path: root/website
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authorReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2013-02-18 21:41:07 +0100
committerReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2013-02-18 21:41:07 +0100
commited61012f95cefae8d03260f506ffe34bc19bd90c (patch)
tree7f7478ed94a7eb423a2cd1379541c3716475efc4 /website
parent1488a262bd389d0fef444bb3fd80821a2d66e6c2 (diff)
whoops, belated push and fixes to the documentation of onX
Diffstat (limited to 'website')
7 files changed, 98 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/website/features/Constructor.html b/website/features/Constructor.html
index 051d730e..cdd5b4e2 100644
--- a/website/features/Constructor.html
+++ b/website/features/Constructor.html
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
Such a static factory method will infer generics, unlike a normal constructor. This means your API users get write <code>MapEntry.of("foo", 5)</code> instead of the much longer
<code>new MapEntry&lt;String, Integer&gt;("foo", 5)</code>.
- To put annotations on the generated constructor, you can use <code>onConstructor={@AnnotationsHere}</code>. For more details see the documentation on the <a href="onX.html">onX</a> feature.
+ To put annotations on the generated constructor, you can use <code>onConstructor=@_({@AnnotationsHere})</code>, but be careful; this is an experimental feature. For more details see the documentation on the <a href="experimental/onX.html">onX</a> feature.
Static fields are skipped by these annotations. Also, a <code>@java.beans.ConstructorProperties</code> annotation is added for all constructors with at least 1 argument,
which allows bean editor tools to call the generated constructors. <code>@ConstructorProperties</code> is now in Java 1.6, which means that if your code is intended for
diff --git a/website/features/GetterSetter.html b/website/features/GetterSetter.html
index dde3456b..03704119 100644
--- a/website/features/GetterSetter.html
+++ b/website/features/GetterSetter.html
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
You can always manually disable getter/setter generation for any field by using the special <code>AccessLevel.NONE</code> access level. This lets you override the
behaviour of a <code>@Getter</code>, <code>@Setter</code> or <code>@Data</code> annotation on a class.
- To put annotations on the generated method, you can use <code>onMethod={@AnnotationsHere}</code>; to put annotations on the only parameter of a generated setter method, you can use <code>onParam={@AnnotationsHere}</code>. For more details see the documentation on the <a href="onX.html">onX</a> feature.
+ To put annotations on the generated method, you can use <code>onMethod=@_({@AnnotationsHere})</code>; to put annotations on the only parameter of a generated setter method, you can use <code>onParam=@_({@AnnotationsHere})</code>. Be careful though! This is an experimental feature. For more details see the documentation on the <a href="experimental/onX.html">onX</a> feature.
<div class="snippets">
diff --git a/website/features/experimental/Value.html b/website/features/experimental/Value.html
index a82808e2..fb726d7b 100644
--- a/website/features/experimental/Value.html
+++ b/website/features/experimental/Value.html
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
<div class="footer">
- <a href="index.html">Back to experimental features</a> | <a href="Wither.html">Previous feature (@Wither)</a> | <span class="disabled">Next feature</span><br />
+ <a href="index.html">Back to experimental features</a> | <a href="Wither.html">Previous feature (@Wither)</a> | <a href="onX.html">Next feature (onX)</a><br />
<a href="../../credits.html" class="creditsLink">credits</a> | <span class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2009-2013 The Project Lombok Authors, licensed under the <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php">MIT license</a>.</span>
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diff --git a/website/features/experimental/Wither.html b/website/features/experimental/Wither.html
index b0700aab..da2156cd 100644
--- a/website/features/experimental/Wither.html
+++ b/website/features/experimental/Wither.html
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<code>@Wither(level = AccessLevel.PROTECTED)</code>. Also like <a href="../GetterSetter.html"><code>@Setter</code></a>, you can also put a <code>@Wither</code> annotation on a type, which means
a 'wither' is generated for each field (even non-final fields).
- To put annotations on the generated method, you can use <code>onMethod={@AnnotationsHere}</code>; to put annotations on the only parameter of this method, you can use <code>onParam={@AnnotationsHere}</code>. For more details see the documentation on the <a href="onX.html">onX</a> feature.
+ To put annotations on the generated method, you can use <code>onMethod=@_({@AnnotationsHere})</code>; to put annotations on the only parameter of a generated wither method, you can use <code>onParam=@_({@AnnotationsHere})</code>. Be careful though! This is an experimental feature. For more details see the documentation on the <a href="onX.html">onX</a> feature.
