path: root/lib/extensions/discord.js/ExtendedGuild.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/extensions/discord.js/ExtendedGuild.ts')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/lib/extensions/discord.js/ExtendedGuild.ts b/lib/extensions/discord.js/ExtendedGuild.ts
index 6b69206..6bf81ee 100644
--- a/lib/extensions/discord.js/ExtendedGuild.ts
+++ b/lib/extensions/discord.js/ExtendedGuild.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-import * as Moderation from '#lib/common/Moderation.js';
+import {
+ createModLogEntry,
+ createModLogEntrySimple,
+ createPunishmentEntry,
+ punishDM,
+ removePunishmentEntry
+} from '#lib/common/Moderation.js';
import { Guild as GuildDB, GuildFeatures, GuildLogType, GuildModel, ModLogType } from '#lib/models/index.js';
import { AllowedMentions } from '#lib/utils/AllowedMentions.js';
import { colors, emojis, TanzaniteEvent } from '#lib/utils/Constants.js';
@@ -34,98 +40,105 @@ import _ from 'lodash';
import { TanzaniteClient } from '../discord-akairo/TanzaniteClient.js';
import { banResponse, BanResponse, dmResponse, permissionsResponse, punishmentEntryRemove } from './ExtendedGuildMember.js';
+interface Extension {
+ /**
+ * Checks if the guild has a certain custom feature.
+ * @param feature The feature to check for
+ */
+ hasFeature(feature: GuildFeatures): Promise<boolean>;
+ /**
+ * Adds a custom feature to the guild.
+ * @param feature The feature to add
+ * @param moderator The moderator responsible for adding a feature
+ */
+ addFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildDB['enabledFeatures']>;
+ /**
+ * Removes a custom feature from the guild.
+ * @param feature The feature to remove
+ * @param moderator The moderator responsible for removing a feature
+ */
+ removeFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildDB['enabledFeatures']>;
+ /**
+ * Makes a custom feature the opposite of what it was before
+ * @param feature The feature to toggle
+ * @param moderator The moderator responsible for toggling a feature
+ */
+ toggleFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildDB['enabledFeatures']>;
+ /**
+ * Fetches a custom setting for the guild
+ * @param setting The setting to get
+ */
+ getSetting<K extends keyof GuildModel>(setting: K): Promise<GuildModel[K]>;
+ /**
+ * Sets a custom setting for the guild
+ * @param setting The setting to change
+ * @param value The value to change the setting to
+ * @param moderator The moderator to responsible for changing the setting
+ */
+ setSetting<K extends Exclude<keyof GuildModel, 'id'>>(
+ setting: K,
+ value: GuildModel[K],
+ moderator?: GuildMember
+ ): Promise<GuildModel>;
+ /**
+ * Get a the log channel configured for a certain log type.
+ * @param logType The type of log channel to get.
+ * @returns Either the log channel or undefined if not configured.
+ */
+ getLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType): Promise<TextChannel | undefined>;
+ /**
+ * Sends a message to the guild's specified logging channel
+ * @param logType The corresponding channel that the message will be sent to
+ * @param message The parameters for {@link TextChannel.send}
+ */
+ sendLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType, message: string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions): Promise<Message | null | undefined>;
+ /**
+ * Sends a formatted error message in a guild's error log channel
+ * @param title The title of the error embed
+ * @param message The description of the error embed
+ */
+ error(title: string, message: string): Promise<void>;
+ /**
+ * Bans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and creates a punishment entry.
+ * @param options Options for banning the user.
+ * @returns A string status message of the ban.
+ */
+ customBan(options: GuildCustomBanOptions): Promise<BanResponse>;
+ /**
+ * {@link customBan} with less resolving and checks
+ * @param options Options for banning the user.
+ * @returns A string status message of the ban.
