path: root/src/commands
diff options
authorIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2021-07-02 19:33:29 -0400
committerIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2021-07-02 19:33:29 -0400
commit34f0d1d3ff3e2a90193c9a4d4de29d8335160d6a (patch)
treef5a069b332b649f510aac741ae2484e853efc6a2 /src/commands
parent6c3ab0e2e4239a2122d1d8ce8ed7bc9673fdde6a (diff)
started restructuring moderation commands,
note: nothing currently works :flushed:
Diffstat (limited to 'src/commands')
5 files changed, 346 insertions, 391 deletions
diff --git a/src/commands/moderation/ban.ts b/src/commands/moderation/ban.ts
index 29dc8a6..f3cc1e2 100644
--- a/src/commands/moderation/ban.ts
+++ b/src/commands/moderation/ban.ts
@@ -1,17 +1,5 @@
-import { Argument } from 'discord-akairo';
-import { CommandInteraction, Message, User } from 'discord.js';
-import moment from 'moment';
+import { Message, User } from 'discord.js';
import { BushCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushCommand';
-import { Ban, Guild, ModLog, ModLogType } from '../../lib/models';
-/* const durationAliases: Record<string, string[]> = {
- weeks: ['w', 'weeks', 'week', 'wk', 'wks'],
- days: ['d', 'days', 'day'],
- hours: ['h', 'hours', 'hour', 'hr', 'hrs'],
- minutes: ['m', 'min', 'mins', 'minutes', 'minute'],
- months: ['mo', 'month', 'months']
-const durationRegex = /(?:(\d+)(d(?:ays?)?|h(?:ours?|rs?)?|m(?:inutes?|ins?)?|mo(?:nths?)?|w(?:eeks?|ks?)?)(?: |$))/g; */
export default class BanCommand extends BushCommand {
public constructor() {
@@ -29,18 +17,13 @@ export default class BanCommand extends BushCommand {
id: 'reason',
+ type: 'contentWithDuration',
match: 'restContent',
prompt: {
start: 'Why would you like to ban this user?',
retry: '{error} Choose a ban reason.',
optional: true
- },
- {
- id: 'time',
- type: 'duration',
- match: 'option',
- flag: '--time'
clientPermissions: ['BAN_MEMBERS'],
@@ -62,113 +45,112 @@ export default class BanCommand extends BushCommand {
name: 'reason',
description: 'Why are they getting banned?',
required: false
- },
- {
- type: 'STRING',
- name: 'time',
- description: 'How long should they be banned for?',
- required: false
slash: true
- async *genResponses(
- message: Message | CommandInteraction,
- user: User,
- reason?: string,
- time?: number
- ): AsyncIterable<string> {
- const duration = moment.duration();
- let modLogEntry: ModLog;
- let banEntry: Ban;
- // const translatedTime: string[] = [];
- // Create guild entry so postgres doesn't get mad when I try and add a modlog entry
- await Guild.findOrCreate({
- where: {
- id: message.guild.id
- },
- defaults: {
- id: message.guild.id
- }
- });
- try {
- if (time) {
- duration.add(time);
- /* const parsed = [...time.matchAll(durationRegex)];
- if (parsed.length < 1) {
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Invalid time.`;
- return;
- }
- for (const part of parsed) {
- const translated = Object.keys(durationAliases).find((k) => durationAliases[k].includes(part[2]));
- translatedTime.push(part[1] + ' ' + translated);
- duration.add(Number(part[1]), translated as 'weeks' | 'days' | 'hours' | 'months' | 'minutes');
- } */
- modLogEntry = ModLog.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- reason,
- type: ModLogType.TEMP_BAN,
- duration: duration.asMilliseconds(),
- moderator: message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.id : message.author.id
- });
- banEntry = Ban.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- reason,
- expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + duration.asMilliseconds()),
- modlog: modLogEntry.id
- });
- } else {
- modLogEntry = ModLog.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- reason,
- type: ModLogType.BAN,
- moderator: message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.id : message.author.id
- });
- banEntry = Ban.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- reason,
- modlog: modLogEntry.id
- });
- }
- await modLogEntry.save();
- await banEntry.save();
+ // async *genResponses(
+ // message: Message | CommandInteraction,
