path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 628 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/v1_15_2.rs b/src/v1_15_2.rs
index 8590a70..05f7ff2 100644
--- a/src/v1_15_2.rs
+++ b/src/v1_15_2.rs
@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@ define_protocol!(Packet578, PacketDirection, State, i32, Id => {
length: VarInt,
matches: VarIntCountedArray<TabCompleteMatch>
- // SKIP PlayDeclareCommands
PlayDeclareCommands, 0x12, Play, ClientBound => PlayDeclareCommandsSpec {
- raw_data: RemainingBytes
+ nodes: VarIntCountedArray<CommandNodeSpec>,
+ root_index: VarInt
PlayServerWindowConfirmation, 0x13, Play, ClientBound => PlayServerWindowConfirmationSpec {
window_id: u8,
@@ -539,7 +539,9 @@ define_protocol!(Packet578, PacketDirection, State, i32, Id => {
volume: f32,
pitch: f32
- // todo stop sound
+ PlayStopSound, 0x53, Play, ClientBound => PlayStopSoundSpec {
+ spec: StopSoundSpec
+ },
PlayerPlayerListHeaderAndFooter, 0x54, Play, ClientBound => PlayPlayerListHeaderAndFooterSpec {
header: Chat,
footer: Chat
@@ -1267,6 +1269,543 @@ __protocol_body_def_helper!(TabCompleteMatch {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct CommandNodeSpec {
+ pub children_indices: VarIntCountedArray<VarInt>,
+ pub redirect_node: Option<VarInt>,
+ pub is_executable: bool,
+ pub node: CommandNode,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum CommandNode {
+ Root,
+ Argument(CommandArgumentNodeSpec),
+ Literal(CommandLiteralNodeSpec)
+impl Serialize for CommandNodeSpec {
+ fn mc_serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult {
+ let mut flags: u8 = 0;
+ use CommandNode::*;
+ flags |= match &self.node {
+ Root => 0x00,
+ Literal(_) => 0x01,
+ Argument(_) => 0x02,
+ };
+ if self.is_executable {
+ flags |= 0x04;
+ }
+ if self.redirect_node.is_some() {
+ flags |= 0x08;
+ }
+ if let Argument(body) = &self.node {
+ if body.suggestions_types.is_some() {
+ flags |= 0x10
+ }
+ }
+ to.serialize_byte(flags)?;
+ to.serialize_other(&self.children_indices)?;
+ if let Some(redirect_node) = &self.redirect_node {
+ to.serialize_other(redirect_node)?;
+ }
+ match &self.node {
+ Root => Ok(()),
+ Argument(body) => body.serialize(to),
+ Literal(body) => to.serialize_other(body),
+ }
+ }
+impl Deserialize for CommandNodeSpec {
+ fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> {
+ let Deserialized { value: flags, data } = u8::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ let Deserialized { value: children_indices, data } = <VarIntCountedArray<VarInt>>::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ let (redirect_node, data) = if flags & 0x08 != 0 {
+ let Deserialized { value: redirect_node, data } = VarInt::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ (Some(redirect_node), data)
+ } else {
+ (None, data)
+ };
+ let is_executable = flags & 0x04 != 0;
+ use CommandNode::*;
+ let Deserialized{ value: node, data } = match flags & 0x03 {
+ 0x00 => Deserialized::ok(Root, data),
+ 0x01 => Ok(CommandLiteralNodeSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Literal(body))),
+ 0x02 => Ok(CommandArgumentNodeSpec::deserialize(flags & 0x10 != 0, data)?.map(move |body| Argument(body))),
+ other => panic!("impossible condition (bitmask) {}", other)
+ }?;
+ Deserialized::ok(Self {
+ children_indices,
+ redirect_node,
+ is_executable,
+ node
+ }, data)
+ }
+impl TestRandom for CommandNodeSpec {
+ fn test_gen_random() -> Self {
+ let children_indices = <VarIntCountedArray<VarInt>>::test_gen_random();
+ let redirect_node = <Option<VarInt>>::test_gen_random();
+ let is_executable = rand::random::<bool>();
+ let idx = rand::random::<usize>() % 3;
+ let node = match idx {
+ 0 => CommandNode::Root,
+ 1 => CommandNode::Argument(CommandArgumentNodeSpec::test_gen_random()),
+ 2 => CommandNode::Literal(CommandLiteralNodeSpec::test_gen_random()),
+ other => panic!("impossible state {}", other)
+ };
+ Self {
+ children_indices,
+ redirect_node,
+ is_executable,
+ node,
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct CommandArgumentNodeSpec {
+ pub name: String,
+ pub parser: CommandParserSpec,
+ pub suggestions_types: Option<SuggestionsTypeSpec>
+impl CommandArgumentNodeSpec {
+ fn serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult {
+ to.serialize_other(&self.name)?;
+ to.serialize_other(&self.parser)?;
+ if let Some(suggestions_types) = &self.suggestions_types {
