStart;
- constructor.constructorCall.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
+ if (causeParam) {
+ TypeReference typeRef = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_THROWABLE, new long[] {p, p, p});
+ Argument parameter = new Argument(CAUSE, p, typeRef, Modifier.FINAL);
+ params.add(parameter);
+ }
+ explicitCall.sourceStart = pS;
+ explicitCall.sourceEnd = pE;
+ constructor.constructorCall = explicitCall;
+ constructor.statements = extra != null ? new Statement[] {extra} : null;
constructor.arguments = params.isEmpty() ? null : params.toArray(new Argument[0]);
Annotation[] constructorProperties = null;
- if (addConstructorProperties && !isLocalType(type)) constructorProperties = createConstructorProperties(source, parameters);
- constructor.annotations = copyAnnotations(source,
- constructorProperties);
+ if (addConstructorProperties) constructorProperties = createConstructorProperties(source, msgParam, causeParam);
+ constructor.annotations = copyAnnotations(source, constructorProperties);
constructor.traverse(new SetGeneratedByVisitor(source), typeDeclaration.scope);
return constructor;
@@ -235,14 +244,4 @@ public class HandleStandardException extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<StandardEx
if (kind == Kind.TYPE) return isLocalType(type.up());
return true;
- private static class SuperParameter {
- private final String name;
- private final TypeReference type;
- private SuperParameter(String name, TypeReference type) {
- this.name = name;
- this.type = type;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/experimental/StandardException.java b/src/core/lombok/experimental/StandardException.java
index 9f8a4e65..b04ac2ee 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/experimental/StandardException.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/experimental/StandardException.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 The Project Lombok Authors.
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 The Project Lombok Authors.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -26,9 +26,25 @@ import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
+import lombok.AccessLevel;
+ * Put on any class that extends some {@code java.lang.Throwable} type to add the 4 common exception constructors.
+ *
+ * Specifically, all 4 constructors derived from the combinatorial explosion of {@code String message} and {@code Throwable cause}.
+ * You may write any or all of these 4 constructors by hand; lombok will only generate the missing ones.
+ * <p>
+ * All but the full {@code (String message, Throwable cause)} constructor are implemented as a {@code this(msg, cause)} call; it is therefore
+ * possibly to write code to run on construction by writing just the {@code (String message, Throwable cause)} constructor.
public @interface StandardException {
+ /**
+ * Sets the access level of the generated constuctors. By default, generated constructors are {@code public}.
+ * Note: This does nothing if you write your own constructors (we won't change their access levels).
+ *
+ * @return The constructors will be generated with this access modifier.
+ */
+ AccessLevel access() default lombok.AccessLevel.PUBLIC;
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleStandardException.java b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleStandardException.java
index 598f1aa7..39913a90 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleStandardException.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleStandardException.java
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 The Project Lombok Authors.
