path: root/src/eclipseAgent
diff options
authorpeichhorn <peichhor@web.de>2011-12-05 22:42:50 +0100
committerReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2012-01-19 00:44:47 +0100
commit87cca2d322be09c51d1e63eea195addd1e99a7e2 (patch)
tree42aae98ee58d80625c6e696f8baac22707d5ede4 /src/eclipseAgent
parent68fe3f41e962d247ec372e40c8714f57e5ebee05 (diff)
[Issue 275] Allow @Delegate on no-argument methods
Diffstat (limited to 'src/eclipseAgent')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/src/eclipseAgent/lombok/eclipse/agent/PatchDelegate.java b/src/eclipseAgent/lombok/eclipse/agent/PatchDelegate.java
index affcd4f2..d6310de1 100644
--- a/src/eclipseAgent/lombok/eclipse/agent/PatchDelegate.java
+++ b/src/eclipseAgent/lombok/eclipse/agent/PatchDelegate.java
@@ -103,25 +103,25 @@ public class PatchDelegate {
return new String(decl.name);
- private static boolean hasDelegateMarkedFields(TypeDeclaration decl) {
+ private static boolean hasDelegateMarkedFieldsOrMethods(TypeDeclaration decl) {
if (decl.fields != null) for (FieldDeclaration field : decl.fields) {
if (field.annotations == null) continue;
for (Annotation ann : field.annotations) {
- if (ann.type == null) continue;
- TypeBinding tb = ann.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope);
- if (tb == null) continue;
- if (!charArrayEquals("lombok", tb.qualifiedPackageName())) continue;
- if (!charArrayEquals("Delegate", tb.qualifiedSourceName())) continue;
- return true;
+ if (isDelegate(ann, decl)) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (decl.methods != null) for (AbstractMethodDeclaration method : decl.methods) {
+ if (method.annotations == null) continue;
+ for (Annotation ann : method.annotations) {
+ if (isDelegate(ann, decl)) return true;
return false;
public static boolean handleDelegateForType(ClassScope scope) {
if (TransformEclipseAST.disableLombok) return false;
- if (!hasDelegateMarkedFields(scope.referenceContext)) return false;
+ if (!hasDelegateMarkedFieldsOrMethods(scope.referenceContext)) return false;
List<ClassScopeEntry> stack = visited.get();
StringBuilder corrupted = null;
@@ -145,16 +145,23 @@ public class PatchDelegate {
try {
- List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegate = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
TypeDeclaration decl = scope.referenceContext;
if (decl != null) {
CompilationUnitDeclaration cud = scope.compilationUnitScope().referenceContext;
EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
- fillMethodBindings(cud, scope, methodsToDelegate);
+ List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegate = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
+ fillMethodBindingsForFields(cud, scope, methodsToDelegate);
+ if (entry.corruptedPath != null) {
+ eclipseAst.get(scope.referenceContext).addError("No @Delegate methods created because there's a loop: " + entry.corruptedPath);
+ } else {
+ generateDelegateMethods(eclipseAst.get(decl), methodsToDelegate, DelegateReceiver.FIELD);
+ }
+ methodsToDelegate.clear();
+ fillMethodBindingsForMethods(cud, scope, methodsToDelegate);
if (entry.corruptedPath != null) {
eclipseAst.get(scope.referenceContext).addError("No @Delegate methods created because there's a loop: " + entry.corruptedPath);
} else {
- generateDelegateMethods(eclipseAst.get(decl), methodsToDelegate);
+ generateDelegateMethods(eclipseAst.get(decl), methodsToDelegate, DelegateReceiver.METHOD);
} finally {
@@ -181,43 +188,18 @@ public class PatchDelegate {
private static Map<ASTNode, Object> alreadyApplied = new WeakHashMap<ASTNode, Object>();
private static final Object MARKER = new Object();
- private static void fillMethodBindings(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud, ClassScope scope, List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegate) {
+ private static void fillMethodBindingsForFields(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud, ClassScope scope, List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegate) {
TypeDeclaration decl = scope.referenceContext;
if (decl == null) return;
if (decl.fields != null) for (FieldDeclaration field : decl.fields) {
if (field.annotations == null) continue;
for (Annotation ann : field.annotations) {
