path: root/src/listeners/message
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/listeners/message')
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/src/listeners/message/automodCreate.ts b/src/listeners/message/automodCreate.ts
index 01fc803..3e98117 100644
--- a/src/listeners/message/automodCreate.ts
+++ b/src/listeners/message/automodCreate.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
-import { BushListener, BushMessage } from '@lib';
-// @ts-expect-error: ts doesn't recognize json5
-import _badLinks from '@root/lib/badlinks'; // partially uses https://github.com/nacrt/SkyblockClient-REPO/blob/main/files/scamlinks.json
-// @ts-expect-error: ts doesn't recognize json5
-import _badLinksSecret from '@root/lib/badlinks-secret'; // shhhh
-// @ts-expect-error: ts doesn't recognize json5
-import _badWords from '@root/lib/badwords';
-import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js';
+import { BushListener } from '@lib';
+import { AutoMod } from '../../lib/common/automod';
import { BushClientEvents } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushClientEvents';
export default class AutomodMessageCreateListener extends BushListener {
@@ -18,107 +12,6 @@ export default class AutomodMessageCreateListener extends BushListener {
public override async exec(...[message]: BushClientEvents['messageCreate']): Promise<unknown> {
- return await AutomodMessageCreateListener.automod(message);
- }
- public static async automod(message: BushMessage): Promise<unknown> {
- if (message.channel.type === 'DM' || !message.guild) return;
- if (!(await message.guild.hasFeature('automod'))) return;
- const customAutomodPhrases = (await message.guild.getSetting('autoModPhases')) ?? {};
- const badLinks: { [key: string]: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 } = {};
- let temp = _badLinks;
- if (_badLinksSecret) temp = temp.concat(_badLinksSecret);
- temp.forEach((link: string) => {
- badLinks[link] = 3;
- });
- const badWords: { [key: string]: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 } = _badWords;
- const wordMap = { ...badWords, ...badLinks, ...customAutomodPhrases };
- const wordKeys = Object.keys(wordMap);
- const offences: { [key: string]: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 } = {};
- const cleanMessageContent = message.content?.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '');
- for (const word of wordKeys) {
- const cleanWord = word.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '');
- if (cleanMessageContent.includes(cleanWord)) {
- if (cleanWord === 'whore' && !message.content?.toLowerCase().includes(cleanWord)) return;
- if (!offences[word]) offences[word] = wordMap[word as keyof typeof wordMap];
- }
- }
- if (!Object.keys(offences)?.length) return;
- const highestOffence = Object.values(offences).sort((a, b) => b - a)[0];
- switch (highestOffence) {
- case 0: {
- void message.delete().catch(() => {});
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- void message.delete().catch(() => {});
- void message.member?.warn({
- moderator: message.guild.me!,
- reason: '[AutoMod] blacklisted word'
- });
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- void message.delete().catch(() => {});
- void message.member?.mute({
- moderator: message.guild.me!,
- reason: '[AutoMod] blacklisted word',
- duration: 900_000 // 15 minutes
- });
- break;
- }
- case 3: {
- void message.delete().catch(() => {});
- void message.member?.mute({
- moderator: message.guild.me!,
- reason: '[AutoMod] blacklisted word',
- duration: 0 // perm
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- void client.console.info(
- 'autoMod',
- `Severity <<${highestOffence}>> action performed on <<${message.author.tag}>> (<<${message.author.id}>>) in <<#${message.channel.name}>> in <<${message.guild.name}>>`
- );
- const color =
- highestOffence === 0
- ? util.colors.lightGray
- : highestOffence === 1
- ? util.colors.yellow
- : highestOffence === 2
- ? util.colors.orange
- : util.colors.red;
- const automodChannel = await message.guild.getLogChannel('automod');
- if (!automodChannel) return;
- if (automodChannel.permissionsFor(message.guild.me!.id)?.has(['VIEW_CHANNEL', 'SEND_MESSAGES', 'EMBED_LINKS']))
- void automodChannel.send({
- embeds: [
- new MessageEmbed()
- .setTitle(`[Severity ${highestOffence}] Automod Action Performed`)
- .setDescription(
- `**User:** ${message.author} (${message.author.tag})\n**Sent From**: <#${message.channel.id}> [Jump to context](${
- message.url
- })\n**Blacklisted Words:** ${util.surroundArray(Object.keys(offences), '`').join(', ')}`
- )
- .addField('Message Content', `${await util.codeblock(message.content, 1024)}`)
- .setColor(color)
- .setTimestamp()
- ]
- });
+ return new AutoMod(message);
diff --git a/src/listeners/message/automodUpdate.ts b/src/listeners/message/automodUpdate.ts
index 9ef229e..86411b2 100644
--- a/src/listeners/message/automodUpdate.ts
+++ b/src/listeners/message/automodUpdate.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { BushListener, BushMessage } from '@lib';
+import { AutoMod } from '../../lib/common/automod';
import { BushClientEvents } from '../../lib/extensions/discord.js/BushClientEvents';
-import AutomodMessageCreateListener from './automodCreate';
export default class AutomodMessageUpdateListener extends BushListener {
public constructor() {
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ export default class AutomodMessageUpdateListener extends BushListener {
public override async exec(...[_, newMessage]: BushClientEvents['messageUpdate']): Promise<unknown> {
const fullMessage = newMessage.partial ? await newMessage.fetch() : (newMessage as BushMessage);
- return await AutomodMessageCreateListener.automod(fullMessage);
+ return new AutoMod(fullMessage);