path: root/src/lib/utils
diff options
authorIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2022-01-31 19:20:39 -0500
committerIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2022-01-31 19:20:39 -0500
commitbab76f38a17c62f8c1477172fe1bc9428efb3843 (patch)
tree9aee5ed7b54e74735ff417820427c9d2efa984f4 /src/lib/utils
parent78ab3362a52578d0bcada903732f147747c609df (diff)
fixes, and breaking changes
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/utils')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/utils/BushConstants.ts b/src/lib/utils/BushConstants.ts
index e7b69ae..df8212b 100644
--- a/src/lib/utils/BushConstants.ts
+++ b/src/lib/utils/BushConstants.ts
@@ -171,49 +171,47 @@ export class BushConstants {
permissions: {
- CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE: { name: 'Create Invite', important: false },
- KICK_MEMBERS: { name: 'Kick Members', important: true },
- BAN_MEMBERS: { name: 'Ban Members', important: true },
- ADMINISTRATOR: { name: 'Administrator', important: true },
- MANAGE_CHANNELS: { name: 'Manage Channels', important: true },
- MANAGE_GUILD: { name: 'Manage Server', important: true },
- ADD_REACTIONS: { name: 'Add Reactions', important: false },
- VIEW_AUDIT_LOG: { name: 'View Audit Log', important: true },
- PRIORITY_SPEAKER: { name: 'Priority Speaker', important: true },
- STREAM: { name: 'Video', important: false },
- VIEW_CHANNEL: { name: 'View Channel', important: false },
- SEND_MESSAGES: { name: 'Send Messages', important: false },
- SEND_TTS_MESSAGES: { name: 'Send Text-to-Speech Messages', important: true },
- MANAGE_MESSAGES: { name: 'Manage Messages', important: true },
- EMBED_LINKS: { name: 'Embed Links', important: false },
- ATTACH_FILES: { name: 'Attach Files', important: false },
- READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY: { name: 'Read Message History', important: false },
- MENTION_EVERYONE: { name: 'Mention @\u200Beveryone, @\u200Bhere, and All Roles', important: true }, // name has a zero-width space to prevent accidents
- USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS: { name: 'Use External Emoji', important: false },
- VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTS: { name: 'View Server Insights', important: true },
- CONNECT: { name: 'Connect', important: false },
- SPEAK: { name: 'Speak', important: false },
- MUTE_MEMBERS: { name: 'Mute Members', important: true },
- DEAFEN_MEMBERS: { name: 'Deafen Members', important: true },
- MOVE_MEMBERS: { name: 'Move Members', important: true },
- USE_VAD: { name: 'Use Voice Activity', important: false },
- CHANGE_NICKNAME: { name: 'Change Nickname', important: false },
- MANAGE_NICKNAMES: { name: 'Change Nicknames', important: true },
- MANAGE_ROLES: { name: 'Manage Roles', important: true },
- MANAGE_WEBHOOKS: { name: 'Manage Webhooks', important: true },
- MANAGE_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS: { name: 'Manage Emojis and Stickers', important: true },
- USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS: { name: 'Use Slash Commands', important: false },
- REQUEST_TO_SPEAK: { name: 'Request to Speak', important: false },
- MANAGE_THREADS: { name: 'Manage Threads', important: true },
- USE_PUBLIC_THREADS: { name: 'Use public Threads', important: false },
- CREATE_PUBLIC_THREADS: { name: 'Create Public Threads', important: false },
- USE_PRIVATE_THREADS: { name: 'Use Private Threads', important: false },
- CREATE_PRIVATE_THREADS: { name: 'Create Private Threads', important: false },
- USE_EXTERNAL_STICKERS: { name: 'Use External Stickers', important: false },
- SEND_MESSAGES_IN_THREADS: { name: 'Send Messages In Threads', important: false },
- START_EMBEDDED_ACTIVITIES: { name: 'Start Activities', important: false },
- MODERATE_MEMBERS: { name: 'Timeout Members', important: true },
- MANAGE_EVENTS: { name: 'Manage Events', important: true }
+ CreateInstantInvite: { name: 'Create Invite', important: false },
+ KickMembers: { name: 'Kick Members', important: true },
+ BanMembers: { name: 'Ban Members', important: true },