+ // user: User,
+ // reason?: string,
+ // time?: number
+ // ): AsyncIterable<string> {
+ // const duration = moment.duration();
+ // let modLogEntry: ModLog;
+ // let banEntry: Ban;
+ // // const translatedTime: string[] = [];
+ // // Create guild entry so postgres doesn't get mad when I try and add a modlog entry
+ // await Guild.findOrCreate({
+ // where: {
+ // id: message.guild.id
+ // },
+ // defaults: {
+ // id: message.guild.id
+ // }
+ // });
+ // try {
+ // if (time) {
+ // duration.add(time);
+ // /* const parsed = [...time.matchAll(durationRegex)];
+ // if (parsed.length < 1) {
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Invalid time.`;
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // for (const part of parsed) {
+ // const translated = Object.keys(durationAliases).find((k) => durationAliases[k].includes(part[2]));
+ // translatedTime.push(part[1] + ' ' + translated);
+ // duration.add(Number(part[1]), translated as 'weeks' | 'days' | 'hours' | 'months' | 'minutes');
+ // } */
+ // modLogEntry = ModLog.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // reason,
+ // type: ModLogType.TEMP_BAN,
+ // duration: duration.asMilliseconds(),
+ // moderator: message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.id : message.author.id
+ // });
+ // banEntry = Ban.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // reason,
+ // expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + duration.asMilliseconds()),
+ // modlog: modLogEntry.id
+ // });
+ // } else {
+ // modLogEntry = ModLog.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // reason,
+ // type: ModLogType.BAN,
+ // moderator: message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.id : message.author.id
+ // });
+ // banEntry = Ban.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // reason,
+ // modlog: modLogEntry.id
+ // });
+ // }
+ // await modLogEntry.save();
+ // await banEntry.save();
- try {
- await user.send(
- `You were banned in ${message.guild.name} ${duration ? duration.humanize() : 'permanently'} with reason \`${
- reason || 'No reason given'
- }\``
- );
- } catch {
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.warn} Unable to dm user`;
- }
- await message.guild.members.ban(user, {
- reason: `Banned by ${message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.tag : message.author.tag} with ${
- reason ? `reason ${reason}` : 'no reason'
- }`
- });
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.success} Banned <@!${user.id}> ${
- duration ? duration.humanize() : 'permanently'
- } with reason \`${reason || 'No reason given'}\``;
- } catch {
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error banning :/`;
- await banEntry.destroy();
- await modLogEntry.destroy();
- return;
- }
- }
- async exec(message: Message, { user, reason, time }: { user: User; reason?: string; time?: number | string }): Promise<void> {
- if (typeof time === 'string') {
- time = (await Argument.cast('duration', this.client.commandHandler.resolver, message, time)) as number;
- //// time = this.client.commandHandler.resolver.type('duration')
- }
- for await (const response of this.genResponses(message, user, reason, time)) {
- await message.util.send(response);
- }
+ // try {
+ // await user.send(
+ // `You were banned in ${message.guild.name} ${duration ? duration.humanize() : 'permanently'} with reason \`${
+ // reason || 'No reason given'
+ // }\``
+ // );
+ // } catch {
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.warn} Unable to dm user`;
+ // }
+ // await message.guild.members.ban(user, {
+ // reason: `Banned by ${message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.tag : message.author.tag} with ${
+ // reason ? `reason ${reason}` : 'no reason'
+ // }`
+ // });
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.success} Banned <@!${user.id}> ${
+ // duration ? duration.humanize() : 'permanently'
+ // } with reason \`${reason || 'No reason given'}\``;
+ // } catch {
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error banning :/`;
+ // await banEntry.destroy();