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 The Project Lombok Authors.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -42,174 +42,171 @@ import lombok.javac.handlers.JavacHandlerUtil.*;
import lombok.spi.Provides;
import static lombok.core.handlers.HandlerUtil.handleFlagUsage;
-import static lombok.javac.Javac.CTC_VOID;
+import static lombok.javac.Javac.*;
import static lombok.javac.handlers.JavacHandlerUtil.*;
public class HandleStandardException extends JavacAnnotationHandler<StandardException> {
- private static final String NAME = StandardException.class.getSimpleName();
public void handle(AnnotationValues<StandardException> annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) {
handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.STANDARD_EXCEPTION_FLAG_USAGE, "@StandardException");
deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(annotationNode, StandardException.class);
+ deleteImportFromCompilationUnit(annotationNode, "lombok.AccessLevel");
JavacNode typeNode = annotationNode.up();
- if (!checkLegality(typeNode, annotationNode)) return;
- SuperParameter messageField = new SuperParameter("message", typeNode.getSymbolTable().stringType);
- SuperParameter causeField = new SuperParameter("cause", typeNode.getSymbolTable().throwableType);
- boolean skip = true;
- generateConstructor(typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, List.<SuperParameter>nil(), skip, annotationNode);
- generateConstructor(typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, List.of(messageField), skip, annotationNode);
- generateConstructor(typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, List.of(causeField), skip, annotationNode);
- generateConstructor(typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, List.of(messageField, causeField), skip, annotationNode);
- }
- private static boolean checkLegality(JavacNode typeNode, JavacNode errorNode) {
- JCClassDecl typeDecl = null;
- if (typeNode.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) typeDecl = (JCClassDecl) typeNode.get();
- long modifiers = typeDecl == null ? 0 : typeDecl.mods.flags;
- boolean notAClass = (modifiers & (Flags.INTERFACE | Flags.ANNOTATION)) != 0;
- if (typeDecl == null || notAClass) {
- errorNode.addError(NAME + " is only supported on a class or an enum.");
- return false;
+ if (!isClass(typeNode)) {
+ annotationNode.addError("@StandardException is only supported on a class.");
+ return;
- return true;
+ AccessLevel access = annotation.getInstance().access();
+ if (access == null) access = AccessLevel.PUBLIC;
+ if (access == AccessLevel.NONE) {
+ annotationNode.addError("AccessLevel.NONE is not valid here");
+ access = AccessLevel.PUBLIC;
+ }
+ generateNoArgsConstructor(typeNode, access, annotationNode);
+ generateMsgOnlyConstructor(typeNode, access, annotationNode);
+ generateCauseOnlyConstructor(typeNode, access, annotationNode);
+ generateFullConstructor(typeNode, access, annotationNode);
- public void generateConstructor(JavacNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, List<SuperParameter> fields,
- boolean skipIfConstructorExists, JavacNode source) {
- generate(typeNode, level, fields, skipIfConstructorExists, source);
+ private void generateNoArgsConstructor(JavacNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, JavacNode source) {
+ if (hasConstructor(typeNode) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) return;
+ JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker();
+ List<JCExpression> args = List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null), maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null));
+ JCStatement thisCall = maker.Exec(maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Ident(typeNode.toName("this")), args));
+ JCMethodDecl constr = createConstructor(level, typeNode, false, false, source, List.of(thisCall));
+ injectMethod(typeNode, constr, List.<Type>nil(), Javac.createVoidType(typeNode.getSymbolTable(), CTC_VOID));
- private void generate(JavacNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, List<SuperParameter> fields, boolean skipIfConstructorExists,
- JavacNode source) {
- ListBuffer<Type> argTypes = new ListBuffer<Type>();
- for (SuperParameter field : fields) {
- Type mirror = field.type;
- if (mirror == null) {
- argTypes = null;
- break;
- }
- argTypes.append(mirror);
- }
- List<Type> argTypes_ = argTypes == null ? null : argTypes.toList();
- if (!(skipIfConstructorExists && constructorExists(typeNode, fields) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS)) {
- JCMethodDecl constr = createConstructor(level, typeNode, fields, source);
- injectMethod(typeNode, constr, argTypes_, Javac.createVoidType(typeNode.getSymbolTable(), CTC_VOID));
- }
+ private void generateMsgOnlyConstructor(JavacNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, JavacNode source) {
+ if (hasConstructor(typeNode, String.class) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) return;
+ JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker();
+ List<JCExpression> args = List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Ident(typeNode.toName("message")), maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null));
+ JCStatement thisCall = maker.Exec(maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Ident(typeNode.toName("this")), args));
+ JCMethodDecl constr = createConstructor(level, typeNode, true, false, source, List.of(thisCall));
+ injectMethod(typeNode, constr, List.<Type>of(typeNode.getSymbolTable().stringType), Javac.createVoidType(typeNode.getSymbolTable(), CTC_VOID));
- public static MemberExistsResult constructorExists(JavacNode node, List<SuperParameter> parameters) {
+ private void generateCauseOnlyConstructor(JavacNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, JavacNode source) {
+ if (hasConstructor(typeNode, Throwable.class) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) return;
+ JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker();
+ Name causeName = typeNode.toName("cause");
+ JCExpression causeDotGetMessage = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Select(maker.Ident(causeName), typeNode.toName("getMessage")), List.<JCExpression>nil());
+ JCExpression msgExpression = maker.Conditional(maker.Binary(CTC_NOT_EQUAL, maker.Ident(causeName), maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null)), causeDotGetMessage, maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null));
+ List<JCExpression> args = List.<JCExpression>of(msgExpression, maker.Ident(causeName));
+ JCStatement thisCall = maker.Exec(maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Ident(typeNode.toName("this")), args));
+ JCMethodDecl constr = createConstructor(level, typeNode, false, true, source, List.of(thisCall));
+ injectMethod(typeNode, constr, List.<Type>of(typeNode.getSymbolTable().throwableType), Javac.createVoidType(typeNode.getSymbolTable(), CTC_VOID));
+ }
+ private void generateFullConstructor(JavacNode typeNode, AccessLevel level, JavacNode source) {
+ if (hasConstructor(typeNode, String.class, Throwable.class) != MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) return;
+ JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker();
+ Name causeName = typeNode.toName("cause");
+ Name superName = typeNode.toName("super");
+ List<JCExpression> args = List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Ident(typeNode.toName("message")));
+ JCStatement superCall = maker.Exec(maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Ident(superName), args));
+ JCExpression causeNotNull = maker.Binary(CTC_NOT_EQUAL, maker.Ident(causeName), maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null));
+ JCStatement initCauseCall = maker.Exec(maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Select(maker.Ident(superName), typeNode.toName("initCause")), List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Ident(causeName))));
+ JCStatement initCause = maker.If(causeNotNull, initCauseCall, null);
+ JCMethodDecl constr = createConstructor(level, typeNode, true, true, source, List.of(superCall, initCause));
+ injectMethod(typeNode, constr, List.<Type>of(typeNode.getSymbolTable().stringType, typeNode.getSymbolTable().throwableType), Javac.createVoidType(typeNode.getSymbolTable(), CTC_VOID));
+ }
+ private static MemberExistsResult hasConstructor(JavacNode node, Class<?>... paramTypes) {
node = upToTypeNode(node);
if (node != null && node.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) {
for (JCTree def : ((JCClassDecl) node.get()).defs) {
if (def instanceof JCMethodDecl) {
JCMethodDecl md = (JCMethodDecl) def;
if (md.name.contentEquals("<init>") && (md.mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) == 0) {
- if (!paramsMatch(md.params, parameters)) continue;
+ if (!paramsMatch(node, md.params, paramTypes)) continue;
return getGeneratedBy(def) == null ? MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_USER : MemberExistsResult.EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK;
return MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS;
- private static boolean paramsMatch(List<JCVariableDecl> params, List<SuperParameter> superParams) {
- if (params == null) {
- return superParams.size() == 0;
- } else if (params.size() != superParams.size()) {
- return false;
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < superParams.size(); i++) {
- SuperParameter field = superParams.get(i);
- JCVariableDecl param = params.get(i);
- if (!param.getType().type.equals(field.type))
- return false;
- }
+ private static boolean paramsMatch(JavacNode node, List<JCVariableDecl> a, Class<?>[] b) {
+ if (a == null) return b == null || b.length == 0;
+ if (b == null) return a.size() == 0;
+ if (a.size() != b.length) return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
+ JCVariableDecl param = a.get(i);
+ Class<?> c = b[i];