<div class="snippets">
diff --git a/website/features/experimental/index.html b/website/features/experimental/index.html
index acbbdbf6..24fbb541 100644
--- a/website/features/experimental/index.html
+++ b/website/features/experimental/index.html
@@ -24,14 +24,16 @@
<dt><a href="Accessors.html"><code>@Accessors</code></a></dt>
<dd>A more fluent API for getters and setters.</dd>
- <dt><a href="ExtensionMethod.html"><Code>@ExtensionMethod</code></a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="ExtensionMethod.html"><code>@ExtensionMethod</code></a></dt>
<dd>Annoying API? Fix it yourself: Add new methods to existing types!</dd>
- <dt><a href="FieldDefaults.html"><Code>@FieldDefaults</code></a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="FieldDefaults.html"><code>@FieldDefaults</code></a></dt>
<dd>New default field modifiers for the 21st century.</dd>
- <dt><a href="Wither.html"><Code>@Wither</code></a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="Wither.html"><code>@Wither</code></a></dt>
<dd>Immutable 'setters' - methods that create a clone but with one changed field.</dd>
- <dt><a href="Value.html"><Code>@Value</code></a></dt>
+ <dt><a href="Value.html"><code>@Value</code></a></dt>
<dd>Immutable classes made very easy.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="onX.html"><code>onMethod= / onConstructor= / onParam</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Sup dawg, we heard you like annotations, so we put annotations in your annotations so you can annotate while you're annotating.</dd>
<div class="footer">
diff --git a/website/features/experimental/onX.html b/website/features/experimental/onX.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99365deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/features/experimental/onX.html
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
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+ <meta name="description" content="Spice up your java" />
+ <title>onX</title>
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+ <div class="meat">
+ <div class="header"><a href="../../index.html">Project Lombok</a></div>
+ <h1>onX</h1>
+ <div class="byline">Sup dawg, we heard you like annotations, so we put annotations in your annotations so you can annotate while you're annotating.</div>
+ <div class="since">
+ <h3>Since</h3>
+ <p>
+ onX was introduced as experimental feature in lombok v0.11.7 (<a href="/download-edge.html">edge release only</a>).
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="experimental">
+ <h3>Experimental</h3>
+ <p>
+ Experimental because:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Ugly syntax. The syntax of this feature is not optimal, but it is the least convoluted syntax that could possibly work (for now!)</li>
+ <li>Possibly java 9 will offer (much) better ways of supporting this feature.</li>
+ <li>Uncertainty: Future versions of javac may break this feature, and we may not be able to restore it.</li>
+ </ul>
+ Current status: <em>uncertain</em> - Currently we feel this feature cannot move out of experimental status.
+ </div>
+ <div class="overview">
+ <h3>Overview</h3>
+ <p>
+ <strong>This feature is considered 'workaround status' - it exists in order to allow users of lombok that cannot work without this feature to have access to it anyway. If we find a better way to implement this feature, or some future java version introduces an alternative strategy, this feature can disappear without a reasonable deprecation period. Also, this feature may not work in future versions of javac. Use at your own discretion.</strong>
+ </p><p>
+ Most annotations that make lombok generate methods or constructors can be configured to also make lombok put custom annotations on elements in the generated code.
+ </p><p>
+ <code>@Getter</code>, <code>@Setter</code>, and <code>@Wither</code> support the <code>onMethod</code> option, which will put the listed annotations on the generated method.
+ </p><p>
+ <code>@AllArgsConstructor</code>, <code>@NoArgsConstructor</code>, and <code>@RequiredArgsConstructor</code> support the <code>onConstructor</code> option which will put the listed annotations on the generated constructor.
+ </p><p>
+ <code>@Setter</code> and <code>@Wither</code> support <code>onParam</code> in addition to <code>onMethod</code>; annotations listed will be put on the only parameter that the generated method has.
+ </p><p>
+ The syntax is a little strange; to use any of the 3 <code>onX</code> features, you must wrap the annotations to be applied to the constructor / method / parameter in <code>@_(@AnnotationGoesHere)</code>. To apply multiple annotations, use <code>@_({@Annotation1, @Annotation2})</code>. The annotations can themselves obviously have parameters as well.