+ // await modLogEntry.destroy();
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // }
+ async exec(
+ message: Message,
+ { user, reason, time }: { user: User; reason?: string; time?: number | string }
+ ): Promise<unknown> {
+ return message.util.reply(`${this.client.util.emojis.error} This command is not finished.`);
+ // if (typeof time === 'string') {
+ // time = (await Argument.cast('duration', this.client.commandHandler.resolver, message, time)) as number;
+ // //// time = this.client.commandHandler.resolver.type('duration')
+ // }
+ // for await (const response of this.genResponses(message, user, reason, time)) {
+ // await message.util.send(response);
+ // }
diff --git a/src/commands/moderation/kick.ts b/src/commands/moderation/kick.ts
index 09d6abf..df538bc 100644
--- a/src/commands/moderation/kick.ts
+++ b/src/commands/moderation/kick.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-import { CommandInteraction, GuildMember, Message } from 'discord.js';
+import { GuildMember, Message } from 'discord.js';
import { BushCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushCommand';
-import { BushSlashMessage } from '../../lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushSlashMessage';
-import { Guild, ModLog, ModLogType } from '../../lib/models';
export default class KickCommand extends BushCommand {
public constructor() {
@@ -20,7 +18,12 @@ export default class KickCommand extends BushCommand {
id: 'reason',
type: 'string',
- match: 'restContent'
+ match: 'restContent',
+ prompt: {
+ start: 'Why would you like to kick this user?',
+ retry: '{error} Choose a valid user to kick.',
+ optional: true
+ }
clientPermissions: ['KICK_MEMBERS'],
@@ -28,19 +31,19 @@ export default class KickCommand extends BushCommand {
description: {
content: 'Kick a member from the server.',
usage: 'kick <member> <reason>',
- examples: ['kick @Tyman being cool']
+ examples: ['kick @user bad']
slashOptions: [
type: 'USER',
name: 'user',
- description: 'The user to kick',
+ description: 'What user would you like to kick?',
required: true
type: 'STRING',
name: 'reason',
- description: 'The reason to show in modlogs and audit log',
+ description: 'Why would you like to kick this user?',
required: false
@@ -48,63 +51,59 @@ export default class KickCommand extends BushCommand {
- private async *genResponses(
- message: Message | CommandInteraction,
- user: GuildMember,
- reason?: string
- ): AsyncIterable<string> {
- let modlogEnry: ModLog;
- // Create guild entry so postgres doesn't get mad when I try and add a modlog entry
- await Guild.findOrCreate({
- where: {
- id: message.guild.id
- },
- defaults: {
- id: message.guild.id
- }
- });
- try {
- modlogEnry = ModLog.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- moderator: message instanceof Message ? message.author.id : message.user.id,
- type: ModLogType.KICK,
- reason
- });
- await modlogEnry.save();
- } catch (e) {
- this.client.console.error(`KickCommand`, `Error saving to database. ${e?.stack}`);
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error saving to database. Please report this to a developer.`;
- return;
- }
- try {
- await user.send(`You were kicked in ${message.guild.name} with reason \`${reason || 'No reason given'}\``);
- } catch (e) {
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.warn} Unable to dm user`;
- }
- try {
- await user.kick(
- `Kicked by ${message instanceof Message ? message.author.tag : message.user.tag} with ${
- reason ? `reason ${reason}` : 'no reason'
- }`
- );
- } catch {
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error kicking :/`;
- await modlogEnry.destroy();
- return;
- }
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.success} Kicked <@!${user.id}> with reason \`${reason || 'No reason given'}\``;
- }
+ // private async *genResponses(
+ // message: Message | CommandInteraction,
+ // user: GuildMember,
+ // reason?: string
+ // ): AsyncIterable<string> {
+ // let modlogEnry: ModLog;
+ // // Create guild entry so postgres doesn't get mad when I try and add a modlog entry
+ // await Guild.findOrCreate({
