path: root/src/core/lombok/eclipse
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/lombok/eclipse')
6 files changed, 361 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/Eclipse.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/Eclipse.java
index 4101370c..5dcd9de8 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/Eclipse.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/Eclipse.java
@@ -352,16 +352,24 @@ public class Eclipse {
if (base != null) {
if (dims > 0) {
- return new ArrayTypeReference(base, dims, pos(pos));
+ TypeReference result = new ArrayTypeReference(base, dims, pos(pos));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
- return new SingleTypeReference(base, pos(pos));
+ TypeReference result = new SingleTypeReference(base, pos(pos));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
if (binding.isAnonymousType()) {
ReferenceBinding ref = (ReferenceBinding)binding;
ReferenceBinding[] supers = ref.superInterfaces();
if (supers == null || supers.length == 0) supers = new ReferenceBinding[] {ref.superclass()};
- if (supers[0] == null) return new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, poss(pos, 3));
+ if (supers[0] == null) {
+ TypeReference result = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, poss(pos, 3));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
+ }
return makeType(supers[0], pos, false);
@@ -371,9 +379,12 @@ public class Eclipse {
if (binding.isUnboundWildcard()) {
if (!allowCompound) {
- return new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, poss(pos, 3));
+ TypeReference result = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, poss(pos, 3));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
} else {
Wildcard out = new Wildcard(Wildcard.UNBOUND);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(out, pos);
out.sourceStart = pos.sourceStart;
out.sourceEnd = pos.sourceEnd;
return out;
@@ -387,6 +398,7 @@ public class Eclipse {
return makeType(wildcard.bound, pos, false);
} else {
Wildcard out = new Wildcard(Wildcard.EXTENDS);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(out, pos);
out.bound = makeType(wildcard.bound, pos, false);
out.sourceStart = pos.sourceStart;
out.sourceEnd = pos.sourceEnd;
@@ -394,12 +406,15 @@ public class Eclipse {
} else if (allowCompound && wildcard.boundKind == Wildcard.SUPER) {
Wildcard out = new Wildcard(Wildcard.SUPER);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(out, pos);
out.bound = makeType(wildcard.bound, pos, false);
out.sourceStart = pos.sourceStart;
out.sourceEnd = pos.sourceEnd;
return out;
} else {
- return new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, poss(pos, 3));
+ TypeReference result = new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, poss(pos, 3));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
@@ -433,23 +448,34 @@ public class Eclipse {
if (parts.length > 1) {
TypeReference[][] typeArguments = new TypeReference[parts.length][];
typeArguments[typeArguments.length - 1] = params;
- return new ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(parts, typeArguments, dims, poss(pos, parts.length));
+ TypeReference result = new ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(parts, typeArguments, dims, poss(pos, parts.length));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
- return new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(parts[0], params, dims, pos(pos));
+ TypeReference result = new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(parts[0], params, dims, pos(pos));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
if (dims > 0) {
if (parts.length > 1) {
- return new ArrayQualifiedTypeReference(parts, dims, poss(pos, parts.length));
+ TypeReference result = new ArrayQualifiedTypeReference(parts, dims, poss(pos, parts.length));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
- return new ArrayTypeReference(parts[0], dims, pos(pos));
+ TypeReference result = new ArrayTypeReference(parts[0], dims, pos(pos));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
if (parts.length > 1) {
- return new QualifiedTypeReference(parts, poss(pos, parts.length));
+ TypeReference result = new QualifiedTypeReference(parts, poss(pos, parts.length));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
- return new SingleTypeReference(parts[0], pos(pos));
+ TypeReference result = new SingleTypeReference(parts[0], pos(pos));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(result, pos);
+ return result;
private static final Annotation[] EMPTY_ANNOTATION_ARRAY = new Annotation[0];
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/EclipseHandlerUtil.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/EclipseHandlerUtil.java
index 921d955e..4097362b 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/EclipseHandlerUtil.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/EclipseHandlerUtil.java
@@ -175,8 +175,29 @@ public class EclipseHandlerUtil {
return null;
- static TypeReference getFieldType(EclipseNode field, boolean useFieldsDirectly) {
- GetterMethod getter = useFieldsDirectly ? null : findGetter(field);
+ enum FieldAccess {
+ }
+ static boolean lookForGetter(EclipseNode field, FieldAccess fieldAccess) {
+ if (fieldAccess == FieldAccess.GETTER) return true;
+ if (fieldAccess == FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD) return false;
+ // If @Getter(lazy = true) is used, then using it is mandatory.
