path: root/src/core
diff options
authorReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2015-07-20 22:39:35 +0200
committerReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2015-07-20 22:39:35 +0200
commitf38811779b9280bff7adebde64ed23b554a42dd9 (patch)
tree34c6f0c80e0314ae4e396a1685524d453b2f7bdf /src/core
parente2289ef2007981ff285bc7221e89b99211598e27 (diff)
added javac impl of toBuilder along with test file.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core')
3 files changed, 228 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/core/TypeLibrary.java b/src/core/lombok/core/TypeLibrary.java
index d4f5f2b0..cdaf7a70 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/core/TypeLibrary.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/core/TypeLibrary.java
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class TypeLibrary {
int idx = fullyQualifiedTypeName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Only fully qualified types are allowed (and stuff in the default package is not palatable to us either!)");
- String unqualified = dotBased.substring(idx + 1);
+ String unqualified = fullyQualifiedTypeName.substring(idx + 1);
if (unqualifiedToQualifiedMap == null) throw new IllegalStateException("SingleType library");
unqualifiedToQualifiedMap.put(unqualified.replace("$", "."), dotBased);
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleBuilder.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleBuilder.java
index c7ff714b..ee6dfd70 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleBuilder.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleBuilder.java
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
char[][] pkg = null;
if (md.returnType.dimensions() > 0) {
+ return;
if (md.returnType instanceof SingleTypeReference) {
@@ -243,9 +244,7 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
- EclipseNode selfType = parent;
- while (selfType != null && selfType.getKind() != Kind.TYPE) selfType = selfType.up();
- if (selfType == null || !equals(selfType.getName(), token)) {
+ if (tdParent == null || !equals(tdParent.getName(), token)) {
@@ -274,12 +273,7 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
if (!Arrays.equals(((SingleTypeReference) tpOnRet[i]).token, onMethod.name)) continue;
pos = i;
- if (pos == -1) {
- annotationNode.addError("@Builder(toBuilder=true) requires that each type parameter on the static method is part of the typeargs of the return value. Type parameter " + new String(onMethod.name) + " is not part of the return type.");
- return;
- }
- if (tpOnType == null || tpOnType.length <= pos) {
+ if (pos == -1 || tpOnType == null || tpOnType.length <= pos) {
annotationNode.addError("@Builder(toBuilder=true) requires that each type parameter on the static method is part of the typeargs of the return value. Type parameter " + new String(onMethod.name) + " is not part of the return type.");
@@ -388,8 +382,8 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends EclipseAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
if (constructorExists(builderType) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) {
ConstructorDeclaration cd = HandleConstructor.createConstructor(
- AccessLevel.PACKAGE, builderType, Collections.<EclipseNode>emptyList(), null,
- annotationNode, Collections.<Annotation>emptyList());
+ AccessLevel.PACKAGE, builderType, Collections.<EclipseNode>emptyList(), null,
+ annotationNode, Collections.<Annotation>emptyList());
if (cd != null) injectMethod(builderType, cd);
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleBuilder.java b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleBuilder.java
index 7ef7b859..484a0b25 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleBuilder.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleBuilder.java
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import org.mangosdk.spi.ProviderFor;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAnnotation;
+import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCArrayTypeTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCBlock;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpression;
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Builder;
+import lombok.Builder.ObtainVia;
import lombok.ConfigurationKeys;
import lombok.Singular;
import lombok.core.AST.Kind;
@@ -79,8 +81,11 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
private static class BuilderFieldData {
JCExpression type;
+ Name rawName;
Name name;
SingularData singularData;
+ ObtainVia obtainVia;
+ JavacNode obtainViaNode;
java.util.List<JavacNode> createdFields = new ArrayList<JavacNode>();
@@ -95,6 +100,9 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
String builderMethodName = builderInstance.builderMethodName();
String buildMethodName = builderInstance.buildMethodName();
String builderClassName = builderInstance.builderClassName();
+ String toBuilderMethodName = "toBuilder";
+ boolean toBuilder = builderInstance.toBuilder();
+ java.util.List<Name> typeArgsForToBuilder = null;
if (builderMethodName == null) builderMethodName = "builder";
if (buildMethodName == null) buildMethodName = "build";
@@ -135,9 +143,11 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
// Value will only skip making a field final if it has an explicit @NonFinal annotation, so we check for that.
