path: root/src/core/lombok
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1 files changed, 72 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/lombok/core/AnnotationValues.java b/src/core/lombok/core/AnnotationValues.java
index 0408de85..85cae5c2 100644
--- a/src/core/lombok/core/AnnotationValues.java
+++ b/src/core/lombok/core/AnnotationValues.java
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
+import lombok.core.AST.Kind;
* Represents a single annotation in a source file and can be used to query the parameters present on it.
@@ -373,47 +375,88 @@ public class AnnotationValues<A extends Annotation> {
return l.isEmpty() ? null : l.get(0);
+ /*
+ * Credit goes to Petr Jiricka of Sun for highlighting the problems with the earlier version of this method.
+ */
private String toFQ(String typeName) {
- Class<?> c;
- boolean fqn = typeName.indexOf('.') > -1;
- String prefix = fqn ? typeName.substring(0, typeName.indexOf('.')) : typeName;
+ String prefix = typeName.indexOf('.') > -1 ? typeName.substring(0, typeName.indexOf('.')) : typeName;
- for (String im : ast.getImportStatements()) {
- int idx = im.lastIndexOf('.');
- String simple = im;
- if (idx > -1) simple = im.substring(idx+1);
- if (simple.equals(prefix)) {
- return im + typeName.substring(prefix.length());
+ /* 1. Walk through type names in this source file at this level. */ {
+ LombokNode<?, ?, ?> n = ast;
+ walkThroughCU:
+ while (n != null) {
+ if (n.getKind() == Kind.TYPE) {
+ String simpleName = n.getName();
+ if (prefix.equals(simpleName)) {
+ //We found a matching type name in the local hierarchy!
+ List<String> outerNames = new ArrayList<String>();
+ while (true) {
+ n = n.up();
+ if (n == null || n.getKind() == Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT) break;
+ if (n.getKind() == Kind.TYPE) outerNames.add(n.getName());
+ //If our type has a parent that isn't either the CompilationUnit or another type, then we are
+ //a method-local class or an anonymous inner class literal. These technically do have FQNs
+ //and we may, with a lot of effort, figure out their name, but, that's some fairly horrible code
+ //style and these methods have 'probable' in their name for a reason.
+ break walkThroughCU;
+ }
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
+ if (ast.getPackageDeclaration() != null) result.append(ast.getPackageDeclaration());
+ if (result.length() > 0) result.append('.');
+ Collections.reverse(outerNames);
+ for (String outerName : outerNames) result.append(outerName).append('.');
+ result.append(typeName);
+ return result.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ n = n.up();
- c = tryClass(typeName);
- if (c != null) return c.getName();
- c = tryClass("java.lang." + typeName);
- if (c != null) return c.getName();
+ /* 2. Walk through non-star imports and search for a match. */ {
+ for (String im : ast.getImportStatements()) {
+ if (im.endsWith(".*")) continue;
+ int idx = im.lastIndexOf('.');
+ String simple = idx == -1 ? im : im.substring(idx+1);
+ if (simple.equals(prefix)) {
+ return im + typeName.substring(prefix.length());
+ }
+ }
+ }
- //Try star imports
- for (String im : ast.getImportStatements()) {
- if (im.endsWith(".*")) {
- c = tryClass(im.substring(0, im.length() -1) + typeName);
- if (c != null) return c.getName();
+ /* 3. Walk through star imports and, if they start with "java.", use Class.forName based resolution. */ {
+ for (String im : ast.getImportStatements()) {
+ if (!im.endsWith(".*") || !im.startsWith("java.")) continue;
+ try {
+ Class<?> c = Class.forName(im.substring(0, im.length()-1) + typeName);
+ if (c != null) return c.getName();
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ //Class.forName failed for whatever reason - it most likely does not exist, continue.
+ }
- if (!fqn) {
- String pkg = ast.getPackageDeclaration();
- if (pkg != null) return pkg + "." + typeName;
+ /* 4. If the type name is a simple name, then our last guess is that it's another class in this package. */ {
+ if (typeName.indexOf('.') == -1) return inLocalPackage(ast, typeName);
- return null;
+ /* 5. It's either an FQN or a nested class in another class in our package. Use code conventions to guess. */ {
+ char firstChar = typeName.charAt(0);
+ if (Character.isTitleCase(firstChar) || Character.isUpperCase(firstChar)) {
+ //Class names start with uppercase letters, so presume it's a nested class in another class in our package.
+ return inLocalPackage(ast, typeName);
+ }
+ //Presume it's fully qualified.
+ return typeName;
+ }
- private Class<?> tryClass(String name) {
- try {
- return Class.forName(name);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- return null;
- }
+ private static String inLocalPackage(LombokNode<?, ?, ?> node, String typeName) {
+ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
+ if (node.getPackageDeclaration() != null) result.append(node.getPackageDeclaration());
+ if (result.length() > 0) result.append('.');
+ result.append(typeName);
+ return result.toString();