path: root/src/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib')
9 files changed, 184 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushClientEvents.d.ts b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushClientEvents.d.ts
index da5d647..ae9b186 100644
--- a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushClientEvents.d.ts
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushClientEvents.d.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,103 @@
-import { ClientEvents } from 'discord.js';
-import { BushMessage, BushPartialMessage } from './BushMessage';
+import {
+ ClientEvents,
+ Collection,
+ Interaction,
+ InvalidRequestWarningData,
+ Invite,
+ RateLimitData,
+ Snowflake,
+ Sticker,
+ Typing
+} from 'discord.js';
+import { BushClient, BushTextBasedChannels } from '../discord-akairo/BushClient';
+import { BushApplicationCommand } from './BushApplicationCommand';
+import { BushDMChannel } from './BushDMChannel';
+import { BushGuild } from './BushGuild';
+import { BushGuildBan } from './BushGuildBan';
+import { BushGuildChannel } from './BushGuildChannel';
+import { BushGuildEmoji } from './BushGuildEmoji';
+import { BushGuildMember, PartialBushGuildMember } from './BushGuildMember';
+import { BushMessage, PartialBushMessage } from './BushMessage';
+import { BushMessageReaction, PartialBushMessageReaction } from './BushMessageReaction';
+import { BushPresence } from './BushPresence';
+import { BushRole } from './BushRole';
+import { BushStageInstance } from './BushStageInstance';
+import { BushTextChannel } from './BushTextChannel';
+import { BushThreadChannel } from './BushThreadChannel';
+import { BushThreadMember } from './BushThreadMember';
+import { BushUser, PartialBushUser } from './BushUser';
+import { BushVoiceState } from './BushVoiceState';
export interface BushClientEvents extends ClientEvents {
+ applicationCommandCreate: [command: BushApplicationCommand];
+ applicationCommandDelete: [command: BushApplicationCommand];
+ applicationCommandUpdate: [oldCommand: BushApplicationCommand | null, newCommand: BushApplicationCommand];
+ channelCreate: [channel: BushGuildChannel];
+ channelDelete: [channel: BushDMChannel | BushGuildChannel];
+ channelPinsUpdate: [channel: BushTextBasedChannels, date: Date];
+ channelUpdate: [oldChannel: BushDMChannel | BushGuildChannel, newChannel: BushDMChannel | BushGuildChannel];
+ debug: [message: string];
+ warn: [message: string];
+ emojiCreate: [emoji: BushGuildEmoji];
+ emojiDelete: [emoji: BushGuildEmoji];
+ emojiUpdate: [oldEmoji: BushGuildEmoji, newEmoji: BushGuildEmoji];
+ error: [error: Error];
+ guildBanAdd: [ban: BushGuildBan];
+ guildBanRemove: [ban: BushGuildBan];
+ guildCreate: [guild: BushGuild];
+ guildDelete: [guild: BushGuild];
+ guildUnavailable: [guild: BushGuild];
+ guildIntegrationsUpdate: [guild: BushGuild];
+ guildMemberAdd: [member: BushGuildMember];
+ guildMemberAvailable: [member: BushGuildMember | PartialBushGuildMember];
+ guildMemberRemove: [member: BushGuildMember | PartialBushGuildMember];
+ guildMembersChunk: [
+ members: Collection<Snowflake, BushGuildMember>,
+ guild: BushGuild,
+ data: { count: number; index: number; nonce: string | undefined }
+ ];
+ guildMemberUpdate: [oldMember: BushGuildMember | PartialBushGuildMember, newMember: BushGuildMember];
+ guildUpdate: [oldGuild: BushGuild, newGuild: BushGuild];
+ inviteCreate: [invite: Invite];
+ inviteDelete: [invite: Invite];
messageCreate: [message: BushMessage];
- messageUpdate: [oldMessage: BushMessage | BushPartialMessage, newMessage: BushMessage | BushPartialMessage];
+ messageDelete: [message: BushMessage | PartialBushMessage];
+ messageReactionRemoveAll: [message: BushMessage | PartialBushMessage];
+ messageReactionRemoveEmoji: [reaction: BushMessageReaction | PartialBushMessageReaction];
+ messageDeleteBulk: [messages: Collection<Snowflake, BushMessage | PartialBushMessage>];
+ messageReactionAdd: [reaction: BushMessageReaction | PartialBushMessageReaction, user: BushUser | PartialBushUser];
+ messageReactionRemove: [reaction: BushMessageReaction | PartialBushMessageReaction, user: BushUser | PartialBushUser];
+ messageUpdate: [oldMessage: BushMessage | PartialBushMessage, newMessage: BushMessage | PartialBushMessage];
+ presenceUpdate: [oldPresence: BushPresence | null, newPresence: BushPresence];
+ rateLimit: [rateLimitData: RateLimitData];
+ invalidRequestWarning: [invalidRequestWarningData: InvalidRequestWarningData];
+ ready: [client: BushClient<true>];
+ invalidated: [];
+ roleCreate: [role: BushRole];
+ roleDelete: [role: BushRole];
+ roleUpdate: [oldRole: BushRole, newRole: BushRole];
+ threadCreate: [thread: BushThreadChannel];
+ threadDelete: [thread: BushThreadChannel];
+ threadListSync: [threads: Collection<Snowflake, BushThreadChannel>];
+ threadMemberUpdate: [oldMember: BushThreadMember, newMember: BushThreadMember];
+ threadMembersUpdate: [
+ oldMembers: Collection<Snowflake, BushThreadMember>,