+ for (EclipseNode child : field.down()) {
+ if (child.getKind() != Kind.ANNOTATION) continue;
+ if (Eclipse.annotationTypeMatches(Getter.class, child)) {
+ AnnotationValues<Getter> ann = Eclipse.createAnnotation(Getter.class, child);
+ if (ann.getInstance().lazy()) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static TypeReference getFieldType(EclipseNode field, FieldAccess fieldAccess) {
+ boolean lookForGetter = lookForGetter(field, fieldAccess);
+ GetterMethod getter = lookForGetter ? findGetter(field) : null;
if (getter == null) {
return ((FieldDeclaration)field.get()).type;
@@ -184,11 +205,13 @@ public class EclipseHandlerUtil {
return getter.type;
- static Expression createFieldAccessor(EclipseNode field, boolean useFieldsDirectly, ASTNode source) {
+ static Expression createFieldAccessor(EclipseNode field, FieldAccess fieldAccess, ASTNode source) {
int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE;
- GetterMethod getter = useFieldsDirectly ? null : findGetter(field);
+ boolean lookForGetter = lookForGetter(field, fieldAccess);
+ GetterMethod getter = lookForGetter ? findGetter(field) : null;
if (getter == null) {
FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = (FieldDeclaration)field.get();
@@ -219,11 +242,13 @@ public class EclipseHandlerUtil {
return call;
- static Expression createFieldAccessor(EclipseNode field, boolean useFieldsDirectly, ASTNode source, char[] receiver) {
+ static Expression createFieldAccessor(EclipseNode field, FieldAccess fieldAccess, ASTNode source, char[] receiver) {
int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE;
- GetterMethod getter = useFieldsDirectly ? null : findGetter(field);
+ boolean lookForGetter = lookForGetter(field, fieldAccess);
+ GetterMethod getter = lookForGetter ? findGetter(field) : null;
if (getter == null) {
NameReference ref;
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleEqualsAndHashCode.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleEqualsAndHashCode.java
index 2b830241..895c076e 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleEqualsAndHashCode.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleEqualsAndHashCode.java
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
- generateMethods(typeNode, errorNode, null, null, null, false, false);
+ generateMethods(typeNode, errorNode, null, null, null, false, FieldAccess.GETTER);
@Override public boolean handle(AnnotationValues<EqualsAndHashCode> annotation,
@@ -135,11 +135,13 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
annotation.setWarning("exclude", "exclude and of are mutually exclusive; the 'exclude' parameter will be ignored.");
- return generateMethods(typeNode, annotationNode, excludes, includes, callSuper, true, ann.doNotUseGetters());
+ FieldAccess fieldAccess = ann.doNotUseGetters() ? FieldAccess.PREFER_FIELD : FieldAccess.GETTER;
+ return generateMethods(typeNode, annotationNode, excludes, includes, callSuper, true, fieldAccess);
public boolean generateMethods(EclipseNode typeNode, EclipseNode errorNode, List<String> excludes, List<String> includes,
- Boolean callSuper, boolean whineIfExists, boolean useFieldsDirectly) {
+ Boolean callSuper, boolean whineIfExists, FieldAccess fieldAccess) {
assert excludes == null || includes == null;
TypeDeclaration typeDecl = null;
@@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
boolean isFinal = (typeDecl.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0;
needsCanEqual = !isDirectDescendantOfObject || !isFinal;
- MethodDeclaration equals = createEquals(typeNode, nodesForEquality, callSuper, errorNode.get(), useFieldsDirectly, needsCanEqual);
+ MethodDeclaration equals = createEquals(typeNode, nodesForEquality, callSuper, errorNode.get(), fieldAccess, needsCanEqual);
injectMethod(typeNode, equals);
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
switch (methodExists("hashCode", typeNode)) {
- MethodDeclaration hashCode = createHashCode(typeNode, nodesForEquality, callSuper, errorNode.get(), useFieldsDirectly);
+ MethodDeclaration hashCode = createHashCode(typeNode, nodesForEquality, callSuper, errorNode.get(), fieldAccess);
injectMethod(typeNode, hashCode);
@@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
return true;
- private MethodDeclaration createHashCode(EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, boolean useFieldsDirectly) {
+ private MethodDeclaration createHashCode(EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, FieldAccess fieldAccess) {
int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE;
@@ -318,9 +320,9 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
int tempCounter = 0;
for (EclipseNode field : fields) {
- TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, useFieldsDirectly);
+ TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, fieldAccess);
char[] token = fType.getLastToken();
- Expression fieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, useFieldsDirectly, source);
+ Expression fieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source);
if (fType.dimensions() == 0 && token != null) {
if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.FLOAT, token)) {
/* Float.floatToIntBits(fieldName) */
@@ -363,7 +365,7 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(int1231or1237, source);
} else if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.LONG, token)) {
- intoResult.add(longToIntForHashCode(fieldAccessor, createFieldAccessor(field, useFieldsDirectly, source), source));
+ intoResult.add(longToIntForHashCode(fieldAccessor, createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source), source));
