path: root/src/lombok
diff options
authorReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@tipit.to>2009-07-28 16:47:24 +0200
committerReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@tipit.to>2009-07-28 16:47:24 +0200
commite744f1829adf95f3b54fa54d813eb26c4c8e8c76 (patch)
tree2e0f441ec68a34016d4fa573bbc6e4c4ad948dab /src/lombok
parent817eae66a61fc9334828a43b81d929ca1dd363cf (diff)
Changed the way toString is generated to reduce the number of superfluous 'plus' nodes (e.g. concatenating the infix ", " and a field name literal such as "width=" into ", width=".
Also removed the [] brackets from the supercall, as, if you're chaining to another lombok-generated toString, those are superfluous - lombok's toString includes parentheses already.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lombok')
2 files changed, 59 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleToString.java b/src/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleToString.java
index 4cafebb5..4b5204b5 100644
--- a/src/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleToString.java
+++ b/src/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleToString.java
@@ -161,31 +161,37 @@ public class HandleToString implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<ToString> {
private MethodDeclaration createToString(Node type, Collection<Node> fields, boolean includeFieldNames, boolean callSuper, ASTNode pos) {
char[] rawTypeName = ((TypeDeclaration)type.get()).name;
String typeName = rawTypeName == null ? "" : new String(rawTypeName);
- char[] prefix = (typeName + "(").toCharArray();
char[] suffix = ")".toCharArray();
- char[] infix = ", ".toCharArray();
+ String infixS = ", ";
+ char[] infix = infixS.toCharArray();
long p = (long)pos.sourceStart << 32 | pos.sourceEnd;
final int PLUS = OperatorIds.PLUS;
+ char[] prefix;
+ if ( callSuper ) {
+ prefix = (typeName + "(super=").toCharArray();
+ } else if ( fields.isEmpty() ) {
+ prefix = (typeName + "()").toCharArray();
+ } else if ( includeFieldNames ) {
+ prefix = (typeName + "(" + new String(((FieldDeclaration)fields.iterator().next().get()).name) + "=").toCharArray();
+ } else {
+ prefix = (typeName + "(").toCharArray();
+ }
boolean first = true;
Expression current = new StringLiteral(prefix, 0, 0, 0);
if ( callSuper ) {
MessageSend callToSuper = new MessageSend();
callToSuper.receiver = new SuperReference(0, 0);
callToSuper.selector = "toString".toCharArray();
- current = new BinaryExpression(current, new StringLiteral("super=[".toCharArray(), 0, 0, 0), PLUS);
current = new BinaryExpression(current, callToSuper, PLUS);
- current = new BinaryExpression(current, new StringLiteral(new char[] { ']' }, 0, 0, 0), PLUS);
first = false;
for ( Node field : fields ) {
FieldDeclaration f = (FieldDeclaration)field.get();
if ( f.name == null || f.type == null ) continue;
- if ( !first ) {
- current = new BinaryExpression(current, new StringLiteral(infix, 0, 0, 0), PLUS);
- }
- else first = false;
Expression ex;
if ( f.type.dimensions() > 0 ) {
@@ -200,13 +206,21 @@ public class HandleToString implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<ToString> {
ex = arrayToString;
} else ex = new SingleNameReference(f.name, p);
+ if ( first ) {
+ current = new BinaryExpression(current, ex, PLUS);
+ first = false;
+ continue;
+ }
if ( includeFieldNames ) {
- char[] namePlusEqualsSign = (new String(f.name) + "=").toCharArray();
+ char[] namePlusEqualsSign = (infixS + new String(f.name) + "=").toCharArray();
current = new BinaryExpression(current, new StringLiteral(namePlusEqualsSign, 0, 0, 0), PLUS);
+ } else {
+ current = new BinaryExpression(current, new StringLiteral(infix, 0, 0, 0), PLUS);
current = new BinaryExpression(current, ex, PLUS);
- current = new BinaryExpression(current, new StringLiteral(suffix, 0, 0, 0), PLUS);
+ if ( !first ) current = new BinaryExpression(current, new StringLiteral(suffix, 0, 0, 0), PLUS);
ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(current, (int)(p >> 32), (int)p);
diff --git a/src/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleToString.java b/src/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleToString.java
index 4b989c68..49f0d15c 100644
--- a/src/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleToString.java
+++ b/src/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleToString.java
@@ -152,38 +152,61 @@ public class HandleToString implements JavacAnnotationHandler<ToString> {
JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC, List.of(overrideAnnotation));
JCExpression returnType = chainDots(maker, typeNode, "java", "lang", "String");
- JCExpression current = maker.Literal(((JCClassDecl) typeNode.get()).name.toString() + "(");
boolean first = true;
+ String typeName = ((JCClassDecl) typeNode.get()).name.toString();
+ String infix = ", ";
+ String suffix = ")";
+ String prefix;
+ if ( callSuper ) {
+ prefix = typeName + "(super=";
+ } else if ( fields.isEmpty() ) {
+ prefix = typeName + "()";
+ } else if ( includeFieldNames ) {
+ prefix = typeName + "(" + ((JCVariableDecl)fields.iterator().next().get()).name.toString() + "=";
+ } else {
+ prefix = typeName + "(";
+ }
+ JCExpression current = maker.Literal(prefix);
if ( callSuper ) {
- current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Literal("super=["));
JCMethodInvocation callToSuper = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(),
maker.Select(maker.Ident(typeNode.toName("super")), typeNode.toName("toString")),
current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, callToSuper);
- current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Literal("]"));
first = false;
for ( Node fieldNode : fields ) {
JCVariableDecl field = (JCVariableDecl) fieldNode.get();
- if ( !first ) current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Literal(", "));
- first = false;
- if ( includeFieldNames ) {
- current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Literal(fieldNode.getName() + "="));
- }
+ JCExpression expr;
if ( field.vartype instanceof JCArrayTypeTree ) {
boolean multiDim = ((JCArrayTypeTree)field.vartype).elemtype instanceof JCArrayTypeTree;
boolean primitiveArray = ((JCArrayTypeTree)field.vartype).elemtype instanceof JCPrimitiveTypeTree;
boolean useDeepTS = multiDim || !primitiveArray;
JCExpression hcMethod = chainDots(maker, typeNode, "java", "util", "Arrays", useDeepTS ? "deepToString" : "toString");
- current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Apply(
- List.<JCExpression>nil(), hcMethod, List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Ident(field.name))));
- } else current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Ident(field.name));
+ expr = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), hcMethod, List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Ident(field.name)));
+ } else expr = maker.Ident(field.name);
+ if ( first ) {
+ current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, expr);
+ first = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( includeFieldNames ) {
+ current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Literal(infix + fieldNode.getName() + "="));
+ } else {
+ current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Literal(infix));
+ }
+ current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, expr);
- current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Literal(")"));
+ if ( !first ) current = maker.Binary(JCTree.PLUS, current, maker.Literal(suffix));
JCStatement returnStatement = maker.Return(current);