path: root/src/core
diff options
authorRoel Spilker <r.spilker@gmail.com>2014-08-21 00:54:21 +0200
committerRoel Spilker <r.spilker@gmail.com>2014-08-21 00:54:21 +0200
commit836c6e865e1a41ee98e271b6ed24a62a16a4f682 (patch)
treebcdc861bafb0751af4e41abdbd046d7793514279 /src/core
parent5e6cdb07ef1a89f8047904fd2e00f574bc7ca1bf (diff)
[config] added histogram tracker option (-Dlombok.timeConfig) and disable-entirely option (-Dlombok.disableConfig) to debug continuing speed issues with the config system, for an edge release.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core')
4 files changed, 147 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/core/AST.java b/src/core/lombok/core/AST.java
index 18bae175..7bddbada 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/core/AST.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/core/AST.java
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import lombok.core.configuration.ConfigurationKey;
+import lombok.core.debug.HistogramTracker;
* Lombok wraps the AST produced by a target platform into its own AST system, mostly because both Eclipse and javac
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ public abstract class AST<A extends AST<A, L, N>, L extends LombokNode<A, L, N>,
Map<N, N> identityDetector = new IdentityHashMap<N, N>();
private Map<N, L> nodeMap = new IdentityHashMap<N, L>();
private boolean changed = false;
+ private static final HistogramTracker histogramTracker = System.getProperty("lombok.timeConfig") == null ? null : new HistogramTracker("lombok.config");
protected AST(String fileName, String packageDeclaration, ImportList imports) {
this.fileName = fileName == null ? "(unknown).java" : fileName;
@@ -419,6 +421,11 @@ public abstract class AST<A extends AST<A, L, N>, L extends LombokNode<A, L, N>,
public final <T> T readConfiguration(ConfigurationKey<T> key) {
- return LombokConfiguration.read(key, this);
+ long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ try {
+ return LombokConfiguration.read(key, this);
+ } finally {
+ if (histogramTracker != null) histogramTracker.report(start);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/core/LombokConfiguration.java b/src/core/lombok/core/LombokConfiguration.java
index 137a8a83..c53da35f 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/core/LombokConfiguration.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/core/LombokConfiguration.java
@@ -29,8 +29,27 @@ import lombok.core.configuration.ConfigurationResolverFactory;
import lombok.core.configuration.FileSystemSourceCache;
public class LombokConfiguration {
+ private static final ConfigurationResolver NULL_RESOLVER = new ConfigurationResolver() {
+ @Override public <T> T resolve(ConfigurationKey<T> key) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
private static FileSystemSourceCache cache = new FileSystemSourceCache();
- private static ConfigurationResolverFactory configurationResolverFactory = createFileSystemBubblingResolverFactory();
+ private static ConfigurationResolverFactory configurationResolverFactory;
+ static {
+ if (System.getProperty("lombok.disableConfig") != null) {
+ configurationResolverFactory = new ConfigurationResolverFactory() {
+ @Override public ConfigurationResolver createResolver(AST<?, ?, ?> ast) {
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ configurationResolverFactory = createFileSystemBubblingResolverFactory();
+ }
+ }
private LombokConfiguration() {
// prevent instantiation
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/core/debug/HistogramTracker.java b/src/core/lombok/core/debug/HistogramTracker.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ae8a58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/lombok/core/debug/HistogramTracker.java
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+package lombok.core.debug;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicStampedReference;
+ * Create one of these and call .report() on it a lot to emit histogram data about the times taken by some process.
+ * Currently the results are broken down into 10 buckets, from 0 millis to a quarter of a second, and a report is emitted
+ * to the ProblemReporter every minute. If there are 0 entries for a given minute, it is not reported. Reports aren't
+ * emitted until you call report().
