path: root/src
diff options
authorIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2021-08-29 19:28:16 -0400
committerIRONM00N <64110067+IRONM00N@users.noreply.github.com>2021-08-29 19:28:16 -0400
commitf1353ac5735158bca58a50535f43ff1561cf1e07 (patch)
tree6ab6f3b417fb2e091bd0ec8e85d90dd7fc76196e /src
parent51b9c15e6dddda210476944525b1ca4bd08c796b (diff)
fix some jankery
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 57 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/commands/config/config.ts b/src/commands/config/config.ts
index 7e0ddf1..2a17883 100644
--- a/src/commands/config/config.ts
+++ b/src/commands/config/config.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { BushCommand, BushMessage, BushSlashMessage, GuildSettings, guildSettingsObj, settingsArr } from '@lib';
import { ArgumentOptions, Flag } from 'discord-akairo';
import {
+ Channel,
@@ -8,7 +9,8 @@ import {
- MessageSelectMenu
+ MessageSelectMenu,
+ Role
} from 'discord.js';
import _ from 'lodash';
@@ -102,6 +104,7 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
// I make very readable code :)
*args(message: BushMessage): IterableIterator<ArgumentOptions | Flag> {
+ const optional = message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings';
const setting = yield {
id: 'setting',
type: settingsArr,
@@ -110,58 +113,53 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
.map((s) => `\`${s}\``)
.join(', ')}`,
retry: `{error} Choose one of the following settings: ${settingsArr.map((s) => `\`${s}\``).join(', ')}`,
- optional: message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings'
+ optional
+ const actionType = guildSettingsObj[setting as unknown as GuildSettings].type.includes('-array')
+ ? ['view', 'add', 'remove']
+ : ['view', 'set'];
const action = setting
? yield {
id: 'action',
- type: guildSettingsObj[setting as unknown as GuildSettings].type.includes('-array')
- ? ['view', 'add', 'remove']
- : ['view', 'set'],
+ type: actionType,
prompt: {
start: `Would you like to ${util.oxford(
- (guildSettingsObj[setting as unknown as GuildSettings].type.includes('-array')
- ? ['view', 'add', 'remove']
- : ['view', 'set']
- ).map((a) => `\`${a}\``),
+ actionType.map((a) => `\`${a}\``),
)} the \`${setting}\` setting?`,
- retry: `{error} Choose one of the following actions to perform on the \`${setting}\` setting: ${util.oxford(
- (guildSettingsObj[setting as unknown as GuildSettings].type.includes('-array')
- ? ['view', 'add', 'remove']
- : ['view', 'set']
- ).map((a) => `\`${a}\``),
+ retry: `{error} Choose one of the following actions to perform on the ${setting} setting: ${util.oxford(
+ actionType.map((a) => `\`${a}\``),
- optional: message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings'
+ optional
: undefined;
+ const valueType = guildSettingsObj[setting as unknown as GuildSettings].type.replace('-array', '') as
+ | 'string'
+ | 'channel'
+ | 'role';
+ const grammar =
+ (action as unknown as 'add' | 'remove' | 'set') === 'add'
+ ? `to the ${setting} setting`
+ : (action as unknown as 'remove' | 'set') === 'remove'
+ ? `from the ${setting} setting`
+ : `the ${setting} setting to`;
const value =
setting && action && action !== 'view'
? yield {
id: 'value',
- type: 'string',
+ type: valueType,
match: 'restContent',
prompt: {
- start: `What would you like to ${action} ${
- (action as unknown as 'add' | 'remove' | 'set') === 'add'
- ? `to the ${setting} setting`
- : (action as unknown as 'remove' | 'set') === 'remove'
- ? `from the ${setting} setting`
- : `the ${setting} setting to`
- }?`,
- retry: `{error} You must choose a value to ${action} ${
- (action as unknown as 'add' | 'remove' | 'set') === 'add'
- ? `to the ${setting} setting`
- : (action as unknown as 'remove' | 'set') === 'remove'
- ? `from the ${setting} setting`
- : `the ${setting} setting to`
- }.`,
- optional: message.util.parsed!.alias === 'settings'
+ start: `What would you like to ${action} ${grammar}?`,
+ retry: `{error} You must choose a ${valueType === 'string' ? 'value' : valueType} to ${action} ${grammar}.`,
+ optional
: undefined;
@@ -171,14 +169,22 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
public override async exec(
message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage,
- args: { [x in GuildSettings | ('view' | 'set' | 'add' | 'remove') | ('setting' | 'action') | 'value']: string | undefined }
+ args: {
+ [x in GuildSettings | ('view' | 'set' | 'add' | 'remove') | ('setting' | 'action') | 'value']:
+ | string
+ | undefined
+ | Channel
+ | Role;
+ }
): Promise<unknown> {
if (!message.guild) return await message.util.reply(`${util.emojis.error} This command can only be used in servers.`);
if (!message.member?.permissions.has('MANAGE_GUILD'))
return await message.util.reply(
`${util.emojis.error} You must have the **MANAGE_GUILD** permissions to run this command.`
