path: root/src/core/lombok/javac/handlers/JavacHandlerUtil.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-10-24pretty big refactor; introduced a new source package which should be (and is)...Reinier Zwitserloot
2011-08-16Renamed Javac.getCTCint to getCtcIntRoel Spilker
2011-07-18Now either all or none of equals/hashCode/canEqual is generated. Fixes issue ...Roel Spilker
2011-06-20Minor tweaks to documentation updates (javadocs, website).Reinier Zwitserloot
2011-05-30tracking if an annotation has been handled or not is now no longer doneReinier Zwitserloot
2011-02-07Presence of isFoo(), hasFoo(), and getFoo(), as well as properties named 'isF...Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-12-31Presence of i.e. getABC() stops lombok from generating getAbc, but lombok wil...Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-12-18Moved all the Compile time constants from the Javac handlers and supporting c...grootjans
2010-11-18In javac, use ListBuffer to appendRoel Spilker
2010-11-11@Getter(lazy=true) support for javacRoel Spilker
2010-11-10From now on it is possible to specify annotations to be placed on the methodRoel Spilker
2010-11-06Added support for Log4J, Commons and JUL in the javac handlerRoel Spilker
2010-11-03Intial support for @Log, for now only slf4jRoel Spilker
2010-07-28Fix for issue #136: @Getter and @Setter now work on static fields again.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-22toString(), equals(), and hashCode() now use getX() instead of x if either it...Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-21Added using .getX() instead of using .x in equals, hashCode, and toString. Al...Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-21Refactor: for using this.getX() instead of this.x in generated toString(), eq...Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-20bugfix: The previous fix to stop removal of lombok annotations unless delombo...Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-20import lombok.AccessLevel is now also removed during delomboking.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-19[TRIVIAL] in case of bugs and we drop to toModifier() for AccessLevel.NONE, w...Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-18All generated fields and methods now get a @SuppressWarnings("all").Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-17In our efforts to eliminate annotations for delombok, we also eliminated all ...Reinier Zwitserloot
2009-12-04Prep work for fixing issue #75.Reinier Zwitserloot
2009-11-28Moved TransformationsUtil to a new package.Reinier Zwitserloot
2009-11-27Pretty crucial bugfix that stopped all lombok annotations on types from worki...Reinier Zwitserloot
2009-11-27Thorough work on inserting comments in the proper place for delombok; should ...Roel Spilker
2009-11-25Refactored the source folders.Reinier Zwitserloot