path: root/src/core/lombok/eclipse/handlers/HandleCleanup.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-06-02Eclipse handlers can now opt out of being run in diet-parse mode. Fixes Synch...Reinier Zwitserloot
2011-05-30tracking if an annotation has been handled or not is now no longer doneReinier Zwitserloot
2011-03-18Rewritten @Cleanup's new null analysis prevention to not useReinier Zwitserloot
2010-11-09Added lombok.Lombok.preventNullAnalysis to the null test in @Cleanup to suppressRoel Spilker
2010-11-02Issue 154: Add null-check to @CleanupRoel Spilker
2009-11-25Refactored the source folders.Reinier Zwitserloot