path: root/src/core
diff options
authorReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2015-11-23 03:53:12 +0100
committerReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2015-11-23 03:53:12 +0100
commitac319cca87020b779722351f37cc0a9c40b12872 (patch)
tree2e8cb98b2745ea97b311f6689280f3d014513ce1 /src/core
parent5029fd041ddf0e3654c7f3d5106cf8cbb90b5243 (diff)
[Fixes #945] wither methods for abstract classes now slightly less useless.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core')
2 files changed, 110 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleWither.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleWither.java
index 29a6edb7..d8ac8df6 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleWither.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleWither.java
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import static lombok.core.handlers.HandlerUtil.*;
import static lombok.eclipse.Eclipse.*;
import static lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.*;
-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
@@ -57,6 +56,7 @@ import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ThisReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ExtraCompilerModifiers;
import org.mangosdk.spi.ProviderFor;
@@ -163,6 +163,9 @@ public class HandleWither extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
+ EclipseNode typeNode = fieldNode.up();
+ boolean makeAbstract = typeNode != null && typeNode.getKind() == Kind.TYPE && (((TypeDeclaration) typeNode.get()).modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) != 0;
FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get();
TypeReference fieldType = copyType(field.type, source);
boolean isBoolean = isBoolean(fieldType);
@@ -208,17 +211,18 @@ public class HandleWither extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
int modifier = toEclipseModifier(level);
- MethodDeclaration method = createWither((TypeDeclaration) fieldNode.up().get(), fieldNode, witherName, modifier, sourceNode, onMethod, onParam);
+ MethodDeclaration method = createWither((TypeDeclaration) fieldNode.up().get(), fieldNode, witherName, modifier, sourceNode, onMethod, onParam, makeAbstract);
injectMethod(fieldNode.up(), method);
- public MethodDeclaration createWither(TypeDeclaration parent, EclipseNode fieldNode, String name, int modifier, EclipseNode sourceNode, List<Annotation> onMethod, List<Annotation> onParam) {
+ public MethodDeclaration createWither(TypeDeclaration parent, EclipseNode fieldNode, String name, int modifier, EclipseNode sourceNode, List<Annotation> onMethod, List<Annotation> onParam, boolean makeAbstract ) {
ASTNode source = sourceNode.get();
if (name == null) return null;
FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get();
int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
- long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE;
+ long p = (long) pS << 32 | pE;
MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(parent.compilationResult);
+ if (makeAbstract) modifier = modifier | ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract | ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccSemicolonBody;
method.modifiers = modifier;
method.returnType = cloneSelfType(fieldNode, source);
if (method.returnType == null) return null;
@@ -228,7 +232,7 @@ public class HandleWither extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
deprecated = new Annotation[] { generateDeprecatedAnnotation(source) };
method.annotations = copyAnnotations(source, onMethod.toArray(new Annotation[0]), deprecated);
- Argument param = new Argument(field.name, p, copyType(field.type, source), Modifier.FINAL);
+ Argument param = new Argument(field.name, p, copyType(field.type, source), ClassFileConstants.AccFinal);
param.sourceStart = pS; param.sourceEnd = pE;
method.arguments = new Argument[] { param };
method.selector = name.toCharArray();
@@ -237,49 +241,51 @@ public class HandleWither extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
method.typeParameters = null;
- List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
- for (EclipseNode child : fieldNode.up().down()) {
- if (child.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) continue;
- FieldDeclaration childDecl = (FieldDeclaration) child.get();
- // Skip fields that start with $
- if (childDecl.name != null && childDecl.name.length > 0 && childDecl.name[0] == '$') continue;
- long fieldFlags = childDecl.modifiers;
- // Skip static fields.
- if ((fieldFlags & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0) continue;
- // Skip initialized final fields.
- if (((fieldFlags & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0) && childDecl.initialization != null) continue;
- if (child.get() == fieldNode.get()) {
- args.add(new SingleNameReference(field.name, p));
- } else {
- args.add(createFieldAccessor(child, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source));
- }
- }
- AllocationExpression constructorCall = new AllocationExpression();
- constructorCall.arguments = args.toArray(new Expression[0]);
- constructorCall.type = cloneSelfType(fieldNode, source);
- Expression identityCheck = new EqualExpression(
- createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source),
- new SingleNameReference(field.name, p),
- OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL);
- ThisReference thisRef = new ThisReference(pS, pE);
- Expression conditional = new ConditionalExpression(identityCheck, thisRef, constructorCall);
- Statement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(conditional, pS, pE);
- method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart;
- method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
Annotation[] nonNulls = findAnnotations(field, NON_NULL_PATTERN);
Annotation[] nullables = findAnnotations(field, NULLABLE_PATTERN);
- List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>(5);
- if (nonNulls.length > 0) {
- Statement nullCheck = generateNullCheck(field, sourceNode);
- if (nullCheck != null) statements.add(nullCheck);
- }
- statements.add(returnStatement);
- method.statements = statements.toArray(new Statement[0]);
+ if (!makeAbstract) {
+ List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
+ for (EclipseNode child : fieldNode.up().down()) {
+ if (child.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) continue;
+ FieldDeclaration childDecl = (FieldDeclaration) child.get();
+ // Skip fields that start with $
+ if (childDecl.name != null && childDecl.name.length > 0 && childDecl.name[0] == '$') continue;
+ long fieldFlags = childDecl.modifiers;
+ // Skip static fields.