+ </p>
+ </div>
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+ <h3>With Lombok</h3>
+ <div class="snippet">@HTML_PRE@</div>
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+ <h3>Vanilla Java</h3>
+ <div class="snippet">@HTML_POST@</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div style="clear: left;"></div>
+ <div class="overview">
+ <h3>Small print</h3><div class="smallprint">
+ <p>
+ The reason of the weird syntax is to make this feature work in javac 7 compilers; the <code>@_</code> type is an annotation reference to the annotation type <code>_</code> (underscore) which doesn't actually exist; this makes javac 7 delay aborting the compilation process due to an error because it is possible an annotation processor will later create the <code>_</code> type. Instead, lombok applies the annotations and removes the references so that the error will never actually occur. The point is: The <code>_</code> type <em>must not exist</em>, otherwise the feature does not work. In the rare case that the <code>_</code> type does exist (and is imported or in the package), you can simply add more underscores. Technically any non-existent type would work, but to maintain consistency and readability and catch erroneous use, lombok considers it an error if the 'wrapper' annotation is anything but a series of underscores.
+ </p><p>
+ To reiterate: This feature can disappear at any time; if you use this feature, be prepared to adjust your code when we find a nicer way of implementing this feature, or, if a future version of javac forces us to remove this feature entirely with no alternative.
+ </p><p>
+ The <code>onX</code> parameter is not legal on any type-wide variant. For example, a <code>@Getter</code> annotation on a class does not support <code>onMethod</code>.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
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diff --git a/website/features/onX.html b/website/features/onX.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ab72e6f5..00000000
--- a/website/features/onX.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../logi/reset.css" />
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- <meta name="description" content="Spice up your java" />
- <title>onX</title>
-</head><body><div id="pepper">
- <div class="minimumHeight"></div>
- <div class="meat">
- <div class="header"><a href="../index.html">Project Lombok</a></div>
- <h1>onX</h1>
- <div class="byline">Sup dawg, we heard you like annotations, so we put annotations in your annotations so you can annotate while you're annotating.</div>
- <div class="overview">
- <h3>Overview</h3>
- <p>
- <strong>This feature is considered 'workaround status' - it exists in order to allow users of lombok that cannot work without this feature to have access to it anyway. If we find a better way to implement this feature, or some future java version introduces an alternative strategy, this feature can disappear without a reasonable deprecation period. Also, this feature may not work in future versions of javac. Use at your own discretion.</strong>
- </p><p>
- Most annotations that make lombok generate methods or constructors can be configured to also
- make lombok put custom annotations on elements in the generated code.
- </p><p>
- <code>@Getter</code>, <code>@Setter</code>, and <code>@Wither</code> support the <code>onMethod</code>
- option, which will put the listed annotations on the generated method.
- </p><p>
- <code>@AllArgsConstructor</code>, <code>@NoArgsConstructor</code>, and <code>@RequiredArgsConstructor</code> support the <code>onConstructor</code> option which will put the listed annotations on the generated constructor.
- </p><p>
- <code>@Setter</code> and <code>@Wither</code> support <code>onParam</code> in addition to <code>onMethod</code>; annotations listed will be put on the only parameter that the generated method has.
- </p><p>
- None of the mentioned annotations above actually have parameters named <code>onMethod</code>, <code>onParam</code>, or <code>onConstructor</code>; nevertheless, if you type them, lombok will make it work. Unfortunately this does mean that auto-complete and other tool-driven convenience features will not work as expected. The annotations lack these parameters in order to work around javac limitations.
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="snippets">
- <div class="pre">
- <h3>With Lombok</h3>
- <div class="snippet">@HTML_PRE@</div>
- </div>
- <div class="sep"></div>
- <div class="post">
- <h3>Vanilla Java</h3>
- <div class="snippet">@HTML_POST@</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div style="clear: left;"></div>
- <div class="overview">
- <h3>Small print</h3><div class="smallprint">
- <p>
- We can't think of any small print for this feature, other than to reiterate: This feature can disappear at any time; if you use this feature, be prepared to adjust your code when we find a nicer way of implementing this feature, or, if a future version of javac forces us to remove this feature entirely with no alternative.
- </p><p>
- The <code>onX</code> parameter is not legal on any type-wide variant. For example, a <code>@Getter</code> annotation on a class does not support <code>onMethod</code>.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
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- <a href="index.html">Back to features</a><br />
- <a href="../credits.html" class="creditsLink">credits</a> | <span class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2009-2013 The Project Lombok Authors, licensed under the <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php">MIT license</a>.</span>
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