+ // where: {
+ // id: message.guild.id
+ // },
+ // defaults: {
+ // id: message.guild.id
+ // }
+ // });
+ // try {
+ // modlogEnry = ModLog.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // moderator: message instanceof Message ? message.author.id : message.user.id,
+ // type: ModLogType.KICK,
+ // reason
+ // });
+ // await modlogEnry.save();
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // this.client.console.error(`KickCommand`, `Error saving to database. ${e?.stack}`);
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error saving to database. Please report this to a developer.`;
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // try {
+ // await user.send(`You were kicked in ${message.guild.name} with reason \`${reason || 'No reason given'}\``);
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.warn} Unable to dm user`;
+ // }
+ // try {
+ // await user.kick(
+ // `Kicked by ${message instanceof Message ? message.author.tag : message.user.tag} with ${
+ // reason ? `reason ${reason}` : 'no reason'
+ // }`
+ // );
+ // } catch {
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error kicking :/`;
+ // await modlogEnry.destroy();
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.success} Kicked <@!${user.id}> with reason \`${reason || 'No reason given'}\``;
+ // }
- async exec(message: Message, { user, reason }: { user: GuildMember; reason?: string }): Promise<void> {
- for await (const response of this.genResponses(message, user, reason)) {
- await message.util.send(response);
- }
- }
+ async exec(message: Message, { user, reason }: { user: GuildMember; reason?: string }): Promise<unknown> {
+ return message.util.reply(`${this.client.util.emojis.error} This command is not finished.`);
- async execSlash(message: BushSlashMessage, { user, reason }: { user: GuildMember; reason?: string }): Promise<void> {
- for await (const response of this.genResponses(message.interaction, user, reason)) {
- await message.interaction.reply(response);
- }
+ // for await (const response of this.genResponses(message, user, reason)) {
+ // await message.util.send(response);
+ // }
diff --git a/src/commands/moderation/modlog.ts b/src/commands/moderation/modlog.ts
index d094885..2f7601b 100644
--- a/src/commands/moderation/modlog.ts
+++ b/src/commands/moderation/modlog.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags';
import { Argument } from 'discord-akairo';
-import { Message, MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js';
+import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js';
import moment from 'moment';
import { BushCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushCommand';
+import { BushMessage } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessage';
import { ModLog } from '../../lib/models';
export default class ModlogCommand extends BushCommand {
@@ -10,50 +10,47 @@ export default class ModlogCommand extends BushCommand {
super('modlog', {
aliases: ['modlog', 'modlogs'],
category: 'moderation',
+ description: {
+ content: "View a user's modlogs, or view a specific case.",
+ usage: 'modlogs <search>',
+ examples: ['modlogs @Tyman']
+ },
args: [
id: 'search',
+ type: Argument.union('user', 'string'),
prompt: {
- start: 'What modlog id or user would you like to see?'
+ start: 'What case id or user would you like to see?',
+ retry: '{error} Choose a valid case id or user.'
- },
- {
- id: 'page',
- type: 'number'
userPermissions: ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'],
- description: {
- content: "View a user's modlogs, or view a specific modlog entry",
- usage: 'warn <search> [page]',
- examples: ['modlogs @Tyman', 'modlogs @Tyman 3']
- }
+ slash: true,
+ slashOptions: [
+ {
+ name: 'search',
+ description: 'What case id or user would you like to see?',
+ type: 'STRING',
+ required: true
+ }
+ ]
- *args(): unknown {
- const search = yield {
- id: 'search',
- type: Argument.union('user', 'string'),
- prompt: {
- start: 'What modlog id or user would you like to see?',
- retry: '{error} Choose a valid modlog id or user.'
