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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db9f1db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Auto Translation File Generator
+This is a combination kotlin + gradle plugin that allows you to rewrite kotlin expressions like
+source.sendFeedback(translate("some.translation.key", "Hallo, $name"))
+into json based translation files:
+source.sendFeedback(translateResolved("some.translation.key", name))
+ "some.translation.key": "Hallo, %s"
+This is intended for minecraft mods, but is agnostic to anything that can work with a simple key-value json file using
+`%s` string formatting.
+> **Java function calls are not supported for now. If you think that should change, feel free to contribute a java
+> compiler plugin (or pay me for implementing one, I don't really use Java myself)**
+## Functions
+First you need to create two top level functions in Kotlin:
+fun translateResolved(key: String, vararg args: Any): Text = TODO()
+fun translate(key: String, default: String): Text = error("Did not run compiler plugin")
+These two functions need to return the same type. The names of these function does not matter, but they need to not have
+any overloads and must have distinct fully qualified names.
+### Translate function
+The `translate` function is the one you will be calling from your code.
+The `key` argument needs to be a unique translation key `String` across all your files. It needs to be a string
+*literal*, any dynamic code like variables, templates or methods will not work.
+The `default` argument is used to generate the template. It can either be a string literal or a string template. If it
+is a string template, each variable is supplied as an argument to the resolved function and replaced with a `%s` in the
+generated translation file.
+This function will never be called at runtime, so it should error out.
+### Resolved function
+The `translateResolved` function will be used by the generated code at runtime. It should read out the translation file
+and use the provided translations to format a proper return value.
+## Gradle setup
+Next you need to configure the gradle plugin:
+plugins {
+ kotlin("jvm") version "2.0.20"
+ id("moe.nea.mc-auto-translations") version "0.0.1"
+mcAutoTranslations {
+ // Provide the fully qualified names of your translation functions here.
+ translationFunction.set("moe.nea.mcautotranslations.example.tr")
+ translationFunctionResolved.set("moe.nea.mcautotranslations.example.trResolved")
+// mcAutoTranslations.collectTranslationsTaskFor is a convenience function.
+// You can use the CollectTranslation class to create your own task that consumes translations from multiple source sets
+// collectTranslationsTaskFor will only create a task if called and will always return the same task
+mcAutoTranslations.collectTranslationsTaskFor(sourceSets.main.get()) {
+ // If you have existing key value files you can use baseTranslations to load those
+ baseTranslations.from(file("en_us.json"))
+ // The output file name defaults to en_us.json. If you want another file name you can specify it like so
+ // (or by directly setting the outputFile property)
+ outputFileName("en_us.json")
+tasks.processResources {
+ // To actually inject the collected translations into your JAR, you can include it in processResources
+ from(mcAutoTranslations.collectTranslationsTaskFor(sourceSets.main.get())) {
+ into("assets/minecraft/lang")
+ }
diff --git a/example/build.gradle.kts b/example/build.gradle.kts
index 7732e0a..34be934 100644
--- a/example/build.gradle.kts
+++ b/example/build.gradle.kts
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ mcAutoTranslations {
mcAutoTranslations.collectTranslationsTaskFor(sourceSets.main.get()) {
- this.baseTranslations.from(file("en_us.json"))
+ baseTranslations.from(file("en_us.json"))
tasks.processResources {
diff --git a/example/src/main/kotlin/test.kt b/example/src/main/kotlin/test.kt
index 7c0c88c..cb5ddfa 100644
--- a/example/src/main/kotlin/test.kt
+++ b/example/src/main/kotlin/test.kt
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class Text(val key: String, val args: Array<out Any>) {
fun trResolved(key: String, vararg args: Any) = Text(key, args)
fun tr(key: String, default: String): Text = error("Did not run compiler plugin")
fun main() {