+ mewMembers: Collection<Snowflake, BushThreadMember>
+ ];
+ threadUpdate: [oldThread: BushThreadChannel, newThread: BushThreadChannel];
+ typingStart: [typing: Typing];
+ userUpdate: [oldUser: BushUser | PartialBushUser, newUser: BushUser];
+ voiceStateUpdate: [oldState: BushVoiceState, newState: BushVoiceState];
+ webhookUpdate: [channel: BushTextChannel];
+ interactionCreate: [interaction: Interaction];
+ shardError: [error: Error, shardId: number];
+ shardReady: [shardId: number, unavailableGuilds: Set<Snowflake> | undefined];
+ shardReconnecting: [shardId: number];
+ shardResume: [shardId: number, replayedEvents: number];
+ stageInstanceCreate: [stageInstance: BushStageInstance];
+ stageInstanceUpdate: [oldStageInstance: BushStageInstance | null, newStageInstance: BushStageInstance];
+ stageInstanceDelete: [stageInstance: BushStageInstance];
+ stickerCreate: [sticker: Sticker];
+ stickerDelete: [sticker: Sticker];
+ stickerUpdate: [oldSticker: Sticker, newSticker: Sticker];
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuild.ts b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuild.ts
index 81c0108..efc780d 100644
--- a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuild.ts
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuild.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Guild } from 'discord.js';
import { RawGuildData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes';
-import { Guild as GuildDB, GuildModel } from '../../models/Guild';
+import { Guild as GuildDB, GuildFeatures, GuildModel } from '../../models/Guild';
import { ModLogType } from '../../models/ModLog';
import { BushClient, BushUserResolvable } from '../discord-akairo/BushClient';
import { BushGuildMember } from './BushGuildMember';
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@ export class BushGuild extends Guild {
super(client, data);
+ public async hasFeature(feature: GuildFeatures): Promise<boolean> {
+ const features = await this.getSetting('enabledFeatures');
+ return features.includes(feature);
+ }
public async getSetting<K extends keyof GuildModel>(setting: K): Promise<GuildModel[K]> {
return (
client.cache.guilds.get(this.id)?.[setting] ??
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildBan.d.ts b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildBan.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0174220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildBan.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { GuildBan } from 'discord.js';
+import { RawGuildBanData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes';
+import { BushClient } from '../discord-akairo/BushClient';
+import { BushGuild } from './BushGuild';
+import { BushUser } from './BushUser';
+export class BushGuildBan extends GuildBan {
+ public constructor(client: BushClient, data: RawGuildBanData, guild: BushGuild);
+ public guild: BushGuild;
+ public user: BushUser;
+ public readonly partial: boolean;
+ public reason?: string | null;
+ public fetch(force?: boolean): Promise<BushGuildBan>;
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildMember.ts b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildMember.ts
index 641cc74..e596c82 100644
--- a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildMember.ts
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushGuildMember.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
-import { GuildMember, Role } from 'discord.js';
+import { GuildMember, Partialize, Role } from 'discord.js';
import { RawGuildMemberData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes';
import { ModLogType } from '../../models/ModLog';
import { BushClient, BushUserResolvable } from '../discord-akairo/BushClient';
@@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ interface BushBanOptions extends BushTimedPunishmentOptions {
type BanResponse = PunishmentResponse | 'missing permissions' | 'error creating ban entry' | 'error banning';
+export type PartialBushGuildMember = Partialize<
+ BushGuildMember,
+ 'joinedAt' | 'joinedTimestamp',
+ 'user' | 'warn' | 'addRole' | 'removeRole' | 'mute' | 'unmute' | 'bushKick' | 'bushBan' | 'isOwner' | 'isSuperUser'
export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
public declare readonly client: BushClient;
public declare guild: BushGuild;
@@ -98,8 +104,7 @@ export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
// dm user
const ending = await this.guild.getSetting('punishmentEnding');
const dmSuccess = await this.send({
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- content: `You have been warned in **${this.guild}** for **${options.reason || 'No reason provided'}**.${
+ content: `You have been warned in **${this.guild.name}** for **${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided'}**.${
ending ? `\n\n${ending}` : ''
}).catch(() => false);
@@ -200,8 +205,7 @@ export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
