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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b46169a..950a3c3 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,16 +4,6 @@ Backend for [skyblock.matdoes.dev](https://github.com/skyblockstats/skyblock-sta
This is kinda like [Slothpixel](https://github.com/slothpixel/core), it fetches the SkyBlock API and cleans up the result for use without an API key.
-## Basically what it does
-1. A request is sent to the Express server in index.js
-2. The express server then calls a function in hypixelCached depending on the request
-3. hypixelCached will either directly return already-cached data, or continue to hypixel.ts
-4. hypixel.ts will call hypixelApi to get the raw data from the Hypixel API
-5. hypixel.ts calls one or more of the cleaners, which pretties up the data for us to use
-6. cleaned data is returned to hypixelCached, which will cache it
-7. Data is sent back to express to serve to the user
## API conventions
If you (this is really just here for myself so I don't forget) are adding a new API thing, follow these rules so the API is consistent with how it responds:
@@ -29,4 +19,3 @@ If you (this is really just here for myself so I don't forget) are adding a new
First, install the dependencies with `npm i`.
Then to run it, do `tsc -w` in one terminal, `npx nodemon build` in another. This makes it automatically restart when you make a change.
If you don't like it auto restarting, then just do `node build` instead of `npx nodemon build`.