path: root/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/HandleFieldDefaults.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-06Belated updated to previous commit for config-key field defaults: Don’t rea...Reinier Zwitserloot
2015-10-06New feature: FieldDefaults can now be configured to apply to _every_ file, re...Reinier Zwitserloot
2015-09-24[Closes #928] `@Value` no longer makes uninitialized static fields finalRoel Spilker
2014-01-18[configuration] Moved ALL ConfigurationKey constants into 'ConfigurationKeys'...Reinier Zwitserloot
2014-01-18[configuration] implementation of flagUsage for all handlers.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-07-16* Fixed issues with @FieldDefaults and @Value (you can NOT overrideReinier Zwitserloot
2012-08-13FieldDefaults (and Value) did not call .rebuild() after changing modifiers. T...Reinier Zwitserloot
2012-08-10* Added priorities to handlers, along with implementation of the priority sys...Reinier Zwitserloot
2012-08-06Added @Value and @FieldDefaults implementations for javac and ecj, the annota...Reinier Zwitserloot