if (fd.init != null && valuePresent && !hasAnnotation(NonFinal.class, fieldNode)) continue;
BuilderFieldData bfd = new BuilderFieldData();
+ bfd.rawName = fd.name;
bfd.name = removePrefixFromField(fieldNode);
bfd.type = fd.vartype;
bfd.singularData = getSingularData(fieldNode);
+ addObtainVia(bfd, fieldNode);
@@ -171,7 +181,8 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
annotationNode.addError("@Builder is only supported on types, constructors, and static methods.");
- returnType = jmd.restype;
+ JCExpression fullReturnType = jmd.restype;
+ returnType = fullReturnType;
typeParams = jmd.typarams;
thrownExceptions = jmd.thrown;
nameOfStaticBuilderMethod = jmd.name;
@@ -202,6 +213,70 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
builderClassName = td.name.toString() + "Builder";
+ if (toBuilder) {
+ final String TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED = "@Builder(toBuilder=true) is only supported if you return your own type.";
+ if (returnType instanceof JCArrayTypeTree) {
+ annotationNode.addError(TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+ return;
+ }
+ Name simpleName;
+ String pkg;
+ List<JCExpression> tpOnRet = List.nil();
+ if (fullReturnType instanceof JCTypeApply) {
+ tpOnRet = ((JCTypeApply) fullReturnType).arguments;
+ }
+ if (returnType instanceof JCIdent) {
+ simpleName = ((JCIdent) returnType).name;
+ pkg = null;
+ } else if (returnType instanceof JCFieldAccess) {
+ JCFieldAccess jcfa = (JCFieldAccess) returnType;
+ simpleName = jcfa.name;
+ pkg = unpack(jcfa.selected);
+ if (pkg.startsWith("ERR:")) {
+ String err = pkg.substring(4, pkg.indexOf("__ERR__"));
+ annotationNode.addError(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ annotationNode.addError("Expected a (parameterized) type here instead of a " + returnType.getClass().getName());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pkg != null && !parent.getPackageDeclaration().equals(pkg)) {
+ annotationNode.addError(TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!tdParent.getName().contentEquals(simpleName)) {
+ annotationNode.addError(TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+ return;
+ }
+ List<JCTypeParameter> tpOnMethod = jmd.typarams;
+ List<JCTypeParameter> tpOnType = ((JCClassDecl) tdParent.get()).typarams;
+ typeArgsForToBuilder = new ArrayList<Name>();
+ for (JCTypeParameter tp : tpOnMethod) {
+ int pos = -1;
+ int idx = -1;
+ for (JCExpression tOnRet : tpOnRet) {
+ idx++;
+ if (!(tOnRet instanceof JCIdent)) continue;
+ if (((JCIdent) tOnRet).name != tp.name) continue;
+ pos = idx;
+ }
+ if (pos == -1 || tpOnType.size() <= pos) {
+ annotationNode.addError("**" + returnType.getClass().toString());
+// annotationNode.addError("@Builder(toBuilder=true) requires that each type parameter on the static method is part of the typeargs of the return value. Type parameter " + tp.name + " is not part of the return type.");
+ return;
+ }
+ typeArgsForToBuilder.add(tpOnType.get(pos).name);
+ }
+ }
} else {
annotationNode.addError("@Builder is only supported on types, constructors, and static methods.");
@@ -213,8 +288,10 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
BuilderFieldData bfd = new BuilderFieldData();
JCVariableDecl raw = (JCVariableDecl) param.get();
bfd.name = raw.name;
+ bfd.rawName = raw.name;
bfd.type = raw.vartype;
bfd.singularData = getSingularData(param);
+ addObtainVia(bfd, param);
@@ -245,6 +322,16 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
+ if (bfd.obtainVia != null) {
+ if (bfd.obtainVia.field().isEmpty() == bfd.obtainVia.method().isEmpty()) {
+ bfd.obtainViaNode.addError("The syntax is either @ObtainVia(field = \"fieldName\") or @ObtainVia(method = \"methodName\").");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (bfd.obtainVia.method().isEmpty() && bfd.obtainVia.isStatic()) {
+ bfd.obtainViaNode.addError("@ObtainVia(isStatic = true) is not valid unless 'method' has been set.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
generateBuilderFields(builderType, builderFields, ast);
@@ -285,9 +372,95 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
if (md != null) injectMethod(tdParent, md);
+ if (toBuilder) {
+ switch (methodExists(toBuilderMethodName, tdParent, 0)) {
+ annotationNode.addWarning("Not generating toBuilder() as it already exists.");
+ return;
+ case NOT_EXISTS:
+ List<JCTypeParameter> tps = typeParams;
+ if (typeArgsForToBuilder != null) {
+ ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter> lb = new ListBuffer<JCTypeParameter>();
+ JavacTreeMaker maker = tdParent.getTreeMaker();
+ for (Name n : typeArgsForToBuilder) {