+ * **Preconditions:**
+ * - {@link me} has the `BanMembers` permission
+ * **Warning:**
+ * - Doesn't emit customBan Event
+ */
+ massBanOne(options: GuildMassBanOneOptions): Promise<BanResponse>;
+ /**
+ * Unbans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and destroys the punishment entry.
+ * @param options Options for unbanning the user.
+ * @returns A status message of the unban.
+ */
+ customUnban(options: GuildCustomUnbanOptions): Promise<UnbanResponse>;
+ /**
+ * Denies send permissions in specified channels
+ * @param options The options for locking down the guild
+ */
+ lockdown(options: LockdownOptions): Promise<LockdownResponse>;
+ /**
+ * Reposts a message with a webhook
+ * @param rawQuote The original message to repost
+ * @param channel The channel to repost the message in
+ */
+ quote(rawQuote: APIMessage, channel: GuildTextBasedChannel): Promise<Message | null>;
declare module 'discord.js' {
export interface BaseGuild {
client: TanzaniteClient;
- export interface Guild {
- /**
- * Checks if the guild has a certain custom feature.
- * @param feature The feature to check for
- */
- hasFeature(feature: GuildFeatures): Promise<boolean>;
- /**
- * Adds a custom feature to the guild.
- * @param feature The feature to add
- * @param moderator The moderator responsible for adding a feature
- */
- addFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildDB['enabledFeatures']>;
- /**
- * Removes a custom feature from the guild.
- * @param feature The feature to remove
- * @param moderator The moderator responsible for removing a feature
- */
- removeFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildDB['enabledFeatures']>;
- /**
- * Makes a custom feature the opposite of what it was before
- * @param feature The feature to toggle
- * @param moderator The moderator responsible for toggling a feature
- */
- toggleFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildDB['enabledFeatures']>;
- /**
- * Fetches a custom setting for the guild
- * @param setting The setting to get
- */
- getSetting<K extends keyof GuildModel>(setting: K): Promise<GuildModel[K]>;
- /**
- * Sets a custom setting for the guild
- * @param setting The setting to change
- * @param value The value to change the setting to
- * @param moderator The moderator to responsible for changing the setting
- */
- setSetting<K extends Exclude<keyof GuildModel, 'id'>>(
- setting: K,
- value: GuildModel[K],
- moderator?: GuildMember
- ): Promise<GuildModel>;
- /**
- * Get a the log channel configured for a certain log type.
- * @param logType The type of log channel to get.
- * @returns Either the log channel or undefined if not configured.
- */
- getLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType): Promise<TextChannel | undefined>;
- /**
- * Sends a message to the guild's specified logging channel
- * @param logType The corresponding channel that the message will be sent to
- * @param message The parameters for {@link TextChannel.send}
- */
- sendLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType, message: string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions): Promise<Message | null | undefined>;
- /**
- * Sends a formatted error message in a guild's error log channel
- * @param title The title of the error embed
- * @param message The description of the error embed
- */
- error(title: string, message: string): Promise<void>;
- /**
- * Bans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and creates a punishment entry.
- * @param options Options for banning the user.
- * @returns A string status message of the ban.
- */
- customBan(options: GuildCustomBanOptions): Promise<BanResponse>;
- /**
- * {@link customBan} with less resolving and checks
- * @param options Options for banning the user.
- * @returns A string status message of the ban.
- * **Preconditions:**
- * - {@link me} has the `BanMembers` permission
- * **Warning:**
- * - Doesn't emit customBan Event
- */
- massBanOne(options: GuildMassBanOneOptions): Promise<BanResponse>;
- /**
- * Unbans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and destroys the punishment entry.
- * @param options Options for unbanning the user.
- * @returns A status message of the unban.