+ to.serialize_other(suggestions_types)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn deserialize(has_suggestion_types: bool, data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<Self> {
+ let Deserialized { value: name, data } = String::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ let Deserialized { value: parser, data } = CommandParserSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ let (suggestions_types, data) = if has_suggestion_types {
+ let Deserialized { value: suggestions_types, data } = SuggestionsTypeSpec::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ (Some(suggestions_types), data)
+ } else {
+ (None, data)
+ };
+ Deserialized::ok(Self {
+ name,
+ parser,
+ suggestions_types
+ }, data)
+ }
+impl TestRandom for CommandArgumentNodeSpec {
+ fn test_gen_random() -> Self {
+ let name = String::test_gen_random();
+ let suggestions_types = <Option<SuggestionsTypeSpec>>::test_gen_random();
+ let parser = CommandParserSpec::test_gen_random();
+ Self {
+ name,
+ parser,
+ suggestions_types,
+ }
+ }
+ "minecraft:ask_server" :: AskServer,
+ "minecraft:all_recipes" :: AllRecipes,
+ "minecraft:available_sounds" :: AvailableSounds,
+ "minecraft:summonable_entities" :: SummonableEntities
+__protocol_body_def_helper!(CommandLiteralNodeSpec {
+ name: String
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum CommandParserSpec {
+ Bool,
+ Double(DoubleParserProps),
+ Float(FloatParserProps),
+ Integer(IntegerParserProps),
+ StringParser(StringParserMode),
+ Entity(EntityParserFlags),
+ GameProfile,
+ BlockPosition,
+ ColumnPosition,
+ Vec3,
+ Vec2,
+ BlockState,
+ BlockPredicate,
+ ItemStack,
+ ItemPredicate,
+ Color,
+ Component,
+ Message,
+ Nbt,
+ NbtPath,
+ Objective,
+ ObjectiveCriteria,
+ Operation,
+ Particle,
+ Rotation,
+ ScoreboardSlot,
+ ScoreHolder(ScoreHolderFlags),
+ Swizzle,
+ Team,
+ ItemSlot,
+ ResourceLocation,
+ MobEffect,
+ Function,
+ EntityAnchor,
+ Range(RangeParserProps),
+ IntRange,
+ FloatRange,
+ ItemEnchantment,
+ EntitySummon,
+ Dimension,
+ NbtTag,
+ NbtCompoundTag,
+ Time
+impl Serialize for CommandParserSpec {
+ fn mc_serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult {
+ use CommandParserSpec::*;
+ let name = self.name().to_owned();
+ to.serialize_other(&name)?;
+ match self {
+ Double(body) => to.serialize_other(body),
+ Float(body) => to.serialize_other(body),
+ Integer(body) => to.serialize_other(body),
+ StringParser(body) => to.serialize_other(body),
+ Entity(body) => to.serialize_other(body),
+ ScoreHolder(body) => to.serialize_other(body),
+ Range(body) => to.serialize_other(body),
+ _ => Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+impl Deserialize for CommandParserSpec {
+ fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> {
+ let Deserialized{ value: identifier, data} = String::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ use CommandParserSpec::*;
+ match identifier.as_str() {
+ "brigadier:bool" => Deserialized::ok(Bool, data),
+ "brigadier:double" => Ok(DoubleParserProps::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Double(body))),
+ "brigadier:float" => Ok(FloatParserProps::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Float(body))),
+ "brigadier:integer" => Ok(IntegerParserProps::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Integer(body))),
+ "brigadier:string" => Ok(StringParserMode::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| StringParser(body))),
+ "minecraft:entity" => Ok(EntityParserFlags::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Entity(body))),
+ "minecraft:game_profile" => Deserialized::ok(GameProfile, data),
+ "minecraft:block_pos" => Deserialized::ok(BlockPosition, data),
+ "minecraft:column_pos" => Deserialized::ok(ColumnPosition, data),
+ "minecraft:vec3" => Deserialized::ok(Vec3, data),
+ "minecraft:vec2" => Deserialized::ok(Vec2, data),
+ "minecraft:block_state" => Deserialized::ok(BlockState, data),
+ "minecraft:block_predicate" => Deserialized::ok(BlockPredicate, data),
+ "minecraft:item_stack" => Deserialized::ok(ItemStack, data),
+ "minecraft:item_predicate" => Deserialized::ok(ItemPredicate, data),
+ "minecraft:color" => Deserialized::ok(Color, data),
+ "minecraft:component" => Deserialized::ok(Component, data),
+ "minecraft:message" => Deserialized::ok(Message, data),
+ "minecraft:nbt" => Deserialized::ok(Nbt, data),
+ "minecraft:nbt_path" => Deserialized::ok(NbtPath, data),