+ if ((fieldFlags & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0) continue;
+ // Skip initialized final fields.
+ if (((fieldFlags & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0) && childDecl.initialization != null) continue;
+ if (child.get() == fieldNode.get()) {
+ args.add(new SingleNameReference(field.name, p));
+ } else {
+ args.add(createFieldAccessor(child, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source));
+ }
+ }
+ AllocationExpression constructorCall = new AllocationExpression();
+ constructorCall.arguments = args.toArray(new Expression[0]);
+ constructorCall.type = cloneSelfType(fieldNode, source);
+ Expression identityCheck = new EqualExpression(
+ createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source),
+ new SingleNameReference(field.name, p),
+ OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL);
+ ThisReference thisRef = new ThisReference(pS, pE);
+ Expression conditional = new ConditionalExpression(identityCheck, thisRef, constructorCall);
+ Statement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(conditional, pS, pE);
+ method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart;
+ method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
+ List<Statement> statements = new ArrayList<Statement>(5);
+ if (nonNulls.length > 0) {
+ Statement nullCheck = generateNullCheck(field, sourceNode);
+ if (nullCheck != null) statements.add(nullCheck);
+ }
+ statements.add(returnStatement);
+ method.statements = statements.toArray(new Statement[0]);
+ }
param.annotations = copyAnnotations(source, nonNulls, nullables, onParam.toArray(new Annotation[0]));
method.traverse(new SetGeneratedByVisitor(source), parent.scope);
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleWither.java b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleWither.java
index 5de18686..f8b6152a 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleWither.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleWither.java
@@ -150,7 +150,10 @@ public class HandleWither extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
- public void createWitherForField(AccessLevel level, JavacNode fieldNode, JavacNode source, boolean whineIfExists, List<JCAnnotation> onMethod, List<JCAnnotation> onParam) {
+ public void createWitherForField(AccessLevel level, JavacNode fieldNode, JavacNode source, boolean strictMode, List<JCAnnotation> onMethod, List<JCAnnotation> onParam) {
+ JavacNode typeNode = fieldNode.up();
+ boolean makeAbstract = typeNode != null && typeNode.getKind() == Kind.TYPE && (((JCClassDecl) typeNode.get()).mods.flags & Flags.ABSTRACT) != 0;
if (fieldNode.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) {
fieldNode.addError("@Wither is only supported on a class or a field.");
@@ -165,17 +168,23 @@ public class HandleWither extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
if ((fieldDecl.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) {
- fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for static fields.");
+ if (strictMode) {
+ fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for static fields.");
+ }
if ((fieldDecl.mods.flags & Flags.FINAL) != 0 && fieldDecl.init != null) {
- fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for final, initialized fields.");
+ if (strictMode) {
+ fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for final, initialized fields.");
+ }
if (fieldDecl.name.toString().startsWith("$")) {
- fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for fields starting with $.");
+ if (strictMode) {
+ fieldNode.addWarning("Not generating wither for this field: Withers cannot be generated for fields starting with $.");
+ }
@@ -184,7 +193,7 @@ public class HandleWither extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
- if (whineIfExists) {
+ if (strictMode) {
String altNameExpl = "";
if (!altName.equals(methodName)) altNameExpl = String.format(" (%s)", altName);
@@ -199,63 +208,68 @@ public class HandleWither extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
long access = toJavacModifier(level);
- JCMethodDecl createdWither = createWither(access, fieldNode, fieldNode.getTreeMaker(), source, onMethod, onParam);
- injectMethod(fieldNode.up(), createdWither);
+ JCMethodDecl createdWither = createWither(access, fieldNode, fieldNode.getTreeMaker(), source, onMethod, onParam, makeAbstract);
+ injectMethod(typeNode, createdWither);
- public JCMethodDecl createWither(long access, JavacNode field, JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode source, List<JCAnnotation> onMethod, List<JCAnnotation> onParam) {
+ public JCMethodDecl createWither(long access, JavacNode field, JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode source, List<JCAnnotation> onMethod, List<JCAnnotation> onParam, boolean makeAbstract) {
String witherName = toWitherName(field);
if (witherName == null) return null;
JCVariableDecl fieldDecl = (JCVariableDecl) field.get();
- ListBuffer<JCStatement> statements = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
List<JCAnnotation> nonNulls = findAnnotations(field, NON_NULL_PATTERN);
List<JCAnnotation> nullables = findAnnotations(field, NULLABLE_PATTERN);
Name methodName = field.toName(witherName);
- List<JCAnnotation> annsOnParam = copyAnnotations(onParam).appendList(nonNulls).appendList(nullables);
+ JCExpression returnType = cloneSelfType(field);
+ JCBlock methodBody = null;
long flags = JavacHandlerUtil.addFinalIfNeeded(Flags.PARAMETER, field.getContext());
- JCVariableDecl param = maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(flags, annsOnParam), fieldDecl.name, fieldDecl.vartype, null);
+ List<JCAnnotation> annsOnParam = copyAnnotations(onParam).appendList(nonNulls).appendList(nullables);
- JCExpression selfType = cloneSelfType(field);
- if (selfType == null) return null;
+ JCVariableDecl param = maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(flags, annsOnParam), fieldDecl.name, fieldDecl.vartype, null);
- ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
- for (JavacNode child : field.up().down()) {
- if (child.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) continue;
- JCVariableDecl childDecl = (JCVariableDecl) child.get();
- // Skip fields that start with $
- if (childDecl.name.toString().startsWith("$")) continue;
- long fieldFlags = childDecl.mods.flags;
- // Skip static fields.
