path: root/src/commands/dev
diff options
authorIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2022-02-09 22:25:44 -0500
committerIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2022-02-09 22:25:44 -0500
commit0e56958b8dff05ac28a9a2c32c4a74f83e24d5ac (patch)
treef5f319fe36b111c85e03a21e662bcc18f3b36093 /src/commands/dev
parent2cad871192107bbf36e5df8a9ade159312edbc91 (diff)
feat(eval): revamp eval command
Diffstat (limited to 'src/commands/dev')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/src/commands/dev/eval.ts b/src/commands/dev/eval.ts
index 8e65f05..fe8703e 100644
--- a/src/commands/dev/eval.ts
+++ b/src/commands/dev/eval.ts
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
import {
+ BushInspectOptions,
+ CodeBlockLang,
@@ -60,7 +62,9 @@ export default class EvalCommand extends BushCommand {
aliases: ['eval', 'ev', 'evaluate'],
category: 'dev',
description: 'Evaluate code.',
- usage: ['eval <code> [--depth #] [--sudo] [--silent] [--delete] [--proto] [--hidden] [--ts]'],
+ usage: [
+ 'eval <code> [--depth #] [--sudo] [--delete] [--silent] [--ts] [--hidden] [--proto] [--methods] [--async] [--strings]'
+ ],
examples: ['eval message.channel.delete()'],
args: [
@@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ export default class EvalCommand extends BushCommand {
id: 'typescript',
description: 'Whether or not to treat the code as typescript and transpile it.',
match: 'flag',
- flag: '--ts',
+ flag: ['--ts', '--typescript'],
prompt: 'Is this code written in typescript?',
slashType: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean,
optional: true
@@ -174,12 +178,24 @@ export default class EvalCommand extends BushCommand {
public override async exec(
message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage,
- args: {
+ {
+ code: argCode,
+ sel_depth: selDepth,
+ sudo,
+ silent,
+ delete_msg: deleteMsg,
+ typescript,
+ hidden,
+ show_proto: showProto,
+ show_methods: showMethods,
+ async,
+ no_inspect_strings: noInspectStrings
+ }: {
code: ArgType<'string'>;
sel_depth: ArgType<'integer'>;
sudo: ArgType<'boolean'>;
silent: ArgType<'boolean'>;
- deleteMSG: ArgType<'boolean'>;
+ delete_msg: ArgType<'boolean'>;
typescript: ArgType<'boolean'>;
hidden: ArgType<'boolean'>;
show_proto: ArgType<'boolean'>;
@@ -190,105 +206,114 @@ export default class EvalCommand extends BushCommand {
) {
if (!message.author.isOwner())
return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} Only my developers can run this command.`);
- if (message.util.isSlashMessage(message)) {
- await message.interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: args.silent });
+ if (message.util.isSlashMessage(message)) await message.interaction.deferReply({ ephemeral: silent });
+ if (!sudo && ['delete', 'destroy'].some((p) => argCode.includes(p))) {
+ return await message.util.send(`${util.emojis.error} This eval was blocked by smooth brain protection™.`);
- const isTypescript = args.typescript || args.code.includes('```ts');
- let rawCode = args.code.replace(/[“”]/g, '"').replace(/```*(?:js|ts)?/g, '');
- if (args.async) rawCode = `(async () => {${rawCode}})()`;
- const code: { ts: string | null; js: string; lang: 'ts' | 'js' } = {
+ const isTypescript = typescript || argCode.includes('```ts');
+ let rawCode = argCode.replace(/[“”]/g, '"').replace(/```*(?:js|ts)?/g, '');
+ if (async) {
+ if (rawCode.includes(';') && (!rawCode.endsWith(';') || rawCode.includes('\n') || rawCode.split(';').length > 2))
+ rawCode = `(async () => {${rawCode}})()`;
+ else rawCode = `(async () => { return ${rawCode} })()`;
+ }
+ const code = {
ts: isTypescript ? rawCode : null,
- js: isTypescript
- ? transpile(rawCode, {
- module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext,
- target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext,
- moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeNext,
- lib: ['esnext'],
- sourceMap: true,
- incremental: true,
- experimentalDecorators: true,
- emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
- resolveJsonModule: true,
- noImplicitOverride: true,
- noErrorTruncation: true,
- strict: true
- })
- : rawCode,
- lang: isTypescript ? 'ts' : 'js'
+ js: isTypescript ? this.transpile(rawCode) : rawCode,
+ lang: isTypescript ? ('ts' as const) : ('js' as const)
- const embed = new Embed();
- const badPhrases = ['delete', 'destroy'];
+ const embed = new Embed().setFooter({ text: message.author.tag, iconURL: message.author.displayAvatarURL() ?? undefined });
- if (badPhrases.some((p) => code[code.lang]!.includes(p)) && !args.sudo) {
- return await message.util.send(`${util.emojis.error} This eval was blocked by smooth brain protection™.`);
- }
+ let err = false;
+ let rawResult: any;
- /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
- const me = message.member,
- member = message.member,
- bot = client,
- guild = message.guild,
- channel = message.channel,
- config = client.config,
- members = message.guild?.members,
- roles = message.guild?.roles;
- /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
- const inputJS = await util.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(code.js, 'js');
- const inputTS = code.lang === 'ts' ? await util.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(code.ts, 'ts') : undefined;
try {
- const rawOutput = /^(9\s*?\+\s*?10)|(10\s*?\+\s*?9)$/.test(code[code.lang]!) ? '21' : await eval(code.js);
- const output = await util.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(rawOutput, 'js', {
- depth: args.sel_depth ?? 0,