- }
- };
- if (typeof search === 'string') return { search, page: null };
- else {
- const page = yield {
- id: 'page',
- type: 'number',
- prompt: {
- start: 'What page?',
- retry: '{error} Choose a valid page to view.',
- optional: true
- }
- };
- return { search, page };
- }
+ private generateModlogInfo(log: ModLog) {
+ const modLog = [
+ `**Case ID**: ${log.id}`,
+ `**Type**: ${log.type.toLowerCase()}`,
+ `**User**: <@!${log.user}> (${log.user})`,
+ `**Moderator**: <@!${log.moderator}> (${log.moderator})`
+ ];
+ if (log.duration) modLog.push(`**Duration**: ${moment.duration(log.duration, 'milliseconds').humanize()}`);
+ modLog.push(`**Reason**: ${log.reason || 'No Reason Specified.'}`);
+ return modLog.join(`\n`);
- async exec(message: Message, { search, page }: { search: string; page: number }): Promise<void> {
+ async exec(message: BushMessage, { search }: { search: string }): Promise<unknown> {
const foundUser = await this.client.util.resolveUserAsync(search);
if (foundUser) {
const logs = await ModLog.findAll({
@@ -65,75 +62,27 @@ export default class ModlogCommand extends BushCommand {
const niceLogs: string[] = [];
for (const log of logs) {
- niceLogs.push(stripIndent`
- **Case ID**: ${log.id}
- **Type**: ${log.type.toLowerCase()}
- **User**: <@!${log.user}> (${log.user})
- **Moderator**: <@!${log.moderator}> (${log.moderator})
- **Duration**: ${log.duration ? moment.duration(log.duration, 'milliseconds').humanize() : 'N/A'}
- **Reason**: ${log.reason || 'None given'}
- **${this.client.util.ordinal(logs.indexOf(log) + 1)}** action
- `);
+ niceLogs.push(this.generateModlogInfo(log));
const chunked: string[][] = this.client.util.chunk(niceLogs, 3);
const embedPages = chunked.map(
- (e, i) =>
+ (chunk) =>
new MessageEmbed({
- title: foundUser.tag,
- description: e.join('\n**---------------------------**\n'),
- footer: {
- text: `Page ${i + 1}/${chunked.length}`
- },
+ title: `${foundUser.tag}'s Mod Logs`,
+ description: chunk.join('\n**―――――――――――――――――――――――――――**\n'),
color: this.client.util.colors.default
- if (page) {
- await message.util.send({ embeds: [embedPages[page - 1]] });
- return;
- } else {
- await message.util.send({ embeds: [embedPages[0]] });
- return;
- }
+ this.client.util.buttonPaginate(message, embedPages, '', true);
} else if (search) {
const entry = await ModLog.findByPk(search);
- if (!entry) {
- await message.util.send(`${this.client.util.emojis.error} That modlog does not exist.`);
- return;
- }
- await message.util.send({
- embeds: [
- new MessageEmbed({
- title: `${entry.id}`,
- fields: [
- {
- name: 'Type',
- value: entry.type.toLowerCase(),
- inline: true
- },
- {
- name: 'Duration',
- value: `${entry.duration ? moment.duration(entry.duration, 'milliseconds').humanize() : 'N/A'}`,
- inline: true
- },
- {
- name: 'Reason',
- value: `${entry.reason || 'None given'}`,
- inline: true
- },
- {
- name: 'Moderator',
- value: `<@!${entry.moderator}> (${entry.moderator})`,
- inline: true
- },
- {
- name: 'User',
- value: `<@!${entry.user}> (${entry.user})`,
- inline: true
- }
- ]
- })
- ]
+ if (!entry) return message.util.send(`${this.client.util.emojis.error} That modlog does not exist.`);
+ const embed = new MessageEmbed({
+ title: `Case ${entry.id}`,
+ description: this.generateModlogInfo(entry),
+ color: this.client.util.colors.default
+ return await this.client.util.buttonPaginate(message, [embed]);
diff --git a/src/commands/moderation/mute.ts b/src/commands/moderation/mute.ts
index 3496489..ffad432 100644
--- a/src/commands/moderation/mute.ts
+++ b/src/commands/moderation/mute.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import { Argument } from 'discord-akairo';
-import { CommandInteraction, Message, User } from 'discord.js';
-import moment from 'moment';
import { BushCommand } from '../../lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushCommand';
-import { Guild, ModLog, ModLogType, Mute } from '../../lib/models';
+import { BushGuildMember } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildMember';
+import { BushMessage } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessage';
+import { BushUser } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushUser';
export default class MuteCommand extends BushCommand {
public constructor() {
@@ -20,18 +20,13 @@ export default class MuteCommand extends BushCommand {
id: 'reason',
- match: 'separate',
+ type: 'contentWithDuration',
+ match: 'rest',
prompt: {
