path: root/src
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authorReinier Zwitserloot <r.zwitserloot@projectlombok.org>2021-03-23 05:08:19 +0100
committerReinier Zwitserloot <r.zwitserloot@projectlombok.org>2021-03-23 05:19:24 +0100
commitcc98adac012d0d18c70628eb5e6f1646ce574e8a (patch)
tree92e77d3437d7d0ba2b55576cc87fedbb0e04dec1 /src
parent2eabd8485df6fb01e05cf7bcf797d922b9d4e012 (diff)
[records] [javac] Putting `@NonNull` on a 'field' of a record now affects the compact constructors, generating one if need be.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 141 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleNonNull.java b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleNonNull.java
index 2f359c0f..8e5b0030 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleNonNull.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleNonNull.java
@@ -27,11 +27,16 @@ import static lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker.TreeTag.treeTag;
import static lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker.TypeTag.typeTag;
import static lombok.javac.handlers.JavacHandlerUtil.*;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags;
+import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAnnotation;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAssert;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAssign;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCBinary;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCBlock;
+import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpression;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpressionStatement;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCFieldAccess;
@@ -40,13 +45,16 @@ import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIf;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCLiteral;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMethodDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMethodInvocation;
+import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCModifiers;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCParens;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCStatement;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCSynchronized;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCThrow;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCTry;
+import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCTypeParameter;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCVariableDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;
+import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
@@ -57,83 +65,105 @@ import lombok.core.AnnotationValues;
import lombok.core.HandlerPriority;
import lombok.javac.JavacAnnotationHandler;
import lombok.javac.JavacNode;
-import lombok.javac.handlers.HandleConstructor.SkipIfConstructorExists;
+import lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker;
import lombok.spi.Provides;
@HandlerPriority(value = 512) // 2^9; onParameter=@__(@NonNull) has to run first.
public class HandleNonNull extends JavacAnnotationHandler<NonNull> {
- private HandleConstructor handleConstructor = new HandleConstructor();
- @Override public void handle(AnnotationValues<NonNull> annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) {
- handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.NON_NULL_FLAG_USAGE, "@NonNull");
+ private JCMethodDecl createRecordArgslessConstructor(JavacNode typeNode, JavacNode source) {
+ JavacTreeMaker maker = typeNode.getTreeMaker();
- if (annotationNode.up().getKind() == Kind.FIELD) {
- // This is meaningless unless the field is used to generate a method (@Setter, @RequiredArgsConstructor, etc),
- // but in that case those handlers will take care of it. However, we DO check if the annotation is applied to
- // a primitive, because those handlers trigger on any annotation named @NonNull and we only want the warning
- // behaviour on _OUR_ 'lombok.NonNull'.
- try {
- if (isPrimitive(((JCVariableDecl) annotationNode.up().get()).vartype)) {
- annotationNode.addWarning("@NonNull is meaningless on a primitive.");
+ java.util.List<JCVariableDecl> fields = new ArrayList<JCVariableDecl>();
+ for (JavacNode child : typeNode.down()) {
+ if (child.getKind() == Kind.FIELD) {
+ JCVariableDecl v = (JCVariableDecl) child.get();
+ if ((v.mods.flags & RECORD) != 0) {
+ fields.add(v);
- } catch (Exception ignore) {}
- return;
+ }
- JCMethodDecl declaration;
- JavacNode paramNode;
+ ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl> params = new ListBuffer<JCVariableDecl>();
- switch (annotationNode.up().getKind()) {
- case ARGUMENT:
- paramNode = annotationNode.up();
- break;
- case TYPE_USE:
- JavacNode typeNode = annotationNode.directUp();
- paramNode = typeNode.directUp();
- break;
- default:
- return;
+ for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
+ JCVariableDecl arg = fields.get(i);
+ JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(GENERATED_MEMBER | Flags.PARAMETER, arg.mods.annotations);
+ params.append(maker.VarDef(mods, arg.name, arg.vartype, null));
- if (paramNode.getKind() != Kind.ARGUMENT) return;
- try {
- declaration = (JCMethodDecl) paramNode.up().get();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- return;
+ JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(toJavacModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC) | COMPACT_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR, List.<JCAnnotation>nil());
+ JCBlock body = maker.Block(0L, List.<JCStatement>nil());
+ JCMethodDecl constr = maker.MethodDef(mods, typeNode.toName("<init>"), null, List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(), params.toList(), List.<JCExpression>nil(), body, null);
+ return recursiveSetGeneratedBy(constr, source);
+ }
+ /**
+ * If the provided typeNode is a record, returns the compact constructor (there should only be one, but if the file is
+ * not semantically sound there might be more). If the only one in existence is the default auto-generated one, it is removed,
+ * a new explicit one is created, and that one is returned in a list.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, an empty list is returned.