- if (ann.type == null) continue;
- TypeBinding tb = ann.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope);
- if (!charArrayEquals("lombok", tb.qualifiedPackageName())) continue;
- if (!charArrayEquals("Delegate", tb.qualifiedSourceName())) continue;
+ if (!isDelegate(ann, decl)) continue;
if (alreadyApplied.put(ann, MARKER) == MARKER) continue;
- List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes = new ArrayList<ClassLiteralAccess>();
- List<ClassLiteralAccess> excludedRawTypes = new ArrayList<ClassLiteralAccess>();
- for (MemberValuePair pair : ann.memberValuePairs()) {
- if (charArrayEquals("types", pair.name)) {
- if (pair.value instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
- for (Expression expr : ((ArrayInitializer)pair.value).expressions) {
- if (expr instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) rawTypes.add((ClassLiteralAccess) expr);
- }
- }
- if (pair.value instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) {
- rawTypes.add((ClassLiteralAccess) pair.value);
- }
- }
- if (charArrayEquals("excludes", pair.name)) {
- if (pair.value instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
- for (Expression expr : ((ArrayInitializer)pair.value).expressions) {
- if (expr instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) excludedRawTypes.add((ClassLiteralAccess) expr);
- }
- }
- if (pair.value instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) {
- excludedRawTypes.add((ClassLiteralAccess) pair.value);
- }
- }
- }
+ List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes = rawTypes(ann, "types");
+ List<ClassLiteralAccess> excludedRawTypes = rawTypes(ann, "excludes");
List<BindingTuple> methodsToExclude = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
for (ClassLiteralAccess cla : excludedRawTypes) {
@@ -251,6 +233,88 @@ public class PatchDelegate {
+ private static void fillMethodBindingsForMethods(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud, ClassScope scope, List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegate) {
+ TypeDeclaration decl = scope.referenceContext;
+ if (decl == null) return;
+ if (decl.methods != null) for (AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl : decl.methods) {
+ if (methodDecl.annotations == null) continue;
+ for (Annotation ann : methodDecl.annotations) {
+ if (!isDelegate(ann, decl)) continue;
+ if (alreadyApplied.put(ann, MARKER) == MARKER) continue;
+ if (!(methodDecl instanceof MethodDeclaration)) {
+ EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
+ eclipseAst.get(ann).addError("@Delegate is legal only on no-argument methods.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (methodDecl.arguments != null) {
+ EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
+ eclipseAst.get(ann).addError("@Delegate is legal only on no-argument methods.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ MethodDeclaration method = (MethodDeclaration) methodDecl;
+ List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes = rawTypes(ann, "types");
+ List<ClassLiteralAccess> excludedRawTypes = rawTypes(ann, "excludes");
+ List<BindingTuple> methodsToExclude = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
+ for (ClassLiteralAccess cla : excludedRawTypes) {
+ addAllMethodBindings(methodsToExclude, cla.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), new HashSet<String>(), method.selector, ann);
+ }
+ Set<String> banList = new HashSet<String>();
+ for (BindingTuple excluded : methodsToExclude) banList.add(printSig(excluded.parameterized));
+ List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegateForThisAnn = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
+ if (rawTypes.isEmpty()) {
+ addAllMethodBindings(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn, method.returnType.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), banList, method.selector, ann);
+ } else {
+ for (ClassLiteralAccess cla : rawTypes) {
+ addAllMethodBindings(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn, cla.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), banList, method.selector, ann);
+ }
+ }
+ // Not doing this right now because of problems - see commented-out-method for info.