- */
- customUnban(options: GuildCustomUnbanOptions): Promise<UnbanResponse>;
- /**
- * Denies send permissions in specified channels
- * @param options The options for locking down the guild
- */
- lockdown(options: LockdownOptions): Promise<LockdownResponse>;
- quote(rawQuote: APIMessage, channel: GuildTextBasedChannel): Promise<Message | null>;
- }
+ export interface Guild extends AnonymousGuild, Extension {}
@@ -133,53 +146,30 @@ declare module 'discord.js' {
* <info>It's recommended to see if a guild is available before performing operations or reading data from it. You can
* check this with {@link ExtendedGuild.available}.</info>
-export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
- /**
- * Checks if the guild has a certain custom feature.
- * @param feature The feature to check for
- */
+export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild implements Extension {
public override async hasFeature(feature: GuildFeatures): Promise<boolean> {
const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures');
return features.includes(feature);
- /**
- * Adds a custom feature to the guild.
- * @param feature The feature to add
- * @param moderator The moderator responsible for adding a feature
- */
public override async addFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildModel['enabledFeatures']> {
const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures');
const newFeatures = addOrRemoveFromArray('add', features, feature);
return (await this.setSetting('enabledFeatures', newFeatures, moderator)).enabledFeatures;
- /**
- * Removes a custom feature from the guild.
- * @param feature The feature to remove
- * @param moderator The moderator responsible for removing a feature
- */
public override async removeFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildModel['enabledFeatures']> {
const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures');
const newFeatures = addOrRemoveFromArray('remove', features, feature);
return (await this.setSetting('enabledFeatures', newFeatures, moderator)).enabledFeatures;
- /**
- * Makes a custom feature the opposite of what it was before
- * @param feature The feature to toggle
- * @param moderator The moderator responsible for toggling a feature
- */
public override async toggleFeature(feature: GuildFeatures, moderator?: GuildMember): Promise<GuildModel['enabledFeatures']> {
return (await this.hasFeature(feature))
? await this.removeFeature(feature, moderator)
: await this.addFeature(feature, moderator);
- /**
- * Fetches a custom setting for the guild
- * @param setting The setting to get
- */
public override async getSetting<K extends keyof GuildModel>(setting: K): Promise<GuildModel[K]> {
return (
this.client.cache.guilds.get(this.id)?.[setting] ??
@@ -187,12 +177,6 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
- /**
- * Sets a custom setting for the guild
- * @param setting The setting to change
- * @param value The value to change the setting to
- * @param moderator The moderator to responsible for changing the setting
- */
public override async setSetting<K extends Exclude<keyof GuildModel, 'id'>>(
setting: K,
value: GuildDB[K],
@@ -206,11 +190,6 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
return await row.save();
- /**
- * Get a the log channel configured for a certain log type.
- * @param logType The type of log channel to get.
- * @returns Either the log channel or undefined if not configured.
- */
public override async getLogChannel(logType: GuildLogType): Promise<TextChannel | undefined> {
const channelId = (await this.getSetting('logChannels'))[logType];
if (!channelId) return undefined;
@@ -221,11 +200,6 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
- /**
- * Sends a message to the guild's specified logging channel
- * @param logType The corresponding channel that the message will be sent to
- * @param message The parameters for {@link TextChannel.send}
- */
public override async sendLogChannel(
logType: GuildLogType,
message: string | MessagePayload | MessageOptions
@@ -245,21 +219,11 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
return await logChannel.send(message).catch(() => null);
- /**
- * Sends a formatted error message in a guild's error log channel
- * @param title The title of the error embed
- * @param message The description of the error embed
- */
public override async error(title: string, message: string): Promise<void> {
void this.client.console.info(_.camelCase(title), message.replace(/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/g, '<<$1>>'));
void this.sendLogChannel('error', { embeds: [{ title: title, description: message, color: colors.error }] });
- /**
- * Bans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and creates a punishment entry.
- * @param options Options for banning the user.
- * @returns A string status message of the ban.