+ */
+ private List<JCMethodDecl> addCompactConstructorIfNeeded(JavacNode typeNode, JavacNode source) {
+ List<JCMethodDecl> answer = List.nil();
+ if (typeNode == null || !(typeNode.get() instanceof JCClassDecl)) return answer;
+ JCClassDecl cDecl = (JCClassDecl) typeNode.get();
+ if ((cDecl.mods.flags & RECORD) == 0) return answer;
+ ListBuffer<JCTree> newDefs = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
+ boolean generateConstructor = false;
+ for (JCTree def : cDecl.defs) {
+ boolean remove = false;
+ if (def instanceof JCMethodDecl) {
+ JCMethodDecl md = (JCMethodDecl) def;
+ if (md.name.contentEquals("<init>")) {
+ if ((md.mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) {
+ remove = true;
+ generateConstructor = true;
+ } else {
+ if (!isTolerate(typeNode, md)) {
+ if ((md.mods.flags & COMPACT_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR) != 0) {
+ generateConstructor = false;
+ answer = answer.prepend(md);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!remove) newDefs.append(def);
- if (declaration.body == null) {
- // This used to be a warning, but as @NonNull also has a documentary purpose, better to not warn about this. Since 1.16.7
- return;
+ if (generateConstructor) {
+ cDecl.defs = newDefs.toList();
+ JCMethodDecl ctr = createRecordArgslessConstructor(typeNode, source);
+ injectMethod(typeNode, ctr);
+ answer = answer.prepend(ctr);
+ return answer;
+ }
+ private void addNullCheckIfNeeded(JCMethodDecl method, JavacNode paramNode, JavacNode source) {
// Possibly, if 'declaration instanceof ConstructorDeclaration', fetch declaration.constructorCall, search it for any references to our parameter,
// and if they exist, create a new method in the class: 'private static <T> T lombok$nullCheck(T expr, String msg) {if (expr == null) throw NPE; return expr;}' and
// wrap all references to it in the super/this to a call to this method.
- JCStatement nullCheck = recursiveSetGeneratedBy(generateNullCheck(annotationNode.getTreeMaker(), paramNode, annotationNode), annotationNode);
+ JCStatement nullCheck = recursiveSetGeneratedBy(generateNullCheck(source.getTreeMaker(), paramNode, source), source);
if (nullCheck == null) {
// @NonNull applied to a primitive. Kinda pointless. Let's generate a warning.