} else if (BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token))) {
} else /* objects */ {
@@ -371,7 +373,7 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
MessageSend hashCodeCall = new MessageSend();
hashCodeCall.sourceStart = pS; hashCodeCall.sourceEnd = pE;
Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(hashCodeCall, source);
- hashCodeCall.receiver = createFieldAccessor(field, useFieldsDirectly, source);
+ hashCodeCall.receiver = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source);
hashCodeCall.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray();
NullLiteral nullLiteral = new NullLiteral(pS, pE);
Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(nullLiteral, source);
@@ -433,7 +435,7 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
return method;
- private MethodDeclaration createEquals(EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, boolean useFieldsDirectly, boolean needsCanEqual) {
+ private MethodDeclaration createEquals(EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, FieldAccess fieldAccess, boolean needsCanEqual) {
int pS = source.sourceStart; int pE = source.sourceEnd;
long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE;
TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration)type.get();
@@ -589,10 +591,10 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
for (EclipseNode field : fields) {
- TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, useFieldsDirectly);
+ TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, fieldAccess);
char[] token = fType.getLastToken();
- Expression thisFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, useFieldsDirectly, source);
- Expression otherFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, useFieldsDirectly, source, otherName);
+ Expression thisFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source);
+ Expression otherFieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source, otherName);
if (fType.dimensions() == 0 && token != null) {
if (Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.FLOAT, token)) {
@@ -619,9 +621,9 @@ public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<EqualsA
MessageSend equalsCall = new MessageSend();
equalsCall.sourceStart = pS; equalsCall.sourceEnd = pE;
Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(equalsCall, source);
- equalsCall.receiver = createFieldAccessor(field, useFieldsDirectly, source);
+ equalsCall.receiver = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source);
equalsCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray();
- equalsCall.arguments = new Expression[] { createFieldAccessor(field, useFieldsDirectly, source, otherName) };
+ equalsCall.arguments = new Expression[] { createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source, otherName) };
UnaryExpression fieldsNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(equalsCall, OperatorIds.NOT);
fieldsNotEqual.sourceStart = pS; fieldsNotEqual.sourceEnd = pE;
Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fieldsNotEqual, source);
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleGetter.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleGetter.java
index 38a6b468..56d0ba6c 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleGetter.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleGetter.java
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ import static lombok.eclipse.Eclipse.*;
import static lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.*;
import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.Getter;
@@ -34,14 +37,30 @@ import lombok.core.handlers.TransformationsUtil;
import lombok.eclipse.Eclipse;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseAnnotationHandler;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseNode;
+import lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.FieldAccess;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AllocationExpression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ArrayTypeReference;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Assignment;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.BinaryExpression;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Block;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.EqualExpression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.IfStatement;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MessageSend;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.NullLiteral;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.QualifiedTypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ReturnStatement;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleNameReference;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleTypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SynchronizedStatement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
@@ -76,7 +95,7 @@ public class HandleGetter implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<Getter> {
for (EclipseNode field : typeNode.down()) {
- if (fieldQualifiesForGetterGeneration(field)) generateGetterForField(field, pos.get(), level, null);
+ if (fieldQualifiesForGetterGeneration(field)) generateGetterForField(field, pos.get(), level, null, false);
return true;
@@ -103,7 +122,7 @@ public class HandleGetter implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<Getter> {
* If not, the getter is still generated if it isn't already there, though there will not
* be a warning if its already there. The default access level is used.
