path: root/src/commands/moulberry-bush
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/commands/moulberry-bush')
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/src/commands/moulberry-bush/level.ts b/src/commands/moulberry-bush/level.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d66be..0000000
--- a/src/commands/moulberry-bush/level.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-import { BushCommand, BushGuild, BushMessage, BushSlashMessage, BushUser, Level } from '@lib';
-import canvas from 'canvas';
-import { MessageAttachment } from 'discord.js';
-import { join } from 'path';
-import got from 'got/dist/source';
-import { CanvasProgressBar } from '@lib';
-export default class LevelCommand extends BushCommand {
- public constructor() {
- super('level', {
- aliases: ['level', 'rank'],
- category: "Moulberry's Bush",
- description: {
- content: 'Shows the level of a user',
- usage: 'level [user]',
- examples: ['level', 'level @Tyman']
- },
- args: [
- {
- id: 'user',
- type: 'user',
- prompt: {
- start: 'What user would you like to see the level of?',
- retry: '{error} Choose a valid user to see the level of.',
- optional: true
- }
- }
- ],
- slashOptions: [
- {
- name: 'user',
- description: 'The user to get the level of',
- type: 'USER',
- required: false
- }
- ],
- slash: true,
- channel: 'guild'
- });
- }
- /* private simplifyXP(xp: number): string {
- }
- private async getImage(user: User): Promise<Buffer> {
- // I added comments because this code is impossible to read
- const [userLevelRow] = await Level.findOrBuild({
- where: {
- id: user.id
- },
- defaults: {
- id: user.id
- }
- });
- const userLevel = userLevelRow.level
- const currentLevelXP = Level.convertLevelToXp(userLevel);
- const currentLevelXPProgress = userLevelRow.xp - currentLevelXP;
- const xpForNextLevel =
- Level.convertLevelToXp(userLevelRow.level + 1) - currentLevelXP;
- // Load roboto font because yes
- canvas.registerFont(
- join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'Roboto-Regular.ttf'),
- {
- family: 'Roboto'
- }
- );
- // Create image canvas
- const image = canvas.createCanvas(800, 200),
- ctx = image.getContext('2d');
- // Fill background
- ctx.fillStyle = '#00c7eb';
- ctx.fillRect(0, 0, image.width, image.height);
- // Draw avatar
- const avatarBuffer = await got
- .get(user.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png', size: 128 }))
- .buffer();
- const avatarImage = new canvas.Image();
- avatarImage.src = avatarBuffer;
- avatarImage.height = 128
- avatarImage.width = 128
- const imageTopCoord = (image.height / 2) - (avatarImage.height / 2)
- ctx.drawImage(avatarImage, imageTopCoord, imageTopCoord);
- // Write tag of user
- ctx.font = '30px Roboto';
- ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
- const measuredTag = ctx.measureText(user.tag);
- ctx.fillText(user.tag, avatarImage.width + 70, 60);
- // Draw line under tag
- ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
- ctx.fillRect(
- avatarImage.width + 70,
- 65 + measuredTag.actualBoundingBoxDescent,
- measuredTag.width,
- 3
- );
- // Draw leveling bar
- const fullProgressBar = new CanvasProgressBar(
- ctx,
- {
- x: avatarImage.width + 70,
- y: avatarImage.height - 10,
- height: 30,
- width: 550
- },
- '#6e6e6e',
- 1
- );
- fullProgressBar.draw();
- const progressBar = new CanvasProgressBar(
- ctx,
- {
- x: avatarImage.width + 70,
- y: avatarImage.height - 10,
- height: 30,
- width: 550
- },
- 'yellow',
- currentLevelXPProgress / xpForNextLevel
- );
- progressBar.draw();
- // Draw level data text
- ctx.fillStyle = 'black'
- ctx.fillText(`Level: ${userLevel} XP: $`, avatarImage.width + 70, avatarImage.height - 20)
- // Return image in buffer form
- return image.toBuffer();
- } */
- private async getResponse(user: BushUser, guild: BushGuild): Promise<string> {
- const userLevelRow = await Level.findOne({ where: { user: user.id, guild: guild.id } });
- if (userLevelRow) {
- return `${user ? `${user.tag}'s` : 'Your'} level is ${userLevelRow.level} (${userLevelRow.xp} XP)`;
- } else {
- return `${user ? `${user.tag} does` : 'You do'} not have a level yet!`;
- }
- }
- public override async exec(message: BushMessage | BushSlashMessage, { user }: { user?: BushUser }): Promise<void> {
- // await message.reply(
- // new MessageAttachment(
- // await this.getImage(user || message.author),
- // 'lel.png'
- // )
- // );
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- await message.reply(await this.getResponse(user || message.author, message.guild!));
- }
diff --git a/src/commands/moulberry-bush/rule.ts b/src/commands/moulberry-bush/rule.ts
index bf44dad..0c1e435 100644
--- a/src/commands/moulberry-bush/rule.ts
+++ b/src/commands/moulberry-bush/rule.ts
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export default class RuleCommand extends BushCommand {
// If the original message was a reply -> imitate it
message.reference?.messageId && !message.util.isSlash
? await message.channel.messages.fetch(message.reference.messageId).then(async (message) => {
- await message.util!.reply({ embeds: [rulesEmbed], allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.users() });
+ await message.reply({ embeds: [rulesEmbed], allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.users() });
: await message.util.send({ embeds: [rulesEmbed], allowedMentions: AllowedMentions.users() })