start: 'Why would you like to mute this user?',
- retry: '{error} Choose a mute reason.',
+ retry: '{error} Choose a mute reason and duration.',
optional: true
- },
- {
- id: 'time',
- type: 'duration',
- match: 'option',
- flag: '--time'
clientPermissions: ['MANAGE_ROLES'],
@@ -51,116 +46,143 @@ export default class MuteCommand extends BushCommand {
type: 'STRING',
name: 'reason',
- description: 'Why the user is getting muted.',
- required: false
- },
- {
- type: 'STRING',
- name: 'time',
- description: 'How long the user should be muted for.',
+ description: 'Why is the user is getting muted, and how long should they be muted for?',
required: false
slash: true
- async *genResponses(
- message: Message | CommandInteraction,
- user: User,
- reason?: string,
- time?: number
- ): AsyncIterable<string> {
- const duration = moment.duration(time);
- let modlogEnry: ModLog;
- let muteEntry: Mute;
- // Create guild entry so postgres doesn't get mad when I try and add a modlog entry
- await Guild.findOrCreate({
- where: {
- id: message.guild.id
- },
- defaults: {
- id: message.guild.id
- }
- });
- try {
- const muteRole = (await Guild.findByPk(message.guild.id)).get('muteRole');
- try {
- if (time) {
- modlogEnry = ModLog.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- reason,
- type: ModLogType.TEMP_MUTE,
- duration: duration.asMilliseconds(),
- moderator: message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.id : message.author.id
- });
- muteEntry = Mute.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- reason,
- expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + duration.asMilliseconds()),
- modlog: modlogEnry.id
- });
- } else {
- modlogEnry = ModLog.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- reason,
- type: ModLogType.MUTE,
- moderator: message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.id : message.author.id
- });
- muteEntry = Mute.build({
- user: user.id,
- guild: message.guild.id,
- reason,
- modlog: modlogEnry.id
- });
- }
- await modlogEnry.save();
- await muteEntry.save();
- } catch (e) {
- this.client.console.error(`MuteCommand`, `Error saving to database. ${e?.stack}`);
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error saving to database. Please report this to a developer.`;
- return;
- }
- try {
- await user.send(
- `You were muted in ${message.guild.name} ${time ? `for ${duration.humanize()}` : 'permanently'} with reason \`${
- reason || 'No reason given'
- }\``
- );
- } catch (e) {
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.warn} Unable to dm user`;
- }
- await (
- await message.guild.members.fetch(user)
- ).roles.add(
- muteRole,
- `Muted by ${message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.tag : message.author.tag} with ${
- reason ? `reason ${reason}` : 'no reason'
- }`
- );
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.success} muted <@!${user.id}> ${
- time ? `for ${duration.humanize()}` : 'permanently'
- } with reason \`${reason || 'No reason given'}\``;
- } catch {
- yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error muting :/`;
- await muteEntry.destroy();
- await modlogEnry.destroy();
- return;
- }
- }
+ // async *genResponses(
+ // message: Message | CommandInteraction,
+ // user: User,
+ // reason?: string,
+ // time?: number
+ // ): AsyncIterable<string> {
+ // const duration = moment.duration(time);
+ // let modlogEnry: ModLog;
+ // let muteEntry: Mute;
+ // // Create guild entry so postgres doesn't get mad when I try and add a modlog entry
+ // await Guild.findOrCreate({
+ // where: {
+ // id: message.guild.id
+ // },
+ // defaults: {
+ // id: message.guild.id
+ // }
+ // });
+ // try {
+ // const muteRole = (await Guild.findByPk(message.guild.id)).get('muteRole');
+ // try {
+ // if (time) {
+ // modlogEnry = ModLog.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // reason,
+ // type: ModLogType.TEMP_MUTE,
+ // duration: duration.asMilliseconds(),
+ // moderator: message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.id : message.author.id
+ // });
+ // muteEntry = Mute.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // reason,
+ // expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + duration.asMilliseconds()),
+ // modlog: modlogEnry.id
+ // });
+ // } else {
+ // modlogEnry = ModLog.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // reason,
+ // type: ModLogType.MUTE,
+ // moderator: message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.id : message.author.id