+ // removeExistingMethods(methodsToDelegate, decl, scope);
+ String dupe = containsDuplicates(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn);
+ if (dupe != null) {
+ EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
+ eclipseAst.get(ann).addError("The method '" + dupe + "' is being delegated by more than one specified type.");
+ } else {
+ methodsToDelegate.addAll(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static boolean isDelegate(Annotation ann, TypeDeclaration decl) {
+ if (ann.type == null) return false;
+ TypeBinding tb = ann.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope);
+ if (tb == null) return false;
+ if (!charArrayEquals("lombok", tb.qualifiedPackageName())) return false;
+ if (!charArrayEquals("Delegate", tb.qualifiedSourceName())) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private static List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes(Annotation ann, String name) {
+ List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes = new ArrayList<ClassLiteralAccess>();
+ for (MemberValuePair pair : ann.memberValuePairs()) {
+ if (charArrayEquals(name, pair.name)) {
+ if (pair.value instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
+ for (Expression expr : ((ArrayInitializer)pair.value).expressions) {
+ if (expr instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) rawTypes.add((ClassLiteralAccess) expr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pair.value instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) {
+ rawTypes.add((ClassLiteralAccess) pair.value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rawTypes;
+ }
* We may someday finish this method. Steps to be completed:
@@ -321,11 +385,11 @@ public class PatchDelegate {
// }
// }
- private static void generateDelegateMethods(EclipseNode typeNode, List<BindingTuple> methods) {
+ private static void generateDelegateMethods(EclipseNode typeNode, List<BindingTuple> methods, DelegateReceiver delegateReceiver) {
CompilationUnitDeclaration top = (CompilationUnitDeclaration) typeNode.top().get();
for (BindingTuple pair : methods) {
EclipseNode annNode = typeNode.getAst().get(pair.responsible);
- MethodDeclaration method = createDelegateMethod(pair.fieldName, typeNode, pair, top.compilationResult, annNode);
+ MethodDeclaration method = createDelegateMethod(pair.fieldName, typeNode, pair, top.compilationResult, annNode, delegateReceiver);
if (method != null) {
SetGeneratedByVisitor visitor = new SetGeneratedByVisitor(annNode.get());
method.traverse(visitor, ((TypeDeclaration)typeNode.get()).scope);
@@ -473,7 +537,7 @@ public class PatchDelegate {
- private static MethodDeclaration createDelegateMethod(char[] name, EclipseNode typeNode, BindingTuple pair, CompilationResult compilationResult, EclipseNode annNode) {
+ private static MethodDeclaration createDelegateMethod(char[] name, EclipseNode typeNode, BindingTuple pair, CompilationResult compilationResult, EclipseNode annNode, DelegateReceiver delegateReceiver) {
/* public <T, U, ...> ReturnType methodName(ParamType1 name1, ParamType2 name2, ...) throws T1, T2, ... {
* (return) delegate.<T, U>methodName(name1, name2);
* }
@@ -514,11 +578,7 @@ public class PatchDelegate {
call.sourceStart = pS; call.sourceEnd = pE;
call.nameSourcePosition = pos(source);
setGeneratedBy(call, source);
- FieldReference fieldRef = new FieldReference(name, pos(source));
- fieldRef.receiver = new ThisReference(pS, pE);
- setGeneratedBy(fieldRef, source);
- setGeneratedBy(fieldRef.receiver, source);
- call.receiver = fieldRef;
+ call.receiver = delegateReceiver.get(source, name);
call.selector = binding.selector;
if (binding.typeVariables != null && binding.typeVariables.length > 0) {
@@ -742,7 +802,31 @@ public class PatchDelegate {
if (s.length() != c.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) if (s.charAt(i) != c[i]) return false;
return true;
+ }
+ private enum DelegateReceiver {
+ public Expression get(final ASTNode source, char[] name) {
+ MessageSend call = new MessageSend();
+ call.sourceStart = source.sourceStart; call.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
+ call.nameSourcePosition = pos(source);
+ setGeneratedBy(call, source);
+ call.selector = name;
+ call.receiver = new ThisReference(source.sourceStart, source.sourceEnd);
+ setGeneratedBy(call.receiver, source);
+ return call;
+ }
+ },
+ public Expression get(final ASTNode source, char[] name) {
+ FieldReference fieldRef = new FieldReference(name, pos(source));
+ setGeneratedBy(fieldRef, source);
+ fieldRef.receiver = new ThisReference(source.sourceStart, source.sourceEnd);
+ setGeneratedBy(fieldRef.receiver, source);
+ return fieldRef;
+ }
+ };
+ public abstract Expression get(final ASTNode source, char[] name);