path: root/buildScripts/maven.ant.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buildScripts/maven.ant.xml')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/buildScripts/maven.ant.xml b/buildScripts/maven.ant.xml
index fe64a611..a09e09de 100644
--- a/buildScripts/maven.ant.xml
+++ b/buildScripts/maven.ant.xml
@@ -65,37 +65,61 @@ This buildfile is part of projectlombok.org. It makes maven-compatible repositor
<mkdir dir="dist" />
<maven.make version-name="${lombok.version}" />
- <tar destfile="dist/mavenPublish.tar.bz2" compression="bzip2">
- <tarfileset dir="dist">
+ </target>
+ <target name="maven.publish" depends="maven, -setup.ossrh">
+ <fail>
+ Your lombok clone does not include the OSSRH deployment keys. Contact the core maintainers for these keys;
+ place them in ${gpg.keyrings} to continue.
+ <condition>
+ <not><available file="${gpg.keyrings}" /></not>
+ </condition>
+ </fail>
+ <fail unless="ossrh.password">
+ Your lombok clone does not include the OSSRH (sonatype maven central) password, needed to upload and deploy to maven central. Contact the core maintainers.
+ </fail>
+ <delete quiet="true" dir="build/maven-publish" />
+ <mkdir dir="build/maven-publish" />
+ <copy todir="build/maven-publish">
+ <fileset dir="dist">
<include name="lombok-${lombok.version}.jar" />
<include name="lombok-${lombok.version}-sources.jar" />
<include name="lombok-${lombok.version}-javadoc.jar" />
- </tarfileset>
- <tarfileset dir="build" includes="pom.xml" />
- </tar>
- </target>
- <target name="maven.publish" depends="maven, setup.ssh">
- <ivy:scpUpload
- from="dist/mavenPublish.tar.bz2"
- to="/data/lombok/staging"
- server="projectlombok.org"
- username="${ssh.username}"
- keyfile="${ssh.keyfile}"
- knownHosts="ssh.knownHosts" />
- <ivy:sshExec
- cmd="/data/lombok/stagingCmd/publishToMavenCentral"
- server="projectlombok.org"
- username="${ssh.username}"
- keyfile="${ssh.keyfile}"
- knownHosts="ssh.knownHosts" />
+ </fileset>
+ <fileset dir="build" includes="pom.xml" />
+ </copy>
+ <apply executable="${exe.gpg}" failifexecutionfails="false" resultproperty="gpg.result">
+ <arg value="-ab" />
+ <arg value="--batch" />
+ <arg value="--yes" />
+ <arg value="--homedir" />
+ <arg value="${gpg.keyrings}" />
+ <fileset dir="build/maven-publish" />
+ </apply>
+ <fail>
+ gpg (Gnu Privacy Guard) is not on your path, or ant property exe.gpg is not properly set. Install gpg/add it to your PATH. Alternatively, run with ant -Dexe.gpg=/loc/to/gpg to continue.
+ <condition>
+ <not><isset property="gpg.result" /></not>
+ </condition>
+ </fail>
+ <jar destfile="build/maven-publish/lombok-bundle.jar">
+ <fileset dir="build/maven-publish" />
+ </jar>
+ <exec executable="${exe.curl}" failifexecutionfails="false" resultproperty="curl.result">
+ <arg value="-u" />
+ <arg value="${ossrh.username}:${ossrh.password}" />
+ <arg value="-F" />
+ <arg value="file=@build/maven-publish/lombok-bundle.jar;type=application/java-archive" />
+ <arg value="https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/bundle_upload" />
+ </exec>
<echo>The artifact has been published to staging. Now go to https://oss.sonatype.org/ and log in as Reinier, then doublecheck if all is well and 'release' it.</echo>
- <ivy:sshExec
- cmd="/data/lombok/stagingCmd/showMavenCentralPassword"
- server="projectlombok.org"
- username="${ssh.username}"
- keyfile="${ssh.keyfile}"
- knownHosts="ssh.knownHosts" />
<target name="maven.edge" depends="version, dist, javadoc.build" description="Create a maven repo for the current snapshot into a build dir. The intent is for you to put that on a server someplace. Will invoke your local mvn installation.">
@@ -116,12 +140,25 @@ This buildfile is part of projectlombok.org. It makes maven-compatible repositor
<arg value="-DpomFile=build/pom.xml" />
<arg value="-Durl=file://${basedir}/build/edge-releases" />
mvn is not on your path and/or MAVEN_HOME is not set. Add mvn to your path or set MAVEN_HOME to continue.
<not><isset property="mvn.result" /></not>
+ <copy file="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}.jar" tofile="build/edge-releases/lombok-edge.jar" />
+ </target>
+ <target name="maven.edge.publish" depends="maven.edge, compile.support" description="Creates the maven repo for the snapshot build and publishes it to projectlombok.org">
+ <java classname="lombok.publish.PublishToBucket" failonerror="true">
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="cp.buildtools" />
+ <pathelement location="build/support" />
+ </classpath>
+ <arg value="${gpg.keyrings}/s3_creds.txt" />
+ <arg value="build/edge-releases" />
+ <arg value="edge" />
+ <arg value="true" />
+ </java>