path: root/build/hypixelCached.js
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-29enable strictNullChecks and fix all related issues (#65)mat
2021-06-24remove console logsmat
2021-06-24log more stuffmat
2021-05-31decrease basicPlayerCache maxAge moremat
2021-05-31fix basicPlayerCache not being in msmat
2021-05-31change cache time for usernamesmat
2021-05-31change basic player cache to only 30 minutesmat
2021-05-30increase max listeners for usernameCachemat
2021-05-29probably fix a thingmat
2021-05-27fix some bugs with it loading forevermat
2021-05-27increase max in basicPlayerCache hopefully it doesn't use too much rammat
2021-05-27log profile in fetchProfileUuid cache missmat
2021-05-25add LRUCache for basicPlayerCachemat
2021-05-25remove debug stuffmat
2021-05-25Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-05-24remove first_join from CleanPlayermat
2021-05-24more debug stuffmat
2021-05-24add temporary debug thingmat
2021-05-01Show minions that haven't been unlocked in response (#20)mat
2021-04-28remove some debug stuffmat
2021-04-27Add minion_count leaderboard (#15)mat
2021-04-27Add unit tests (#12)mat
2021-04-14Total leaderboards leaderboard working (#6)mat
2021-04-14Revert "Total leaderboards leaderboard (#5)"mat
2021-04-14Total leaderboards leaderboard (#5)mat
2021-03-24improve mojang api to be much much fastermat
2021-03-02Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-03-01change concurrent updating leaderboard members to 1mat
2021-03-01Update hypixelCached.tsmat
2021-03-01Update hypixelCached.jsmat
2021-03-01optimize leaderboardsmat
2021-03-01send 401 status code when unauthorizedmat
2021-03-01Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat
2021-02-28Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-28Add leaderboardsmat
2021-02-21Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-16change profileCache to use clonesmat
2021-02-15Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-15remove debug logsmat
2021-02-15Compiled TS into JSmat-1
2021-02-13fix caching issuemat
2021-02-13fix some stats cutting off at the wrong placemat
2021-02-13add compiled code in build foldermat