path: root/src/lib/extensions/BotClient.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/extensions/BotClient.ts')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/BotClient.ts b/src/lib/extensions/BotClient.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d1c31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/BotClient.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+import {
+ AkairoClient,
+ CommandHandler,
+ InhibitorHandler,
+ ListenerHandler
+} from 'discord-akairo';
+import { Guild } from 'discord.js';
+import * as path from 'path';
+import { DataTypes, Model, Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
+import * as Models from '../types/Models';
+import { BotGuild } from './BotGuild';
+import { BotMessage } from './BotMessage';
+import { Util } from './Util';
+import * as Tasks from '../../tasks';
+import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
+import { exit } from 'process';
+import { TopGGHandler } from '../utils/TopGG';
+export interface BotConfig {
+ credentials: {
+ botToken: string;
+ dblToken: string;
+ dblWebhookAuth: string;
+ };
+ owners: string[];
+ prefix: string;
+ dev: boolean;
+ db: {
+ username: string;
+ password: string;
+ host: string;
+ port: number;
+ };
+ topGGPort: number;
+ channels: {
+ dblVote: string;
+ log: string;
+ error: string;
+ dm: string;
+ command: string;
+ };
+export class BotClient extends AkairoClient {
+ public config: BotConfig;
+ public listenerHandler: ListenerHandler;
+ public inhibitorHandler: InhibitorHandler;
+ public commandHandler: CommandHandler;
+ public topGGHandler: TopGGHandler;
+ public util: Util;
+ public ownerID: string[];
+ public db: Sequelize;
+ constructor(config: BotConfig) {
+ super(
+ {
+ ownerID: config.owners
+ },
+ {
+ allowedMentions: { parse: ['users'] } // No everyone or role mentions by default
+ }
+ );
+ // Set token
+ this.token = config.credentials.botToken;
+ // Set config
+ this.config = config;
+ // Create listener handler
+ this.listenerHandler = new ListenerHandler(this, {
+ directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'listeners'),
+ automateCategories: true
+ });
+ // Create inhibitor handler
+ this.inhibitorHandler = new InhibitorHandler(this, {
+ directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'inhibitors'),
+ automateCategories: true
+ });
+ // Create command handler
+ this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, {
+ directory: path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'commands'),
+ prefix: async ({ guild }: { guild: Guild }) => {
+ const row = await Models.Guild.findByPk(guild.id);
+ if (!row) return this.config.prefix;
+ return row.prefix as string;
+ },
+ allowMention: true,
+ handleEdits: true,
+ commandUtil: true,
+ commandUtilLifetime: 3e5,
+ argumentDefaults: {
+ prompt: {
+ timeout: 'Timed out.',
+ ended: 'Too many tries.',
+ cancel: 'Canceled.',
+ time: 3e4
+ }
+ },
+ ignorePermissions: this.config.owners,
+ ignoreCooldown: this.config.owners,
+ automateCategories: true
+ });
+ this.util = new Util(this);
+ this.db = new Sequelize(
+ this.config.dev ? 'utilibot-dev' : 'utilibot',
+ this.config.db.username,
+ this.config.db.password,
+ {
+ dialect: 'postgres',
+ host: this.config.db.host,
+ port: this.config.db.port,
+ logging: false
+ }
+ );
+ this.topGGHandler = new TopGGHandler(this);
+ BotGuild.install();
+ BotMessage.install();
+ }
+ // Initialize everything
+ private async _init(): Promise<void> {
+ this.commandHandler.useListenerHandler(this.listenerHandler);
+ this.commandHandler.useInhibitorHandler(this.inhibitorHandler);
+ this.listenerHandler.setEmitters({
+ commandHandler: this.commandHandler,
+ listenerHandler: this.listenerHandler,
+ process
+ });
+ // loads all the handlers
+ const loaders = {
+ commands: this.commandHandler,
+ listeners: this.listenerHandler,
+ inhibitors: this.inhibitorHandler
+ };
+ for (const loader of Object.keys(loaders)) {
+ try {
+ loaders[loader].loadAll();
+ console.log('Successfully loaded ' + loader + '.');
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error('Unable to load loader ' + loader + ' with error ' + e);
+ }
+ }
+ await this.dbPreInit();
+ Object.keys(Tasks).forEach((t) => {
+ setInterval(() => Tasks[t](this), 60000);
+ });
+ this.topGGHandler.init();
+ }
+ public async dbPreInit(): Promise<void> {
+ await this.db.authenticate();
+ Models.Guild.init(
+ {
+ id: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ primaryKey: true
+ },
+ prefix: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: false,
+ defaultValue: this.config.prefix
+ }
+ },
+ { sequelize: this.db }
+ );
+ Models.Modlog.init(
+ {
+ id: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ primaryKey: true,
+ allowNull: false,
+ defaultValue: uuidv4
+ },
+ type: {
+ type: new DataTypes.ENUM(
+ 'BAN',
+ 'MUTE',
+ 'KICK',
+ 'WARN'
+ ),
+ allowNull: false
+ },
+ user: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: false
+ },
+ moderator: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: false
+ },
+ duration: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: true
+ },
+ reason: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: true
+ },
+ guild: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ references: {
+ model: Models.Guild as typeof Model
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ { sequelize: this.db }
+ );
+ Models.Ban.init(
+ {
+ id: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ primaryKey: true,
+ allowNull: false,
+ defaultValue: uuidv4
+ },
+ user: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: false
+ },
+ guild: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: false,
+ references: {
+ model: Models.Guild as typeof Model,
+ key: 'id'
+ }
+ },
+ expires: {
+ type: DataTypes.DATE,
+ allowNull: true
+ },
+ reason: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: true
+ },
+ modlog: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: false,
+ references: {
+ model: Models.Modlog as typeof Model
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ { sequelize: this.db }
+ );
+ try {
+ await this.db.sync({ alter: true }); // Sync all tables to fix everything if updated
+ } catch {
+ // Ignore error
+ }
+ }
+ public async start(): Promise<void> {
+ try {
+ await this._init();
+ await this.login(this.token);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e.stack);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ }
+ public destroy(relogin = true): void | Promise<string> {
+ super.destroy();
+ if (relogin) {
+ return this.login(this.token);
+ }
+ }