path: root/src/commands/admin
diff options
authorIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2021-07-17 10:25:46 -0400
committerIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2021-07-17 10:25:46 -0400
commitd1724227abfb8f0fcd9e573f7e9772cf0be8257a (patch)
tree52c9dbae1fbbbd3c777d9c16ab643c477141ae21 /src/commands/admin
parent53d2b18f7f73d5696fb7cd86d1c164a790dfdcc3 (diff)
honestly no idea what I did at this point
Diffstat (limited to 'src/commands/admin')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/commands/admin/channelPermissions.ts b/src/commands/admin/channelPermissions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249789d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/commands/admin/channelPermissions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import { Argument, Constants } from 'discord-akairo';
+import { GuildChannel, GuildMember, MessageEmbed, Role } from 'discord.js';
+import { BushCommand, BushMessage } from '../../lib';
+export default class ChannelPermissionsCommand extends BushCommand {
+ public constructor() {
+ super('channelpermissions', {
+ aliases: ['channelperms', 'cperms', 'cperm', 'chanperms', 'chanperm', 'channelpermissions'],
+ category: 'admin',
+ typing: true,
+ description: {
+ content: 'Use to mass change the channel ',
+ usage: 'ChannelPerms <role_id> <perm> <state>',
+ examples: ['ChannelPerms 783794633129197589 read_messages deny']
+ },
+ args: [
+ {
+ id: 'target',
+ type: Argument.union(Constants.ArgumentTypes.ROLE, Constants.ArgumentTypes.MEMBER),
+ match: Constants.ArgumentMatches.PHRASE,
+ prompt: {
+ start: 'What user/role would you like to change?',
+ retry: 'Invalid response. What user/role would you like to change?'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'permission',
+ type: 'permission',
+ match: Constants.ArgumentMatches.PHRASE,
+ prompt: {
+ start: 'What permission would you like to change?',
+ retry: '{error} Choose a valid permission.'
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'state',
+ type: [
+ ['true', '1', 'yes', 'enable', 'allow'],
+ ['false', '0', 'no', 'disable', 'disallow', 'deny'],
+ ['neutral', 'remove', 'none']
+ ],
+ match: Constants.ArgumentMatches.PHRASE,
+ prompt: {
+ start: 'What should that permission be set to?',
+ retry: '{error} Set the state to either `enable`, `disable`, or `remove`.'
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ ratelimit: 4,
+ cooldown: 4000,
+ clientPermissions: ['MANAGE_CHANNELS', 'SEND_MESSAGES'],
+ userPermissions: ['ADMINISTRATOR'],
+ channel: 'guild'
+ });
+ }
+ public async exec(
+ message: BushMessage,
+ {
+ target,
+ permission,
+ state
+ }: {
+ target: Role | GuildMember;
+ permission: string;
+ state: 'true' | 'false' | 'neutral';
+ }
+ ): Promise<void> {
+ const failedChannels = [];
+ for (const channel of message.guild.channels.cache.array()) {
+ try {
+ if (channel.isThread()) return;
+ if (channel.permissionsLocked) return;
+ const permissionState = state === 'true' ? true : state === 'false' ? false : null;
+ await channel.permissionOverwrites.create(
+ target.id,
+ { [permission]: permissionState },
+ { reason: 'Changing overwrites for mass channel channel perms command' }
+ );
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.client.console.debug(e.stack);
+ failedChannels.push(channel);
+ }
+ }
+ const failure = failedChannels.map((e: GuildChannel) => `<#${e.id}>`).join(' ');
+ if (failure.length > 2000) {
+ const paginate: MessageEmbed[] = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < failure.length; i += 2000) {
+ paginate.push(new MessageEmbed().setDescription(failure.substring(i, Math.min(failure.length, i + 2000))));
+ }
+ const normalMessage = `Finished changing perms! Failed channels:`;
+ this.client.util.buttonPaginate(message, paginate, normalMessage);
+ } else {
+ await message.util.reply({ content: `Finished changing perms! Failed channels:`, embeds: [{ description: failure }] });
+ }
+ }