path: root/website/templates/features/var.html
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authorReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2018-02-06 22:12:42 +0100
committerReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2018-02-07 00:01:22 +0100
commit66469e04fe35e5ceb3723cb563379a03e4883101 (patch)
treea457e2973556c795a7879279b9c39f4ed5f7cb42 /website/templates/features/var.html
parent55bcc142d08ac8a4de0c3965333e3816c496799f (diff)
[var] various upgrades to var:
* var is promoted to the main package. * It is no longer an opt-in thing. * bug: var (unlike val) is allowed in old-style for loops, but if you multi-init: for (var i = 0, j="Foo";;), you now get an error that you can't do that. * tests both for the multi-for situation and the new main package variant.
Diffstat (limited to 'website/templates/features/var.html')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/website/templates/features/var.html b/website/templates/features/var.html
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+++ b/website/templates/features/var.html
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+<#import "_features.html" as f>
+<@f.scaffold title="var" logline="Mutably! Hassle-free local variables.">
+ <@f.history>
+ <p><ul>
+ <li><code>var</code> was promoted to the main package in lombok 2.0.0; given that <a href="http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/286">JEP 286</a> establishes expectations, and lombok's take on <code>var</code> follows these, we've decided to promote <code>var</code> eventhough the feature remains controversial.</li>
+ <li><code>var</code> was introduced in lombok 1.16.12 as experimental feature.</li>
+ </ul></p>
+ </@f.history>
+ <@f.overview>
+ <p>
+ <code>var</code> works exactly like <a href="/features/val"><code>val</code></a>, except the local variable is <em>not</em> marked as <code>final</code>.
+ </p><p>
+ The type is still entirely derived from the mandatory initializer expression, and any further assignments, while now legal (because the variable is no longer <code>final</code>), aren't looked at to determine the appropriate type.<br />
+ For example, <code>var x = "Hello"; x = Color.RED;</code> does <em>not</em> work; the type of x will be inferred to be <code>java.lang.String</code> and thus, the <code>x = Color.RED</code> assignment will fail. If the type of <code>x</code> was inferred to be <code>java.lang.Object</code> this code would have compiled, but that's not how<code>var</code> works.
+ </p>
+ </@f.overview>
+ <@f.confKeys>
+ <dt>
+ <code>lombok.var.flagUsage</code> = [<code>warning</code> | <code>error</code>] (default: not set)
+ </dt><dd>
+ Lombok will flag any usage of <code>var</code> as a warning or error if configured.
+ </dd>
+ </@f.confKeys>