+ Administrator: { name: 'Administrator', important: true },
+ ManageChannels: { name: 'Manage Channels', important: true },
+ ManageGuild: { name: 'Manage Server', important: true },
+ AddReactions: { name: 'Add Reactions', important: false },
+ ViewAuditLog: { name: 'View Audit Log', important: true },
+ PrioritySpeaker: { name: 'Priority Speaker', important: true },
+ Stream: { name: 'Video', important: false },
+ ViewChannel: { name: 'View Channel', important: false },
+ SendMessages: { name: 'Send Messages', important: false },
+ SendTTSMessages: { name: 'Send Text-to-Speech Messages', important: true },
+ ManageMessages: { name: 'Manage Messages', important: true },
+ EmbedLinks: { name: 'Embed Links', important: false },
+ AttachFiles: { name: 'Attach Files', important: false },
+ ReadMessageHistory: { name: 'Read Message History', important: false },
+ MentionEveryone: { name: 'Mention @\u200Beveryone, @\u200Bhere, and All Roles', important: true }, // name has a zero-width space to prevent accidents
+ UseExternalEmojis: { name: 'Use External Emoji', important: false },
+ ViewGuildInsights: { name: 'View Server Insights', important: true },
+ Connect: { name: 'Connect', important: false },
+ Speak: { name: 'Speak', important: false },
+ MuteMembers: { name: 'Mute Members', important: true },
+ DeafenMembers: { name: 'Deafen Members', important: true },
+ MoveMembers: { name: 'Move Members', important: true },
+ UseVAD: { name: 'Use Voice Activity', important: false },
+ ChangeNickname: { name: 'Change Nickname', important: false },
+ ManageNicknames: { name: 'Change Nicknames', important: true },
+ ManageRoles: { name: 'Manage Roles', important: true },
+ ManageWebhooks: { name: 'Manage Webhooks', important: true },
+ ManageEmojisAndStickers: { name: 'Manage Emojis and Stickers', important: true },
+ UseApplicationCommands: { name: 'Use Slash Commands', important: false },
+ RequestToSpeak: { name: 'Request to Speak', important: false },
+ ManageEvents: { name: 'Manage Events', important: true },
+ ManageThreads: { name: 'Manage Threads', important: true },
+ CreatePublicThreads: { name: 'Create Public Threads', important: false },
+ CreatePrivateThreads: { name: 'Create Private Threads', important: false },
+ UseExternalStickers: { name: 'Use External Stickers', important: false },
+ SendMessagesInThreads: { name: 'Send Messages In Threads', important: false },
+ StartEmbeddedActivities: { name: 'Start Activities', important: false },
+ ModerateMembers: { name: 'Timeout Members', important: true }
// prettier-ignore
@@ -294,20 +292,21 @@ export class BushConstants {
userFlags: {
- STAFF: '<:discordEmployee:848742947826434079>',
- PARTNER: '<:partneredServerOwner:848743051593777152>',
- HYPESQUAD: '<:hypeSquadEvents:848743108283072553>',
- BUG_HUNTER_LEVEL_1: '<:bugHunter:848743239850393640>',
- HYPESQUAD_ONLINE_HOUSE_1: '<:hypeSquadBravery:848742910563844127>',
- HYPESQUAD_ONLINE_HOUSE_2: '<:hypeSquadBrilliance:848742840649646101>',
- HYPESQUAD_ONLINE_HOUSE_3: '<:hypeSquadBalance:848742877537370133>',
- PREMIUM_EARLY_SUPPORTER: '<:earlySupporter:848741030102171648>',
- BUG_HUNTER_LEVEL_2: '<:bugHunterGold:848743283080822794>',
- VERIFIED_DEVELOPER: '<:earlyVerifiedBotDeveloper:848741079875846174>',
- CERTIFIED_MODERATOR: '<:discordCertifiedModerator:877224285901582366>',
+ None: '',
+ Staff: '<:discordEmployee:848742947826434079>',
+ Partner: '<:partneredServerOwner:848743051593777152>',
+ Hypesquad: '<:hypeSquadEvents:848743108283072553>',
+ BugHunterLevel1: '<:bugHunter:848743239850393640>',
+ HypeSquadOnlineHouse1: '<:hypeSquadBravery:848742910563844127>',
+ HypeSquadOnlineHouse2: '<:hypeSquadBrilliance:848742840649646101>',
+ HypeSquadOnlineHouse3: '<:hypeSquadBalance:848742877537370133>',
+ PremiumEarlySupporter: '<:earlySupporter:848741030102171648>',
+ TeamPseudoUser: 'TEAM_PSEUDO_USER',
+ BugHunterLevel2: '<:bugHunterGold:848743283080822794>',
+ VerifiedBot: 'VERIFIED_BOT',
+ VerifiedDeveloper: '<:earlyVerifiedBotDeveloper:848741079875846174>',
+ CertifiedModerator: '<:discordCertifiedModerator:877224285901582366>',
status: {