- public void generateGetterForField(EclipseNode fieldNode, ASTNode pos, AccessLevel level, Annotation[] onMethod) {
+ public void generateGetterForField(EclipseNode fieldNode, ASTNode pos, AccessLevel level, Annotation[] onMethod, boolean lazy) {
for (EclipseNode child : fieldNode.down()) {
if (child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION) {
if (annotationTypeMatches(Getter.class, child)) {
@@ -113,42 +132,61 @@ public class HandleGetter implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<Getter> {
- createGetterForField(level, fieldNode, fieldNode, pos, false, onMethod);
+ createGetterForField(level, fieldNode, fieldNode, pos, false, onMethod, lazy);
public boolean handle(AnnotationValues<Getter> annotation, Annotation ast, EclipseNode annotationNode) {
EclipseNode node = annotationNode.up();
- AccessLevel level = annotation.getInstance().value();
- if (level == AccessLevel.NONE) return true;
+ Getter annotationInstance = annotation.getInstance();
+ AccessLevel level = annotationInstance.value();
+ boolean lazy = annotationInstance.lazy();
+ if (level == AccessLevel.NONE) {
+ if (lazy) {
+ annotationNode.addWarning("'lazy' does not work with AccessLevel.NONE.");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
if (node == null) return false;
Annotation[] onMethod = getAndRemoveAnnotationParameter(ast, "onMethod");
if (node.getKind() == Kind.FIELD) {
- return createGetterForFields(level, annotationNode.upFromAnnotationToFields(), annotationNode, annotationNode.get(), true, onMethod);
+ return createGetterForFields(level, annotationNode.upFromAnnotationToFields(), annotationNode, annotationNode.get(), true, onMethod, lazy);
if (node.getKind() == Kind.TYPE) {
if (onMethod != null && onMethod.length != 0) annotationNode.addError("'onMethod' is not supported for @Getter on a type.");
+ if (lazy) annotationNode.addError("'lazy' is not supported for @Getter on a type.");
return generateGetterForType(node, annotationNode, level, false);
return false;
- private boolean createGetterForFields(AccessLevel level, Collection<EclipseNode> fieldNodes, EclipseNode errorNode, ASTNode source, boolean whineIfExists, Annotation[] onMethod) {
+ private boolean createGetterForFields(AccessLevel level, Collection<EclipseNode> fieldNodes, EclipseNode errorNode, ASTNode source, boolean whineIfExists, Annotation[] onMethod, boolean lazy) {
for (EclipseNode fieldNode : fieldNodes) {
- createGetterForField(level, fieldNode, errorNode, source, whineIfExists, onMethod);
+ createGetterForField(level, fieldNode, errorNode, source, whineIfExists, onMethod, lazy);
return true;
private boolean createGetterForField(AccessLevel level,
- EclipseNode fieldNode, EclipseNode errorNode, ASTNode source, boolean whineIfExists, Annotation[] onMethod) {
+ EclipseNode fieldNode, EclipseNode errorNode, ASTNode source, boolean whineIfExists, Annotation[] onMethod, boolean lazy) {
if (fieldNode.getKind() != Kind.FIELD) {
errorNode.addError("@Getter is only supported on a class or a field.");
return true;
FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get();
+ if (lazy) {
+ if ((field.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate) == 0 || (field.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) == 0) {
+ errorNode.addError("'lazy' requires the field to be private and final.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (field.initialization == null) {
+ errorNode.addError("'lazy' requires field initialization.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
TypeReference fieldType = copyType(field.type, source);
String fieldName = new String(field.name);
boolean isBoolean = nameEquals(fieldType.getTypeName(), "boolean") && fieldType.dimensions() == 0;
@@ -174,7 +212,7 @@ public class HandleGetter implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<Getter> {
- MethodDeclaration method = generateGetter((TypeDeclaration) fieldNode.up().get(), fieldNode, getterName, modifier, source);
+ MethodDeclaration method = generateGetter((TypeDeclaration) fieldNode.up().get(), fieldNode, getterName, modifier, source, lazy);
Annotation[] copiedAnnotations = copyAnnotations(source, findAnnotations(field, TransformationsUtil.NON_NULL_PATTERN), findAnnotations(field, TransformationsUtil.NULLABLE_PATTERN), onMethod);
if (copiedAnnotations.length != 0) {
method.annotations = copiedAnnotations;
@@ -185,12 +223,22 @@ public class HandleGetter implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<Getter> {
return true;
- private MethodDeclaration generateGetter(TypeDeclaration parent, EclipseNode fieldNode, String name, int modifier, ASTNode source) {
- FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get();
+ private MethodDeclaration generateGetter(TypeDeclaration parent, EclipseNode fieldNode, String name, int modifier, ASTNode source, boolean lazy) {
+ // Remember the type; lazy will change it;
+ TypeReference returnType = copyType(((FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get()).type, source);
+ Statement[] statements;
+ if (lazy) {
+ statements = createLazyGetterBody(source, fieldNode);
+ } else {
+ statements = createSimpleGetterBody(source, fieldNode);
+ }
MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(parent.compilationResult);
Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(method, source);
method.modifiers = modifier;
- method.returnType = copyType(field.type, source);
+ method.returnType = returnType;
method.annotations = null;
method.arguments = null;
method.selector = name.toCharArray();
@@ -198,12 +246,209 @@ public class HandleGetter implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<Getter> {
method.thrownExceptions = null;
method.typeParameters = null;
- Expression fieldRef = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, true, source);
- Statement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(fieldRef, field.sourceStart, field.sourceEnd);
- Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = source.sourceStart;
method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
- method.statements = new Statement[] { returnStatement };
+ method.statements = statements;
return method;
+ private Statement[] createSimpleGetterBody(ASTNode source, EclipseNode fieldNode) {
+ FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get();
+ Expression fieldRef = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
+ Statement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(fieldRef, field.sourceStart, field.sourceEnd);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(returnStatement, source);
+ return new Statement[] {returnStatement};
+ }
+ private static final char[][] AR = fromQualifiedName("java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference");
+ private static final TypeReference[][] AR_PARAMS = new TypeReference[5][];
+ private static final java.util.Map<String, char[][]> TYPE_MAP;
+ static {
+ Map<String, char[][]> m = new HashMap<String, char[][]>();
+ m.put("int", fromQualifiedName("java.lang.Integer"));
+ m.put("double", fromQualifiedName("java.lang.Double"));
+ m.put("float", fromQualifiedName("java.lang.Float"));
+ m.put("short", fromQualifiedName("java.lang.Short"));
+ m.put("byte", fromQualifiedName("java.lang.Byte"));
+ m.put("long", fromQualifiedName("java.lang.Long"));
+ m.put("boolean", fromQualifiedName("java.lang.Boolean"));
+ m.put("char", fromQualifiedName("java.lang.Character"));
+ TYPE_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(m);
+ }
+ private static char[] valueName = "value".toCharArray();
+ private Statement[] createLazyGetterBody(ASTNode source, EclipseNode fieldNode) {
+ /*
+ java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<ValueType> value = this.fieldName.get();
+ if (value == null) {
+ synchronized (this.fieldName) {
+ value = this.fieldName.get();
+ if (value == null) {
+ value = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<ValueType>(new ValueType());
+ this.fieldName.set(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return value.get();
+ */
+ FieldDeclaration field = (FieldDeclaration) fieldNode.get();
+ int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
+ long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE;
+ TypeReference componentType = copyType(field.type, source);
+ if (field.type instanceof SingleTypeReference && !(field.type instanceof ArrayTypeReference)) {
+ char[][] newType = TYPE_MAP.get(new String(((SingleTypeReference)field.type).token));
+ if (newType != null) {
+ componentType = new QualifiedTypeReference(newType, poss(source, 3));
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(componentType, source);
+ }
+ }
+ Statement[] statements = new Statement[3];
+ /* java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<ValueType> value = this.fieldName.get(); */ {
+ LocalDeclaration valueDecl = new LocalDeclaration(valueName, pS, pE);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(valueDecl, source);
+ TypeReference[][] typeParams = AR_PARAMS.clone();
+ typeParams[4] = new TypeReference[] {copyType(componentType, source)};
+ valueDecl.type = new ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(AR, typeParams, 0, poss(source, 5));
+ valueDecl.type.sourceStart = pS; valueDecl.type.sourceEnd = pE;
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(valueDecl.type, source);
+ MessageSend getter = new MessageSend();
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(getter, source);
+ getter.sourceStart = pS; getter.sourceEnd = pE;
+ getter.selector = new char[] {'g', 'e', 't'};
+ getter.receiver = EclipseHandlerUtil.createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
+ valueDecl.initialization = getter;
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(valueDecl.initialization, source);
+ statements[0] = valueDecl;
+ }
+ /*
+ if (value == null) {
+ synchronized (this.fieldName) {
+ value = this.fieldName.get();
+ if (value == null) {
+ value = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<ValueType>(new ValueType());
+ this.fieldName.set(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */ {
+ EqualExpression cond = new EqualExpression(
+ new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE),
+ BinaryExpression.EQUAL_EQUAL);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(cond.left, source);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(cond.right, source);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(cond, source);