+ lb.append(maker.TypeParameter(n, List.<JCExpression>nil()));
+ }
+ tps = lb.toList();
+ }
+ JCMethodDecl md = generateToBuilderMethod(toBuilderMethodName, builderClassName, tdParent, tps, builderFields, fluent, ast);
+ if (md != null) injectMethod(tdParent, md);
+ }
+ }
recursiveSetGeneratedBy(builderType.get(), ast, annotationNode.getContext());
+ private static String unpack(JCExpression expr) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ unpack(sb, expr);
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ private static void unpack(StringBuilder sb, JCExpression expr) {
+ if (expr instanceof JCIdent) {
+ sb.append(((JCIdent) expr).name.toString());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (expr instanceof JCFieldAccess) {
+ JCFieldAccess jcfa = (JCFieldAccess) expr;
+ unpack(sb, jcfa.selected);
+ sb.append(".").append(jcfa.name.toString());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (expr instanceof JCTypeApply) {
+ sb.setLength(0);
+ sb.append("ERR:");
+ sb.append("@Builder(toBuilder=true) is not supported if returning a type with generics applied to an intermediate.");
+ sb.append("__ERR__");
+ return;
+ }
+ sb.setLength(0);
+ sb.append("ERR:");
+ sb.append("Expected a type of some sort, not a " + expr.getClass().getName());
+ sb.append("__ERR__");
+ }
+ private JCMethodDecl generateToBuilderMethod(String toBuilderMethodName, String builderClassName, JavacNode type, List<JCTypeParameter> typeParams, java.util.List<BuilderFieldData> builderFields, boolean fluent, JCAnnotation ast) {
+ // return new ThingieBuilder<A, B>().setA(this.a).setB(this.b);
+ JavacTreeMaker maker = type.getTreeMaker();
+ ListBuffer<JCExpression> typeArgs = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>();
+ for (JCTypeParameter typeParam : typeParams) {
+ typeArgs.append(maker.Ident(typeParam.name));
+ }
+ JCExpression call = maker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.toName(builderClassName), typeParams), List.<JCExpression>nil(), null);
+ JCExpression invoke = call;
+ for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) {
+ Name setterName = fluent ? bfd.name : type.toName(HandlerUtil.buildAccessorName("set", bfd.name.toString()));
+ JCExpression arg;
+ if (bfd.obtainVia == null || !bfd.obtainVia.field().isEmpty()) {
+ arg = maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName("this")), bfd.obtainVia == null ? bfd.rawName : type.toName(bfd.obtainVia.field()));
+ } else {
+ if (bfd.obtainVia.isStatic()) {
+ JCExpression c = maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName(type.getName())), type.toName(bfd.obtainVia.method()));
+ arg = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), c, List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Ident(type.toName("this"))));
+ } else {
+ JCExpression c = maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName("this")), type.toName(bfd.obtainVia.method()));
+ arg = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), c, List.<JCExpression>nil());
+ }
+ }
+ invoke = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Select(invoke, setterName), List.of(arg));
+ }
+ JCStatement statement = maker.Return(invoke);
+ JCBlock body = maker.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(statement));
+ return maker.MethodDef(maker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC), type.toName(toBuilderMethodName), namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.toName(builderClassName), typeParams), List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(), List.<JCVariableDecl>nil(), List.<JCExpression>nil(), body, null);
+ }
private JCMethodDecl generateCleanMethod(java.util.List<BuilderFieldData> builderFields, JavacNode type, JCTree source) {
JavacTreeMaker maker = type.getTreeMaker();
ListBuffer<JCStatement> statements = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
@@ -449,6 +622,17 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
return injectType(tdParent, builder);
+ private void addObtainVia(BuilderFieldData bfd, JavacNode node) {
+ for (JavacNode child : node.down()) {
+ if (!annotationTypeMatches(ObtainVia.class, child)) continue;
+ AnnotationValues<ObtainVia> ann = createAnnotation(ObtainVia.class, child);
+ bfd.obtainVia = ann.getInstance();
+ bfd.obtainViaNode = child;
+ deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(child, ObtainVia.class);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
* Returns the explicitly requested singular annotation on this node (field
* or parameter), or null if there's no {@code @Singular} annotation on it.
