path: root/src/test/kotlin/io
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authornea <>2021-08-20 15:33:32 +0200
committernea <>2021-08-20 15:33:58 +0200
commit5042498c8fe12751c1b6560ae1fde07e7cd78259 (patch)
tree688aa93978ffffd0b15c639768fdad6f17609bdd /src/test/kotlin/io
parent65a6ffeb6761994d4d69011c87f23fe074f7a1f7 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/kotlin/io')
2 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/kotlin/io/FileServiceTest.kt b/src/test/kotlin/io/FileServiceTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c9c8b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/kotlin/io/FileServiceTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+package io
+import User
+import kotlin.test.assertEquals
+import kotlin.test.assertFalse
+import kotlin.test.assertTrue
+class FileServiceTest : FunSpec({
+ generateTests("Primitive", ::PrimitiveFileService)
+fun <INode> FunSpec.generateTests(name: String, provider: () -> FileService<INode>) {
+ val aPath = Path.of("/a") as Path.Absolute
+ val bPath = Path.of("/a/b") as Path.Absolute
+ val homePath = Path.of("/roothome") as Path.Absolute
+ val dataA = "a".encodeToByteArray()
+ val rootUser = User("root", homePath, true)
+ test("$name: root inode exists") {
+ val fileService = provider()
+ val rootInode = fileService.getINode(Path.root)
+ assertTrue(fileService.exists(rootInode))
+ assertEquals(fileService.getPath(rootInode), Path.root)
+ }
+ test("$name: CRUD a file") {
+ val fileService = provider()
+ val aInode = fileService.getINode(aPath)
+ assertFalse(fileService.exists(aInode))
+ assertEquals(CreateFileResult.Created, CreateFileResult.Created)
+ assertEquals(fileService.createFile(aInode, rootUser), CreateFileResult.Created)
+ assertTrue(fileService.exists(aInode))
+ assertTrue(fileService.isFile(aInode))
+ assertFalse(fileService.isSymlink(aInode))
+ assertFalse(fileService.isDirectory(aInode))
+ assertEquals(fileService.readFromFile(aInode, rootUser), ReadFileResult.Read(ByteArray(0)))
+ assertEquals(fileService.writeToFile(aInode, rootUser, dataA), WriteFileResult.Written)
+ assertEquals(fileService.readFromFile(aInode, rootUser), ReadFileResult.Read(dataA))
+ assertTrue(fileService.isFile(aInode))
+ assertEquals(fileService.deleteFile(aInode, rootUser), DeleteFileResult.Deleted)
+ assertFalse(fileService.isFile(aInode))
+ assertFalse(fileService.exists(aInode))
+ }
+ test("$name: CRUD a directory structure") {
+ val fileService = provider()
+ val aINode = fileService.getINode(aPath)
+ val bINode = fileService.getINode(bPath)
+ assertFalse(fileService.exists(aINode))
+ assertFalse(fileService.exists(bINode))
+ assertEquals(fileService.createDirectory(aINode, rootUser), CreateFileResult.Created)
+ assertEquals(fileService.createFile(bINode, rootUser), CreateFileResult.Created)
+ assertTrue(fileService.exists(aINode))
+ assertTrue(fileService.exists(bINode))
+ assertEquals(fileService.writeToFile(bINode, rootUser, dataA), WriteFileResult.Written)
+ assertEquals(fileService.readFromFile(bINode, rootUser), ReadFileResult.Read(dataA))
+ assertEquals(fileService.deleteFile(aINode, rootUser), DeleteFileResult.Deleted)
+ assertFalse(fileService.exists(bINode))
+ assertFalse(fileService.exists(aINode))
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/kotlin/io/PathTest.kt b/src/test/kotlin/io/PathTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ba8a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/kotlin/io/PathTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+package io
+import io.kotest.assertions.assertSoftly
+import io.kotest.matchers.should
+import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
+import io.kotest.matchers.types.beOfType
+import io.kotest.matchers.types.shouldBeTypeOf
+class PathTest : FunSpec({
+ val homeDir = Path.of("/home") as Path.Absolute
+ test("recognize relative paths as such") {
+ forAll(
+ row(Path.of("a/b")),
+ row(Path.of(".")),
+ row(Path.of("a", "b")),
+ row(Path.ofShell("a/b", userHome = homeDir)),
+ row(Path.ofShell(".", userHome = homeDir)),
+ row(Path.ofShell("a", "b", userHome = homeDir)),
+ row(Path.ofShell(listOf("a", "b"), userHome = homeDir)),
+ ) {
+ assertSoftly(it) { shouldBeTypeOf<Path.Relative>() }
+ }
+ }
+ test("recognize absolute paths as such") {
+ forAll(
+ row(Path.of("/a/b")),
+ row(Path.of("/")),
+ row(Path.ofShell("/b/c", userHome = homeDir)),
+ ) {
+ assertSoftly(it) { shouldBeTypeOf<Path.Absolute>() }
+ }
+ }
+ test("Path.of(x).stringPath == x") {
+ forAll(
+ row("/"),
+ row("/a/b"),
+ row("a/b"),
+ row("."),
+ ) { name ->
+ assertSoftly(Path.of(name).stringPath) {
+ shouldBe(name)
+ }
+ assertSoftly(Path.ofShell(name, homeDir).stringPath) {
+ shouldBe(name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("Shell resolution of home directory") {
+ forAll(
+ row("~/a", "/home/a"),
+ row("~", "/home"),
+ row("~/.", "/home/."),
+ row("/a", "/a"),
+ row("a", "a"),
+ ) { a, b ->
+ assertSoftly(Path.ofShell(a, homeDir).stringPath) {
+ shouldBe(b)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("Relative path resolution works") {
+ forAll(
+ row("/a/b", "c/d", "/a/b/c/d"),
+ row("/a/b", "/c/d", "/c/d"),
+ row("/a/", "c", "/a/c"),
+ ) { a, b, c ->
+ val x = Path.of(a)
+ val y = Path.of(b)
+ val z = x.resolve(y)
+ assertSoftly {
+ x should beOfType<Path.Absolute>()
+ z should beOfType<Path.Absolute>()
+ z.stringPath should be(c)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("Equality checks should work") {
+ forAll(
+ row("a"),
+ row("a/b"),
+ row("/a/b"),
+ row("c//d")
+ ) {
+ assertSoftly {
+ Path.of(it) should be(Path.of(it))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("relaitivization works") {
+ forAll(
+ row("/a/b", "/a", ".."),
+ row("/a", "/a/b", "b"),
+ row("/a/b", "/a/c", "../c"),
+ ) { a, b, c ->
+ assertSoftly {
+ Path.of(a).shouldBeTypeOf<Path.Absolute>().relativize(Path.of(b)) shouldBe Path.of(c)
+ }
+ }
+ }