// add role
const muteSuccess = await this.roles
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- .add(muteRole, `[Mute] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason || 'No reason provided.'}`)
+ .add(muteRole, `[Mute] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`)
.catch(async (e) => {
await client.console.warn('muteRoleAddError', e?.stack || e);
return false;
@@ -236,8 +240,7 @@ export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
const dmSuccess = await this.send({
content: `You have been muted ${
options.duration ? 'for ' + util.humanizeDuration(options.duration) : 'permanently'
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- } in **${this.guild}** for **${options.reason || 'No reason provided'}**.${ending ? `\n\n${ending}` : ''}`
+ } in **${this.guild.name}** for **${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided'}**.${ending ? `\n\n${ending}` : ''}`
}).catch(() => false);
if (!dmSuccess) return 'failed to dm';
@@ -258,8 +261,7 @@ export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
//remove role
const muteSuccess = await this.roles
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- .remove(muteRole, `[Unmute] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason || 'No reason provided.'}`)
+ .remove(muteRole, `[Unmute] ${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`)
.catch(async (e) => {
await client.console.warn('muteRoleAddError', e?.stack || e);
return false;
@@ -288,8 +290,7 @@ export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
//dm user
const dmSuccess = await this.send({
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- content: `You have been unmuted in **${this.guild}** because **${options.reason || 'No reason provided'}**.`
+ content: `You have been unmuted in **${this.guild.name}** because **${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided'}**.`
}).catch(() => false);
if (!dmSuccess) return 'failed to dm';
@@ -306,15 +307,13 @@ export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
// dm user
const ending = await this.guild.getSetting('punishmentEnding');
const dmSuccess = await this.send({
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- content: `You have been kicked from **${this.guild}** for **${options.reason || 'No reason provided'}**.${
+ content: `You have been kicked from **${this.guild.name}** for **${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided'}**.${
ending ? `\n\n${ending}` : ''
}).catch(() => false);
// kick
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- const kickSuccess = await this.kick(`${moderator?.tag} | ${options.reason || 'No reason provided.'}`).catch(() => false);
+ const kickSuccess = await this.kick(`${moderator?.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`).catch(() => false);
if (!kickSuccess) return 'error kicking';
// add modlog entry
@@ -343,14 +342,12 @@ export class BushGuildMember extends GuildMember {
const dmSuccess = await this.send({
content: `You have been banned ${
options?.duration ? 'for ' + util.humanizeDuration(options.duration) : 'permanently'
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- } from **${this.guild}** for **${options.reason || 'No reason provided'}**.${ending ? `\n\n${ending}` : ''}`
+ } from **${this.guild.name}** for **${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided'}**.${ending ? `\n\n${ending}` : ''}`
}).catch(() => false);
// ban
const banSuccess = await this.ban({
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
- reason: `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason || 'No reason provided.'}`,
+ reason: `${moderator.tag} | ${options.reason ?? 'No reason provided.'}`,
days: options.deleteDays
}).catch(() => false);
if (!banSuccess) return 'error banning';
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessage.ts b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessage.ts
index 6d9a332..7907efe 100644
--- a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessage.ts
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessage.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { BushGuild } from './BushGuild';
import { BushGuildMember } from './BushGuildMember';
import { BushUser } from './BushUser';
-export interface BushPartialMessage
+export interface PartialBushMessage
extends Partialize<BushMessage, 'type' | 'system' | 'pinned' | 'tts', 'content' | 'cleanContent' | 'author'> {}
export class BushMessage extends Message {
public declare readonly client: BushClient;
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessageReaction.ts b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessageReaction.ts
index b0bc5d7..056e4e6 100644
--- a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessageReaction.ts
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushMessageReaction.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-import { MessageReaction } from 'discord.js';