+ */
+public class HistogramTracker {
+ private static final int[] RANGES = {1, 2, 5, 9, 17, 33, 65, 129, 257};
+ private static final long REPORT_TIME = 1000 * 60;
+ private final String category;
+ private final AtomicStampedReference<int[]> bars = new AtomicStampedReference<int[]>(new int[RANGES.length + 2], 0);
+ private final AtomicBoolean addedSysHook = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+ public HistogramTracker(String category) {
+ this.category = category;
+ if (category == null) {
+ ProblemReporter.info("Initialized histogram", null);
+ } else {
+ ProblemReporter.info(String.format("Initialized histogram tracker for '%s'", category), null);
+ }
+ }
+ public void report(long start) {
+ if (!addedSysHook.getAndSet(true)) Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("Histogram Printer") {
+ @Override public void run() {
+ int[] currentInterval = {0};
+ int[] b = bars.get(currentInterval);
+ printReport(currentInterval[0], b);
+ }
+ });
+ long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long delta = end - start;
+ int interval = (int) (end / REPORT_TIME);
+ int[] currentInterval = {0};
+ int[] bars = this.bars.get(currentInterval);
+ int[] newBars;
+ if (currentInterval[0] != interval) {
+ printReport(currentInterval[0], bars);
+ newBars = new int[RANGES.length + 2];
+ if (!this.bars.compareAndSet(bars, newBars, currentInterval[0], interval)) {
+ newBars = this.bars.get(currentInterval);
+ }
+ } else {
+ newBars = bars;
+ }
+ newBars[RANGES.length + 1] += delta;
+ for (int i = 0; i < RANGES.length; i++) {
+ if (delta < RANGES[i]) {
+ newBars[i]++;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ newBars[RANGES.length]++;
+ }
+ private void printReport(int interval, int[] bars) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ if (category != null) sb.append(category).append(" ");
+ sb.append("[");
+ GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
+ gc.setTimeInMillis(interval * REPORT_TIME);
+ int hour = gc.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
+ int minute = gc.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
+ if (hour < 10) sb.append('0');
+ sb.append(hour).append(":");
+ if (minute < 10) sb.append('0');
+ sb.append(minute).append("] {");
+ int sum = bars[RANGES.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < RANGES.length; i++) {
+ sum += bars[i];
+ sb.append(bars[i]).append(" ");
+ }
+ if (sum == 0) return;
+ sb.append(bars[RANGES.length]).append("} total calls: ").append(sum).append(" total time: ").append(bars[RANGES.length + 1]);
+ ProblemReporter.info(sb.toString(), null);
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/core/debug/ProblemReporter.java b/src/core/lombok/core/debug/ProblemReporter.java
index 489bdfea..ce30496b 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/core/debug/ProblemReporter.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/core/debug/ProblemReporter.java
@@ -31,6 +31,16 @@ import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
public class ProblemReporter {
+ public static void info(String msg, Throwable ex) {
+ init();
+ try {
+ logger.info(msg, ex);
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ logger = new TerminalLogger();
+ logger.info(msg, ex);
+ }
+ }
public static void warning(String msg, Throwable ex) {
try {
@@ -63,13 +73,14 @@ public class ProblemReporter {
private static ErrorLogger logger;
private interface ErrorLogger {
- void error(String message, Throwable ex);
+ void info(String message, Throwable ex);
void warning(String message, Throwable ex);
+ void error(String message, Throwable ex);
private static class TerminalLogger implements ErrorLogger {
- public void error(String message, Throwable ex) {
+ public void info(String message, Throwable ex) {
if (ex != null) ex.printStackTrace();
@@ -79,6 +90,12 @@ public class ProblemReporter {
if (ex != null) ex.printStackTrace();
+ @Override
+ public void error(String message, Throwable ex) {
+ System.err.println(message);
+ if (ex != null) ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
private static class EclipseWorkspaceLogger implements ErrorLogger {
@@ -96,8 +113,8 @@ public class ProblemReporter {
- public void error(String message, Throwable error) {
- msg(IStatus.ERROR, message, error);
+ public void info(String message, Throwable error) {
+ msg(IStatus.INFO, message, error);
@@ -105,6 +122,11 @@ public class ProblemReporter {
msg(IStatus.WARNING, message, error);
+ @Override
+ public void error(String message, Throwable error) {
+ msg(IStatus.ERROR, message, error);
+ }
private void msg(int msgType, String message, Throwable error) {
int ct = squelchTimeout != 0L ? 0 : counter.incrementAndGet();
boolean printSquelchWarning = false;