+ Block then = new Block(0);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(then, source);
+ Expression lock = EclipseHandlerUtil.createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
+ Block inner = new Block(0);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(inner, source);
+ inner.statements = new Statement[2];
+ /* value = this.fieldName.get(); */ {
+ MessageSend getter = new MessageSend();
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(getter, source);
+ getter.sourceStart = pS; getter.sourceEnd = pE;
+ getter.selector = new char[] {'g', 'e', 't'};
+ getter.receiver = EclipseHandlerUtil.createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
+ Assignment assign = new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), getter, pE);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(assign, source);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(assign.lhs, source);
+ inner.statements[0] = assign;
+ }
+ /* if (value == null) */ {
+ EqualExpression innerCond = new EqualExpression(
+ new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE),
+ BinaryExpression.EQUAL_EQUAL);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(innerCond.left, source);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(innerCond.right, source);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(innerCond, source);
+ Block innerThen = new Block(0);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(innerThen, source);
+ innerThen.statements = new Statement[2];
+ /*value = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<ValueType>(new ValueType()); */ {
+ AllocationExpression create = new AllocationExpression();
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(create, source);
+ create.sourceStart = pS; create.sourceEnd = pE;
+ TypeReference[][] typeParams = AR_PARAMS.clone();
+ typeParams[4] = new TypeReference[] {copyType(componentType, source)};
+ create.type = new ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(AR, typeParams, 0, poss(source, 5));
+ create.type.sourceStart = pS; create.type.sourceEnd = pE;
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(create.type, source);
+ create.arguments = new Expression[] {field.initialization};
+ Assignment innerAssign = new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(valueName, p), create, pE);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(innerAssign, source);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(innerAssign.lhs, source);
+ innerThen.statements[0] = innerAssign;
+ }
+ /*this.fieldName.set(value);*/ {
+ MessageSend setter = new MessageSend();
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(setter, source);
+ setter.sourceStart = pS; setter.sourceEnd = pE;
+ setter.receiver = EclipseHandlerUtil.createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
+ setter.selector = new char[] { 's', 'e', 't' };
+ setter.arguments = new Expression[] {
+ new SingleNameReference(valueName, p)};
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(setter.arguments[0], source);
+ innerThen.statements[1] = setter;
+ }
+ IfStatement innerIf = new IfStatement(innerCond, innerThen, pS, pE);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(innerIf, source);
+ inner.statements[1] = innerIf;
+ }
+ SynchronizedStatement sync = new SynchronizedStatement(lock, inner, pS, pE);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(sync, source);
+ then.statements = new Statement[] {sync};
+ IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement(cond, then, pS, pE);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(ifStatement, source);
+ statements[1] = ifStatement;
+ }
+ /* return value.get(); */ {
+ MessageSend getter = new MessageSend();
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(getter, source);
+ getter.sourceStart = pS; getter.sourceEnd = pE;
+ getter.selector = new char[] {'g', 'e', 't'};
+ getter.receiver = new SingleNameReference(valueName, p);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(getter.receiver, source);
+ statements[2] = new ReturnStatement(getter, pS, pE);
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(statements[2], source);
+ }
+ // update the field type and init last
+ /* private final java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<ValueType> fieldName = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference<ValueType>>(); */ {
+ LocalDeclaration first = (LocalDeclaration) statements[0];
+ TypeReference innerType = copyType(first.type, source);
+ TypeReference[][] typeParams = AR_PARAMS.clone();
+ typeParams[4] = new TypeReference[] {copyType(innerType, source)};
+ TypeReference type = new ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference(AR, typeParams, 0, poss(source, 5));
+ // Some magic here
+ type.sourceStart = -1; type.sourceEnd = -2;
+ Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(type, source);
+ field.type = type;
+ AllocationExpression init = new AllocationExpression();
+ // Some magic here
+ init.sourceStart = field.initialization.sourceStart; init.sourceEnd = field.initialization.sourceEnd;
+ init.type = copyType(type, source);