+ if (!typeMatches(c, node, param.vartype)) return false;
return true;
- public static void addConstructorProperties(JCModifiers mods, JavacNode node, List<SuperParameter> fields) {
- if (fields.isEmpty()) return;
+ private static void addConstructorProperties(JCModifiers mods, JavacNode node, boolean msgParam, boolean causeParam) {
+ if (!msgParam && !causeParam) return;
JavacTreeMaker maker = node.getTreeMaker();
JCExpression constructorPropertiesType = chainDots(node, "java", "beans", "ConstructorProperties");
ListBuffer<JCExpression> fieldNames = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
- for (SuperParameter field : fields) {
- Name fieldName = node.toName(field.name);
- fieldNames.append(maker.Literal(fieldName.toString()));
- }
+ if (msgParam) fieldNames.append(maker.Literal("message"));
+ if (causeParam) fieldNames.append(maker.Literal("cause"));
JCExpression fieldNamesArray = maker.NewArray(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), fieldNames.toList());
JCAnnotation annotation = maker.Annotation(constructorPropertiesType, List.of(fieldNamesArray));
mods.annotations = mods.annotations.append(annotation);
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static JCMethodDecl createConstructor(AccessLevel level, JavacNode typeNode,
- List<SuperParameter> fieldsToParam, JavacNode source) {
+ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static JCMethodDecl createConstructor(AccessLevel level, JavacNode typeNode, boolean msgParam, boolean causeParam, JavacNode source, List<JCStatement> statements) {
JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker();
- boolean isEnum = (((JCClassDecl) typeNode.get()).mods.flags & Flags.ENUM) != 0;
- if (isEnum) level = AccessLevel.PRIVATE;
boolean addConstructorProperties;
- if (fieldsToParam.isEmpty()) {
+ if ((!msgParam && !causeParam) || isLocalType(typeNode) || !LombokOptionsFactory.getDelombokOptions(typeNode.getContext()).getFormatPreferences().generateConstructorProperties()) {
addConstructorProperties = false;
} else {
Boolean v = typeNode.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_ADD_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES);
addConstructorProperties = v != null ? v.booleanValue() :
ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl> params = new ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl>();
- ListBuffer<JCExpression> superArgs = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
- for (SuperParameter fieldNode : fieldsToParam) {
- Name fieldName = source.toName(fieldNode.name);
+ if (msgParam) {
+ Name fieldName = typeNode.toName("message");
long flags = JavacHandlerUtil.addFinalIfNeeded(Flags.PARAMETER, typeNode.getContext());
- JCExpression pType = maker.getUnderlyingTreeMaker().Ident(fieldNode.type.tsym);
+ JCExpression pType = genJavaLangTypeRef(typeNode, "String");
JCVariableDecl param = maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(flags), fieldName, pType, null);
- superArgs.append(maker.Ident(fieldName));
- ListBuffer<JCStatement> statements = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
- JCMethodInvocation callToSuper = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(),
- maker.Ident(typeNode.toName("super")),
- superArgs.toList());
- statements.add(maker.Exec(callToSuper));
- JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(toJavacModifier(level), List.<JCAnnotation>nil());
- if (addConstructorProperties && !isLocalType(typeNode) && LombokOptionsFactory.getDelombokOptions(typeNode.getContext()).getFormatPreferences().generateConstructorProperties()) {
- addConstructorProperties(mods, typeNode, fieldsToParam);
+ if (causeParam) {
+ Name fieldName = typeNode.toName("cause");
+ long flags = JavacHandlerUtil.addFinalIfNeeded(Flags.PARAMETER, typeNode.getContext());
+ JCExpression pType = genJavaLangTypeRef(typeNode, "Throwable");
+ JCVariableDecl param = maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(flags), fieldName, pType, null);
+ params.append(param);
+ JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(toJavacModifier(level), List.<JCAnnotation>nil());
+ if (addConstructorProperties) addConstructorProperties(mods, typeNode, msgParam, causeParam);
return recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.MethodDef(mods, typeNode.toName("<init>"),
null, List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(), params.toList(), List.<JCExpression>nil(),
- maker.Block(0L, statements.toList()), null), source);
+ maker.Block(0L, statements), null), source);
public static boolean isLocalType(JavacNode type) {
Kind kind = type.up().getKind();
if (kind == Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT) return false;
if (kind == Kind.TYPE) return isLocalType(type.up());
return true;
- private static class SuperParameter {
- private final String name;
- private final Type type;
- private SuperParameter(String name, Type type) {
- this.name = name;
- this.type = type;
- }
- }