- annotationNode.addWarning("@NonNull is meaningless on a primitive.");
+ source.addWarning("@NonNull is meaningless on a primitive.");
- List<JCStatement> statements = declaration.body.stats;
+ List<JCStatement> statements = method.body.stats;
String expectedName = paramNode.getName();
- JavacNode typeNode = upToTypeNode(annotationNode);
- if ((declaration.mods.flags & RECORD) != 0) {
- if (!lombokConstructorExists(typeNode)) {
- handleConstructor.generateAllArgsConstructor(typeNode, AccessLevel.PUBLIC, null, SkipIfConstructorExists.NO, annotationNode);
- }
- }
/* Abort if the null check is already there, delving into try and synchronized statements */ {
List<JCStatement> stats = statements;
int idx = 0;
@@ -169,8 +199,69 @@ public class HandleNonNull extends JavacAnnotationHandler<NonNull> {
List<JCStatement> newList = tail.prepend(nullCheck);
for (JCStatement stat : head) newList = newList.prepend(stat);
- declaration.body.stats = newList;
- annotationNode.getAst().setChanged();
+ method.body.stats = newList;
+ source.getAst().setChanged();
+ }
+ @Override public void handle(AnnotationValues<NonNull> annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) {
+ handleFlagUsage(annotationNode, ConfigurationKeys.NON_NULL_FLAG_USAGE, "@NonNull");
+ if (annotationNode.up().getKind() == Kind.FIELD) {
+ // This is meaningless unless the field is used to generate a method (@Setter, @RequiredArgsConstructor, etc),
+ // but in that case those handlers will take care of it. However, we DO check if the annotation is applied to
+ // a primitive, because those handlers trigger on any annotation named @NonNull and we only want the warning
+ // behaviour on _OUR_ 'lombok.NonNull'.
+ try {
+ if (isPrimitive(((JCVariableDecl) annotationNode.up().get()).vartype)) {
+ annotationNode.addWarning("@NonNull is meaningless on a primitive.");
+ }
+ } catch (Exception ignore) {}
+ JCVariableDecl fDecl = (JCVariableDecl) annotationNode.up().get();
+ if ((fDecl.mods.flags & RECORD) != 0) {
+ List<JCMethodDecl> compactConstructors = addCompactConstructorIfNeeded(annotationNode.up().up(), annotationNode);
+ for (JCMethodDecl ctr : compactConstructors) {
+ addNullCheckIfNeeded(ctr, annotationNode.up(), annotationNode);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ JCMethodDecl declaration;
+ JavacNode paramNode;
+ switch (annotationNode.up().getKind()) {
+ case ARGUMENT:
+ paramNode = annotationNode.up();
+ break;
+ case TYPE_USE:
+ JavacNode typeNode = annotationNode.directUp();
+ paramNode = typeNode.directUp();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (paramNode.getKind() != Kind.ARGUMENT) return;
+ try {
+ declaration = (JCMethodDecl) paramNode.up().get();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (declaration.body == null) {
+ // This used to be a warning, but as @NonNull also has a documentary purpose, better to not warn about this. Since 1.16.7
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((declaration.mods.flags & (GENERATED_MEMBER | COMPACT_RECORD_CONSTRUCTOR)) != 0) {
+ // The 'real' annotations are on the `record Foo(@NonNull Obj x)` part and we just see these
+ // syntax-sugared over. We deal with it on the field declaration variant, as those are always there,
+ // not dependent on whether you write out the compact constructor or not.
+ return;
+ }
+ addNullCheckIfNeeded(declaration, paramNode, annotationNode);
public boolean isNullCheck(JCStatement stat) {
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/JavacHandlerUtil.java b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/JavacHandlerUtil.java
index ac00fb1f..32eae4e9 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/JavacHandlerUtil.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/JavacHandlerUtil.java
@@ -820,30 +820,6 @@ public class JavacHandlerUtil {
return MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS;
- /**
- * Checks if there is at least one constructor that is generated by lombok.
- *
- * @param node Any node that represents the Type (TypeDeclaration) to look in, or any child node thereof.
- */
- public static boolean lombokConstructorExists(JavacNode node) {
- node = upToTypeNode(node);
- if (node != null && node.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) {
- for (JCTree def : ((JCClassDecl) node.get()).defs) {
- if (def instanceof JCMethodDecl) {
- JCMethodDecl md = (JCMethodDecl) def;
- if (md.name.contentEquals("<init>")) {
- if ((md.mods.flags & Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR) != 0) continue;
- if (isTolerate(node, md)) continue;
- if (getGeneratedBy(def) != null) return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
public static boolean isConstructorCall(final JCStatement statement) {
if (!(statement instanceof JCExpressionStatement)) return false;
JCExpression expr = ((JCExpressionStatement) statement).expr;