+ // });
+ // muteEntry = Mute.build({
+ // user: user.id,
+ // guild: message.guild.id,
+ // reason,
+ // modlog: modlogEnry.id
+ // });
+ // }
+ // await modlogEnry.save();
+ // await muteEntry.save();
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // this.client.console.error(`MuteCommand`, `Error saving to database. ${e?.stack}`);
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error saving to database. Please report this to a developer.`;
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // try {
+ // await user.send(
+ // `You were muted in ${message.guild.name} ${time ? `for ${duration.humanize()}` : 'permanently'} with reason \`${
+ // reason || 'No reason given'
+ // }\``
+ // );
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.warn} Unable to dm user`;
+ // }
+ // await (
+ // await message.guild.members.fetch(user)
+ // ).roles.add(
+ // muteRole,
+ // `Muted by ${message instanceof CommandInteraction ? message.user.tag : message.author.tag} with ${
+ // reason ? `reason ${reason}` : 'no reason'
+ // }`
+ // );
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.success} muted <@!${user.id}> ${
+ // time ? `for ${duration.humanize()}` : 'permanently'
+ // } with reason \`${reason || 'No reason given'}\``;
+ // } catch {
+ // yield `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Error muting :/`;
+ // await muteEntry.destroy();
+ // await modlogEnry.destroy();
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // }
async exec(
- message: Message,
- { user, reason, time }: { user: User; reason?: string[]; time?: string | number }
- ): Promise<void> {
- this.client.console.debug(reason);
+ message: BushMessage,
+ { user, reason }: { user: BushUser; reason?: { duration: number; contentWithoutTime: string } }
+ ): Promise<unknown> {
+ return message.util.reply(`${this.client.util.emojis.error} This command is not finished.`);
+ // this.client.console.debug(reason);
- if (typeof time === 'string') {
- time = (await Argument.cast('duration', this.client.commandHandler.resolver, message, time)) as number;
+ // if (typeof time === 'string') {
+ // time = (await Argument.cast('duration', this.client.commandHandler.resolver, message, time)) as number;
+ // }
+ // for await (const response of this.genResponses(message, user, reason.join(' '), time)) {
+ // await message.util.sendNew(response);
+ // }
+ const member = message.guild.members.cache.get(user.id) as BushGuildMember;
+ if (!this.client.util.moderatorCanModerateUser(message.member, member)) {
+ return message.util.reply({
+ content: `${this.client.util.emojis.error} You cannot mute **${member.user.tag}**.`
+ });
- for await (const response of this.genResponses(message, user, reason.join(' '), time)) {
- await message.util.sendNew(response);
+ const time =
+ typeof reason === 'string'
+ ? //@ts-ignore: you are unreachable bitch
+ await Argument.cast('duration', this.client.commandHandler.resolver, message, reason)
+ : reason.duration;
+ const parsedReason = reason.contentWithoutTime;
+ const response = await member.mute({
+ reason: parsedReason,
+ moderator: message.author,
+ duration: time,
+ createModLogEntry: true
+ });
+ switch (response) {
+ case 'success':
+ return message.util.reply(`${this.client.util.emojis.success} Successfully muted **${member.user.tag}**.`);
+ case 'no mute role':
+ return message.util.reply(
+ `${this.client.util.emojis.error} Could not mute **${
+ member.user.tag
+ }**, you must set a mute role with ${message.guild.getSetting('prefix')}.`
+ );
diff --git a/src/commands/moderation/warn.ts b/src/commands/moderation/warn.ts
index c146db0..d70c9f0 100644
--- a/src/commands/moderation/warn.ts
+++ b/src/commands/moderation/warn.ts
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ export default class WarnCommand extends BushCommand {
id: 'reason',
+ type: 'contentWithDuration',
match: 'rest'
@@ -25,7 +26,9 @@ export default class WarnCommand extends BushCommand {
- public async exec(message: Message, { member, reason }: { member: GuildMember; reason: string }): Promise<void> {
+ public async exec(message: Message, { member, reason }: { member: GuildMember; reason: string }): Promise<unknown> {
+ return message.util.reply(`${this.client.util.emojis.error} This command is not finished.`);
// Create guild entry so postgres doesn't get mad when I try and add a modlog entry
await Guild.findOrCreate({
where: {