+import { MessageReaction, Partialize } from 'discord.js';
import { RawMessageReactionData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes';
import { BushClient } from '../discord-akairo/BushClient';
import { BushGuildEmoji } from './BushGuildEmoji';
import { BushMessage } from './BushMessage';
import { BushReactionEmoji } from './BushReactionEmoji';
+export type PartialBushMessageReaction = Partialize<BushMessageReaction, 'count'>;
export class BushMessageReaction extends MessageReaction {
public declare readonly client: BushClient;
public declare readonly emoji: BushGuildEmoji | BushReactionEmoji;
diff --git a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushUser.ts b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushUser.ts
index 9a183e1..15a0d03 100644
--- a/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushUser.ts
+++ b/src/lib/extensions/discord.js/BushUser.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-import { User } from 'discord.js';
+import { Partialize, User } from 'discord.js';
import { RawUserData } from 'discord.js/typings/rawDataTypes';
import { BushClient } from '../discord-akairo/BushClient';
import { BushDMChannel } from './BushDMChannel';
+export type PartialBushUser = Partialize<BushUser, 'username' | 'tag' | 'discriminator' | 'isOwner' | 'isSuperUser'>;
export class BushUser extends User {
public declare readonly client: BushClient;
public declare readonly dmChannel: BushDMChannel | null;
diff --git a/src/lib/models/Guild.ts b/src/lib/models/Guild.ts
index dfba90c..4640d70 100644
--- a/src/lib/models/Guild.ts
+++ b/src/lib/models/Guild.ts
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export interface GuildModel {
lockdownChannels: Snowflake[];
autoModPhases: string[];
enabledFeatures: string[];
+ joinRoles: Snowflake[];
export interface GuildModelCreationAttributes {
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ export interface GuildModelCreationAttributes {
lockdownChannels?: Snowflake[];
autoModPhases?: string[];
enabledFeatures?: string[];
+ joinRoles?: Snowflake[];
export const guildSettings = {
@@ -39,10 +41,12 @@ export const guildSettings = {
welcomeChannel: { type: 'channel-array' },
muteRole: { type: 'role' },
punishmentEnding: { type: 'string' },
- lockdownChannels: { type: 'channel-array' }
+ lockdownChannels: { type: 'channel-array' },
+ joinRoles: { type: 'role-array' }
export const guildFeatures = ['automodEnabled', 'supportThreads', 'stickyRoles'];
+export type GuildFeatures = 'automodEnabled' | 'supportThreads' | 'stickyRoles';
const NEVER_USED = 'This should never be executed';
@@ -167,6 +171,16 @@ export class Guild extends BaseModel<GuildModel, GuildModelCreationAttributes> i
throw new Error(NEVER_USED);
+ /**
+ * The roles to assign to a user if they are not assigned sticky roles
+ */
+ public get joinRoles(): Snowflake[] {
+ throw new Error(NEVER_USED);
+ }
+ public set joinRoles(_: Snowflake[]) {
+ throw new Error(NEVER_USED);
+ }
public static initModel(sequelize: Sequelize, client: BushClient): void {
@@ -267,6 +281,17 @@ export class Guild extends BaseModel<GuildModel, GuildModelCreationAttributes> i
allowNull: false,
defaultValue: '[]'
+ },
+ joinRoles: {
+ type: DataTypes.TEXT,
+ get: function () {
+ return JSON.parse(this.getDataValue('enabledFeatures') as unknown as string);
+ },
+ set: function (val: string[]) {
+ return this.setDataValue('enabledFeatures', JSON.stringify(val) as unknown as string[]);
+ },
+ allowNull: false,
+ defaultValue: '[]'
{ sequelize: sequelize }
diff --git a/src/lib/models/StickyRole.ts b/src/lib/models/StickyRole.ts
index b49af80..d304370 100644
--- a/src/lib/models/StickyRole.ts
+++ b/src/lib/models/StickyRole.ts
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ export interface StickyRoleModel {
user: Snowflake;
guild: Snowflake;
roles: Snowflake[];
+ nickname: string;
export interface StickyRoleModelCreationAttributes {
user: Snowflake;
guild: Snowflake;
roles: Snowflake[];
+ nickname?: string;
const NEVER_USED = 'This should never be executed';
@@ -46,6 +48,16 @@ export class StickyRole extends BaseModel<StickyRoleModel, StickyRoleModelCreati
throw new Error(NEVER_USED);
+ /**
+ * The user's previous nickname
+ */
+ public get nickname(): string {
+ throw new Error(NEVER_USED);
+ }
+ public set nickname(_: string) {
+ throw new Error(NEVER_USED);
+ }
public static initModel(sequelize: Sequelize): void {
@@ -57,7 +69,6 @@ export class StickyRole extends BaseModel<StickyRoleModel, StickyRoleModelCreati
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
roles: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
get: function () {
@@ -67,6 +78,10 @@ export class StickyRole extends BaseModel<StickyRoleModel, StickyRoleModelCreati
return this.setDataValue('roles', JSON.stringify(val) as unknown as Snowflake[]);
allowNull: true
+ },
+ nickname: {
+ type: DataTypes.STRING,
+ allowNull: true
{ sequelize }