- showHidden: args.hidden,
- getters: true,
- showProxy: true,
- inspectStrings: !args.no_inspect_strings
- });
- const methods = args.show_methods ? await util.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(util.getMethods(rawOutput), 'js') : undefined;
- const proto = args.show_proto
- ? await util.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(Object.getPrototypeOf(rawOutput), 'js', {
- depth: 1,
- getters: true,
- showHidden: true
- })
- : undefined;
+ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
+ const me = message.member,
+ member = message.member,
+ bot = client,
+ guild = message.guild,
+ channel = message.channel,
+ config = client.config,
+ members = message.guild?.members,
+ roles = message.guild?.roles;
+ /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
- embed.setTitle(`${emojis.successFull} Successfully Evaluated Expression`).setColor(colors.success);
- if (inputTS)
- embed
- .addField({ name: ':inbox_tray: Input (typescript)', value: inputTS })
- .addField({ name: ':inbox_tray: Input (transpiled javascript)', value: inputJS });
- else embed.addField({ name: ':inbox_tray: Input', value: inputJS });
- embed.addField({ name: ':outbox_tray: Output', value: output });
- if (methods) embed.addField({ name: ':wrench: Methods', value: methods });
- if (proto) embed.addField({ name: ':gear: Proto', value: proto });
+ rawResult = /^(9\s*?\+\s*?10)|(10\s*?\+\s*?9)$/.test(code[code.lang]!) ? '21' : await eval(code.js);
} catch (e) {
- embed.setTitle(`${emojis.errorFull} Unable to Evaluate Expression`).setColor(colors.error);
- if (inputTS)
- embed
- .addField({ name: ':inbox_tray: Input (typescript)', value: inputTS })
- .addField({ name: ':inbox_tray: Input (transpiled javascript)', value: inputJS });
- else embed.addField({ name: ':inbox_tray: Input', value: inputJS });
- embed.addField({ name: ':outbox_tray: Error', value: await util.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(e, 'js') });
+ err = true;
+ rawResult = e;
- embed.setTimestamp().setFooter({ text: message.author.tag, iconURL: message.author.displayAvatarURL() ?? undefined });
+ const inputJS = await this.codeblock(code.js, 'js');
+ const inputTS = code.lang === 'ts' ? await this.codeblock(code.ts, 'ts') : undefined;
+ embed.setTimestamp();
+ if (inputTS) embed.addField({ name: ':inbox_tray: Input (typescript)', value: inputTS });
+ else embed.addField({ name: `:inbox_tray: Input${inputTS ? ' (transpiled javascript)' : ''}`, value: inputJS });
+ const output = await this.codeblock(rawResult, 'js', {
+ depth: selDepth ?? 0,
+ showHidden: hidden,
+ showProxy: true,
+ inspectStrings: !noInspectStrings
+ });
+ const methods = !err && showMethods ? await this.codeblock(rawResult, 'ts', { methods: true }) : undefined;
+ const proto = !err && showProto ? await this.codeblock(rawResult, 'js', { showHidden: true, prototype: true }) : undefined;
- if (!args.silent || message.util.isSlashMessage(message)) {
- await message.util.reply({ embeds: [embed] });
+ embed
+ .setTitle(`${emojis[err ? 'errorFull' : 'successFull']} ${err ? 'Uns' : 'S'}uccessfully Evaluated Expression`)
+ .setColor(colors[err ? 'error' : 'success'])
+ .addField({ name: `:outbox_tray: ${err ? 'Error' : 'Output'}`, value: output });
+ if (!err && methods) embed.addField({ name: ':wrench: Methods', value: methods });
+ if (!err && proto) embed.addField({ name: ':gear: Proto', value: proto });
+ if (!silent || message.util.isSlashMessage(message)) {
+ await message.util.reply({ content: null, embeds: [embed] });
} else {
- try {
- await message.author.send({ embeds: [embed] });
- if (!args.deleteMSG) await message.react(emojis.successFull);
- } catch {
- if (!args.deleteMSG) await message.react(emojis.errorFull);
- }
+ const success = await message.author.send({ embeds: [embed] }).catch(() => false);
+ if (!deleteMsg) await message.react(success ? emojis.successFull : emojis.errorFull).catch(() => {});
- if (args.deleteMSG && 'deletable' in message && message.deletable) await message.delete();
+ if (deleteMsg && 'deletable' in message && message.deletable) await message.delete().catch(() => {});
+ }
+ private transpile(code: string): string {
+ const transpileOptions = {
+ module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext,
+ target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext,
+ moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeNext,
+ lib: ['esnext'],
+ experimentalDecorators: true,
+ emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
+ resolveJsonModule: true
+ };
+ return transpile(code, transpileOptions);
+ private async codeblock(obj: any, language: CodeBlockLang, options: CodeBlockCustomOptions = {}) {
+ if (options.prototype) obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
+ if (options.methods) obj = util.getMethods(obj);
+ options.depth ??= 1;
+ options.getters ??= true;
+ return util.inspectCleanRedactCodeblock(obj, language, options);
+ }
+type CodeBlockOptions = BushInspectOptions & { inspectStrings?: boolean };
+interface CodeBlockCustomOptions extends CodeBlockOptions {
+ prototype?: boolean;
+ methods?: boolean;
/** @typedef {ActivePunishment|Global|Guild|Level|ModLog|StickyRole|ButtonInteraction|Collection|Collector|CommandInteraction|ContextMenuCommandInteraction|DMChannel|Emoji|Interaction|InteractionCollector|Message|ActionRow|MessageAttachment|ButtonComponent|MessageCollector|SelectMenuComponent|ReactionCollector|Util|Canvas|Shared|PermissionsBitField|got} VSCodePleaseDontRemove */