- */
public override async customBan(options: GuildCustomBanOptions): Promise<BanResponse> {
// checks
if (!this.members.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.BanMembers)) return banResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;
@@ -274,7 +238,7 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
const ret = await (async () => {
// add modlog entry
- const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
+ const { log: modlog } = await createModLogEntry({
client: this.client,
type: options.duration ? ModLogType.TEMP_BAN : ModLogType.PERM_BAN,
user: user,
@@ -288,7 +252,7 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
caseID = modlog.id;
// dm user
- dmSuccessEvent = await Moderation.punishDM({
+ dmSuccessEvent = await punishDM({
client: this.client,
modlog: modlog.id,
guild: this,
@@ -309,7 +273,7 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
if (!banSuccess) return banResponse.ACTION_ERROR;
// add punishment entry so they can be unbanned later
- const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({
+ const punishmentEntrySuccess = await createPunishmentEntry({
client: this.client,
type: 'ban',
user: user,
@@ -338,21 +302,12 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
return ret;
- /**
- * {@link customBan} with less resolving and checks
- * @param options Options for banning the user.
- * @returns A string status message of the ban.
- * **Preconditions:**
- * - {@link me} has the `BanMembers` permission
- * **Warning:**
- * - Doesn't emit customBan Event
- */
public override async massBanOne(options: GuildMassBanOneOptions): Promise<BanResponse> {
if (this.bans.cache.has(options.user)) return banResponse.ALREADY_BANNED;
const ret = await (async () => {
// add modlog entry
- const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntrySimple({
+ const { log: modlog } = await createModLogEntrySimple({
client: this.client,
type: ModLogType.PERM_BAN,
user: options.user,
@@ -366,7 +321,7 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
let dmSuccessEvent: boolean | undefined = undefined;
// dm user
if (this.members.cache.has(options.user)) {
- dmSuccessEvent = await Moderation.punishDM({
+ dmSuccessEvent = await punishDM({
client: this.client,
modlog: modlog.id,
guild: this,
@@ -388,7 +343,7 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
if (!banSuccess) return banResponse.ACTION_ERROR;
// add punishment entry so they can be unbanned later
- const punishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.createPunishmentEntry({
+ const punishmentEntrySuccess = await createPunishmentEntry({
client: this.client,
type: 'ban',
user: options.user,
@@ -404,11 +359,6 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
return ret;
- /**
- * Unbans a user, dms them, creates a mod log entry, and destroys the punishment entry.
- * @param options Options for unbanning the user.
- * @returns A status message of the unban.
- */
public override async customUnban(options: GuildCustomUnbanOptions): Promise<UnbanResponse> {
// checks
if (!this.members.me!.permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.BanMembers)) return unbanResponse.MISSING_PERMISSIONS;
@@ -438,7 +388,7 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
if (!unbanSuccess) return unbanResponse.ACTION_ERROR;
// add modlog entry
- const { log: modlog } = await Moderation.createModLogEntry({
+ const { log: modlog } = await createModLogEntry({
client: this.client,
type: ModLogType.UNBAN,
user: user.id,
@@ -451,7 +401,7 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
caseID = modlog.id;
// remove punishment entry
- const removePunishmentEntrySuccess = await Moderation.removePunishmentEntry({
+ const removePunishmentEntrySuccess = await removePunishmentEntry({
client: this.client,
type: 'ban',
user: user.id,
@@ -460,7 +410,7 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
if (!removePunishmentEntrySuccess) return unbanResponse.PUNISHMENT_ENTRY_REMOVE_ERROR;
// dm user
- dmSuccessEvent = await Moderation.punishDM({
+ dmSuccessEvent = await punishDM({
client: this.client,
guild: this,
user: user,
@@ -490,10 +440,6 @@ export class ExtendedGuild extends Guild {
return ret;
- /**
- * Denies send permissions in specified channels
- * @param options The options for locking down the guild
- */
public override async lockdown(options: LockdownOptions): Promise<LockdownResponse> {
if (!options.all && !options.channel) return 'all not chosen and no channel specified';
const channelIds = options.all ? await this.getSetting('lockdownChannels') : [options.channel!.id];