+ field.initialization = init;
+ }
+ return statements;
+ }
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleSetter.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleSetter.java
index 48e688fd..2c3ca6ed 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleSetter.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleSetter.java
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import lombok.core.handlers.TransformationsUtil;
import lombok.eclipse.Eclipse;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseAnnotationHandler;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseNode;
+import lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.FieldAccess;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation;
@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ public class HandleSetter implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<Setter> {
method.thrownExceptions = null;
method.typeParameters = null;
- Expression fieldRef = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, true, source);
+ Expression fieldRef = createFieldAccessor(fieldNode, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, source);
NameReference fieldNameRef = new SingleNameReference(field.name, p);
Eclipse.setGeneratedBy(fieldNameRef, source);
Assignment assignment = new Assignment(fieldRef, fieldNameRef, (int)p);
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleToString.java b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleToString.java
index b3f4abaa..f39cb129 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleToString.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleToString.java
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import lombok.core.AST.Kind;
import lombok.eclipse.Eclipse;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseAnnotationHandler;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseNode;
+import lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.FieldAccess;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation;
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ public class HandleToString implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<ToString> {
try {
includeFieldNames = ((Boolean)ToString.class.getMethod("includeFieldNames").getDefaultValue()).booleanValue();
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
- generateToString(typeNode, errorNode, null, null, includeFieldNames, null, false, false);
+ generateToString(typeNode, errorNode, null, null, includeFieldNames, null, false, FieldAccess.GETTER);
public boolean handle(AnnotationValues<ToString> annotation, Annotation ast, EclipseNode annotationNode) {
@@ -115,11 +116,13 @@ public class HandleToString implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<ToString> {
checkForBogusFieldNames(typeNode, annotation);
- return generateToString(typeNode, annotationNode, excludes, includes, ann.includeFieldNames(), callSuper, true, ann.doNotUseGetters());
+ FieldAccess fieldAccess = ann.doNotUseGetters() ? FieldAccess.PREFER_FIELD : FieldAccess.GETTER;
+ return generateToString(typeNode, annotationNode, excludes, includes, ann.includeFieldNames(), callSuper, true, fieldAccess);
public boolean generateToString(EclipseNode typeNode, EclipseNode errorNode, List<String> excludes, List<String> includes,
- boolean includeFieldNames, Boolean callSuper, boolean whineIfExists, boolean useFieldsDirectly) {
+ boolean includeFieldNames, Boolean callSuper, boolean whineIfExists, FieldAccess fieldAccess) {
TypeDeclaration typeDecl = null;
if (typeNode.get() instanceof TypeDeclaration) typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) typeNode.get();
@@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ public class HandleToString implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<ToString> {
switch (methodExists("toString", typeNode)) {
- MethodDeclaration toString = createToString(typeNode, nodesForToString, includeFieldNames, callSuper, errorNode.get(), useFieldsDirectly);
+ MethodDeclaration toString = createToString(typeNode, nodesForToString, includeFieldNames, callSuper, errorNode.get(), fieldAccess);
injectMethod(typeNode, toString);
return true;
@@ -176,7 +179,7 @@ public class HandleToString implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<ToString> {
private MethodDeclaration createToString(EclipseNode type, Collection<EclipseNode> fields,
- boolean includeFieldNames, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, boolean useFieldsDirectly) {
+ boolean includeFieldNames, boolean callSuper, ASTNode source, FieldAccess fieldAccess) {
String typeName = getTypeName(type);
char[] suffix = ")".toCharArray();
String infixS = ", ";
@@ -214,8 +217,8 @@ public class HandleToString implements EclipseAnnotationHandler<ToString> {
for (EclipseNode field : fields) {
- TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, useFieldsDirectly);
- Expression fieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, useFieldsDirectly, source);
+ TypeReference fType = getFieldType(field, fieldAccess);
+ Expression fieldAccessor = createFieldAccessor(field, fieldAccess, source);
Expression ex;
if (fType.dimensions() > 0) {