- if ((fieldFlags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) continue;
- // Skip initialized final fields.
- if (((fieldFlags & Flags.FINAL) != 0) && childDecl.init != null) continue;
- if (child.get() == field.get()) {
- args.append(maker.Ident(fieldDecl.name));
+ if (!makeAbstract) {
+ ListBuffer<JCStatement> statements = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
+ JCExpression selfType = cloneSelfType(field);
+ if (selfType == null) return null;
+ ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
+ for (JavacNode child : field.up().down()) {
+ if (child.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) continue;
+ JCVariableDecl childDecl = (JCVariableDecl) child.get();
+ // Skip fields that start with $
+ if (childDecl.name.toString().startsWith("$")) continue;
+ long fieldFlags = childDecl.mods.flags;
+ // Skip static fields.
+ if ((fieldFlags & Flags.STATIC) != 0) continue;
+ // Skip initialized final fields.
+ if (((fieldFlags & Flags.FINAL) != 0) && childDecl.init != null) continue;
+ if (child.get() == field.get()) {
+ args.append(maker.Ident(fieldDecl.name));
+ } else {
+ args.append(createFieldAccessor(maker, child, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD));
+ }
+ }
+ JCNewClass newClass = maker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), selfType, args.toList(), null);
+ JCExpression identityCheck = maker.Binary(CTC_EQUAL, createFieldAccessor(maker, field, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD), maker.Ident(fieldDecl.name));
+ JCConditional conditional = maker.Conditional(identityCheck, maker.Ident(field.toName("this")), newClass);
+ JCReturn returnStatement = maker.Return(conditional);
+ if (nonNulls.isEmpty()) {
+ statements.append(returnStatement);
} else {
- args.append(createFieldAccessor(maker, child, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD));
+ JCStatement nullCheck = generateNullCheck(maker, field, source);
+ if (nullCheck != null) statements.append(nullCheck);
+ statements.append(returnStatement);
+ methodBody = maker.Block(0, statements.toList());
- JCNewClass newClass = maker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), selfType, args.toList(), null);
- JCExpression identityCheck = maker.Binary(CTC_EQUAL, createFieldAccessor(maker, field, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD), maker.Ident(fieldDecl.name));
- JCConditional conditional = maker.Conditional(identityCheck, maker.Ident(field.toName("this")), newClass);
- JCReturn returnStatement = maker.Return(conditional);
- if (nonNulls.isEmpty()) {
- statements.append(returnStatement);
- } else {
- JCStatement nullCheck = generateNullCheck(maker, field, source);
- if (nullCheck != null) statements.append(nullCheck);
- statements.append(returnStatement);
- }
- JCExpression returnType = cloneSelfType(field);
- JCBlock methodBody = maker.Block(0, statements.toList());
List<JCTypeParameter> methodGenericParams = List.nil();
List<JCVariableDecl> parameters = List.of(param);
List<JCExpression> throwsClauses = List.nil();
@@ -266,6 +280,7 @@ public class HandleWither extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Wither> {
if (isFieldDeprecated(field)) {
annsOnMethod = annsOnMethod.prepend(maker.Annotation(genJavaLangTypeRef(field, "Deprecated"), List.<JCExpression>nil()));
+ if (makeAbstract) access = access | Flags.ABSTRACT;
JCMethodDecl decl = recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.MethodDef(maker.Modifiers(access, annsOnMethod), methodName, returnType,
methodGenericParams, parameters, throwsClauses, methodBody, annotationMethodDefaultValue), source.get(), field.getContext());
copyJavadoc(field, decl, CopyJavadoc.WITHER);