@@ -457,48 +641,47 @@ public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler<Builder> {
private SingularData getSingularData(JavacNode node) {
for (JavacNode child : node.down()) {
- if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION && annotationTypeMatches(Singular.class, child)) {
- Name pluralName = node.getKind() == Kind.FIELD ? removePrefixFromField(node) : ((JCVariableDecl) node.get()).name;
- AnnotationValues<Singular> ann = createAnnotation(Singular.class, child);
- deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(child, Singular.class);
- String explicitSingular = ann.getInstance().value();
- if (explicitSingular.isEmpty()) {
- if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(node.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.SINGULAR_AUTO))) {
- node.addError("The singular must be specified explicitly (e.g. @Singular(\"task\")) because auto singularization is disabled.");
+ if (!annotationTypeMatches(Singular.class, child)) continue;
+ Name pluralName = node.getKind() == Kind.FIELD ? removePrefixFromField(node) : ((JCVariableDecl) node.get()).name;
+ AnnotationValues<Singular> ann = createAnnotation(Singular.class, child);
+ deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(child, Singular.class);
+ String explicitSingular = ann.getInstance().value();
+ if (explicitSingular.isEmpty()) {
+ if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(node.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.SINGULAR_AUTO))) {
+ node.addError("The singular must be specified explicitly (e.g. @Singular(\"task\")) because auto singularization is disabled.");
+ explicitSingular = pluralName.toString();
+ } else {
+ explicitSingular = autoSingularize(node.getName());
+ if (explicitSingular == null) {
+ node.addError("Can't singularize this name; please specify the singular explicitly (i.e. @Singular(\"sheep\"))");
explicitSingular = pluralName.toString();
- } else {
- explicitSingular = autoSingularize(node.getName());
- if (explicitSingular == null) {
- node.addError("Can't singularize this name; please specify the singular explicitly (i.e. @Singular(\"sheep\"))");
- explicitSingular = pluralName.toString();
- }
- Name singularName = node.toName(explicitSingular);
- JCExpression type = null;
- if (node.get() instanceof JCVariableDecl) {
- type = ((JCVariableDecl) node.get()).vartype;
- }
- String name = null;
- List<JCExpression> typeArgs = List.nil();
- if (type instanceof JCTypeApply) {
- typeArgs = ((JCTypeApply) type).arguments;
- type = ((JCTypeApply) type).clazz;
- }
- name = type.toString();
- String targetFqn = JavacSingularsRecipes.get().toQualified(name);
- JavacSingularizer singularizer = JavacSingularsRecipes.get().getSingularizer(targetFqn);
- if (singularizer == null) {
- node.addError("Lombok does not know how to create the singular-form builder methods for type '" + name + "'; they won't be generated.");
- return null;
- }
- return new SingularData(child, singularName, pluralName, typeArgs, targetFqn, singularizer);
+ Name singularName = node.toName(explicitSingular);
+ JCExpression type = null;
+ if (node.get() instanceof JCVariableDecl) {
+ type = ((JCVariableDecl) node.get()).vartype;
+ }
+ String name = null;
+ List<JCExpression> typeArgs = List.nil();
+ if (type instanceof JCTypeApply) {
+ typeArgs = ((JCTypeApply) type).arguments;
+ type = ((JCTypeApply) type).clazz;
+ }
+ name = type.toString();
+ String targetFqn = JavacSingularsRecipes.get().toQualified(name);
+ JavacSingularizer singularizer = JavacSingularsRecipes.get().getSingularizer(targetFqn);
+ if (singularizer == null) {
+ node.addError("Lombok does not know how to create the singular-form builder methods for type '" + name + "'; they won't be generated.");
+ return null;
+ }
+ return new SingularData(child, singularName, pluralName, typeArgs, targetFqn, singularizer);
return null;