- const setting = _.camelCase(args[settingsArr.find((s) => args[s]) ?? 'setting']) as GuildSettings | undefined;
+ const setting = _.camelCase(args[settingsArr.find((s) => args[s]) ?? 'setting'] as string | undefined) as
+ | GuildSettings
+ | undefined;
const action = (args[
(['view', 'set', 'add', 'remove'] as ('view' | 'set' | 'add' | 'remove')[]).find((a) => args[a]) ?? 'action'
] ?? 'view') as 'view' | 'set' | 'add' | 'remove';
@@ -190,6 +196,13 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message, setting ?? undefined);
msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message;
} else {
+ const parseVal = (val: string | Channel | Role) => {
+ if (val instanceof Channel || val instanceof Role) {
+ return val.id;
+ }
+ return val;
+ };
if (!value)
return await message.util.reply(
`${util.emojis.error} You must choose a value to ${action} ${
@@ -204,14 +217,14 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
case 'add':
case 'remove': {
const existing = (await message.guild.getSetting(setting)) as string[];
- const updated = util.addOrRemoveFromArray('add', existing, value);
+ const updated = util.addOrRemoveFromArray('add', existing, parseVal(value));
await message.guild.setSetting(setting, updated);
const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message);
msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message;
case 'set': {
- await message.guild.setSetting(setting, value);
+ await message.guild.setSetting(setting, parseVal(value));
const messageOptions = await this.generateMessageOptions(message);
msg = (await message.util.reply(messageOptions)) as Message;
@@ -250,11 +263,11 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
public async generateMessageOptions(
message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage,
- feature?: undefined | keyof typeof guildSettingsObj
+ setting?: undefined | keyof typeof guildSettingsObj
): Promise<MessageOptions> {
if (!message.guild) throw new Error('message.guild is null');
const settingsEmbed = new MessageEmbed().setColor(util.colors.default);
- if (!feature) {
+ if (!setting) {
settingsEmbed.setTitle(`${message.guild!.name}'s Settings`);
const desc = settingsArr.map((s) => `**${guildSettingsObj[s].name}**`).join('\n');
@@ -275,11 +288,11 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
return { embeds: [settingsEmbed], components: [selMenu] };
} else {
- settingsEmbed.setTitle(guildSettingsObj[feature].name);
+ settingsEmbed.setTitle(guildSettingsObj[setting].name);
const generateCurrentValue = async (
type: 'string' | 'channel' | 'channel-array' | 'role' | 'role-array'
): Promise<string> => {
- const feat = await message.guild!.getSetting(feature);
+ const feat = await message.guild!.getSetting(setting);
console.debug(type.replace('-array', ''));
switch (type.replace('-array', '') as 'string' | 'channel' | 'role') {
@@ -313,7 +326,7 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
new MessageButton().setStyle('PRIMARY').setCustomId('command_settingsBack').setLabel('Back')
- `${Formatters.italic(guildSettingsObj[feature].description)}\n\n**Type**: ${guildSettingsObj[feature].type}`
+ `${Formatters.italic(guildSettingsObj[setting].description)}\n\n**Type**: ${guildSettingsObj[setting].type}`
@@ -323,14 +336,14 @@ export default class SettingsCommand extends BushCommand {
: client.config.isDevelopment
? 'dev '
: message.util.parsed?.prefix ?? client.config.prefix
- }settings ${feature} ${
- guildSettingsObj[feature].type.includes('-array') ? 'add/remove' : 'set'
+ }${message.util.parsed?.alias ?? 'config'} ${setting} ${
+ guildSettingsObj[setting].type.includes('-array') ? 'add/remove' : 'set'
} <value>" to set this setting.`
(await generateCurrentValue(
- guildSettingsObj[feature].type as 'string' | 'channel' | 'channel-array' | 'role' | 'role-array'
+ guildSettingsObj[setting].type as 'string' | 'channel' | 'channel-array' | 'role' | 'role-array'
)) || '[No Value Set]'
return { embeds: [settingsEmbed], components: [components] };
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushClientUtil.ts b/src/lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushClientUtil.ts
index ef51b63..4d565e4 100644
--- a/src/lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushClientUtil.ts
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/discord-akairo/BushClientUtil.ts
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@ export class BushClientUtil extends ClientUtil {
* Add or remove an item from an array. All duplicates will be removed.
- public addOrRemoveFromArray(action: 'add' | 'remove', array: any[], value: any): any[] {
+ public addOrRemoveFromArray<T extends any>(action: 'add' | 'remove', array: T[], value: T): T[] {
const set = new Set(array);
action === 'add' ? set.add(value) : set.delete(value);
return [...set];