+ "minecraft:objective" => Deserialized::ok(Objective, data),
+ "minecraft:objective_criteria" => Deserialized::ok(ObjectiveCriteria, data),
+ "minecraft:operation" => Deserialized::ok(Operation, data),
+ "minecraft:particle" => Deserialized::ok(Particle, data),
+ "minecraft:rotation" => Deserialized::ok(Rotation, data),
+ "minecraft:scoreboard_slot" => Deserialized::ok(ScoreboardSlot, data),
+ "minecraft:score_holder" => Ok(ScoreHolderFlags::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| ScoreHolder(body))),
+ "minecraft:swizzle" => Deserialized::ok(Swizzle, data),
+ "minecraft:team" => Deserialized::ok(Team, data),
+ "minecraft:item_slot" => Deserialized::ok(ItemSlot, data),
+ "minecraft:resource_location" => Deserialized::ok(ResourceLocation, data),
+ "minecraft:mob_effect" => Deserialized::ok(MobEffect, data),
+ "minecraft:function" => Deserialized::ok(Function, data),
+ "minecraft:entity_anchor" => Deserialized::ok(EntityAnchor, data),
+ "minecraft:range" => Ok(RangeParserProps::mc_deserialize(data)?.map(move |body| Range(body))),
+ "minecraft:int_range" => Deserialized::ok(IntRange, data),
+ "minecraft:float_range" => Deserialized::ok(FloatRange, data),
+ "minecraft:item_enchantment" => Deserialized::ok(ItemEnchantment, data),
+ "minecraft:entity_summon" => Deserialized::ok(EntitySummon, data),
+ "minecraft:dimension" => Deserialized::ok(Dimension, data),
+ "minecraft:uuid" => Deserialized::ok(UUID, data),
+ "minecraft:nbt_tag" => Deserialized::ok(NbtTag, data),
+ "minecraft:nbt_compound_tag" => Deserialized::ok(NbtCompoundTag, data),
+ "minecraft:time" => Deserialized::ok(Time, data),
+ other => Err(DeserializeErr::CannotUnderstandValue(format!("unknown command argument parser id {}", other)))
+ }
+ }
+impl CommandParserSpec {
+ pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ use CommandParserSpec::*;
+ match self {
+ Bool => "brigadier:bool",
+ Double(_) => "brigadier:double",
+ Float(_) => "brigadier:float",
+ Integer(_) => "brigadier:integer",
+ StringParser(_) => "brigadier:string",
+ Entity(_) => "minecraft:entity",
+ GameProfile => "minecraft:game_profile",
+ BlockPosition => "minecraft:block_pos",
+ ColumnPosition => "minecraft:column_pos",
+ Vec3 => "minecraft:vec3",
+ Vec2 => "minecraft:vec2",
+ BlockState => "minecraft:block_state",
+ BlockPredicate => "minecraft:block_predicate",
+ ItemStack => "minecraft:item_stack",
+ ItemPredicate => "minecraft:item_predicate",
+ Color => "minecraft:color",
+ Component => "minecraft:component",
+ Message => "minecraft:message",
+ Nbt => "minecraft:nbt",
+ NbtPath => "minecraft:nbt_path",
+ Objective => "minecraft:objective",
+ ObjectiveCriteria => "minecraft:objective_criteria",
+ Operation => "minecraft:operation",
+ Particle => "minecraft:particle",
+ Rotation => "minecraft:rotation",
+ ScoreboardSlot => "minecraft:scoreboard_slot",
+ ScoreHolder(_) => "minecraft:score_holder",
+ Swizzle => "minecraft:swizzle",
+ Team => "minecraft:team",
+ ItemSlot => "minecraft:item_slot",
+ ResourceLocation => "minecraft:resource_location",
+ MobEffect => "minecraft:mob_effect",
+ Function => "minecraft:function",
+ EntityAnchor => "minecraft:entity_anchor",
+ Range(_) => "minecraft:range",
+ IntRange => "minecraft:int_range",
+ FloatRange => "minecraft:float_range",
+ ItemEnchantment => "minecraft:item_enchantment",
+ EntitySummon => "minecraft:entity_summon",
+ Dimension => "minecraft:dimension",
+ UUID => "minecraft:uuid",
+ NbtTag => "minecraft:nbt_tag",
+ NbtCompoundTag => "minecraft:nbt_compound_tag",
+ Time => "minecraft:time",
+ }
+ }
+impl TestRandom for CommandParserSpec {
+ fn test_gen_random() -> Self {
+ use CommandParserSpec::*;
+ match rand::random::<usize>() % 43 {
+ 0 => Bool,
+ 1 => Double(DoubleParserProps::test_gen_random()),
+ 2 => Float(FloatParserProps::test_gen_random()),
+ 3 => Integer(IntegerParserProps::test_gen_random()),
+ 4 => StringParser(StringParserMode::test_gen_random()),
+ 5 => Entity(EntityParserFlags::test_gen_random()),
+ 6 => GameProfile,
+ 7 => BlockPosition,
+ 8 => ColumnPosition,
+ 9 => Vec2,
+ 10 => Vec3,
+ 11 => BlockState,
+ 12 => ItemStack,
+ 13 => ItemPredicate,
+ 14 => Color,
+ 15 => Component,
+ 16 => Message,
+ 17 => Nbt,
+ 18 => NbtPath,
+ 19 => Objective,
+ 20 => ObjectiveCriteria,
+ 21 => Operation,
+ 22 => Particle,
+ 23 => Rotation,
+ 24 => ScoreboardSlot,
+ 25 => ScoreHolder(ScoreHolderFlags::test_gen_random()),
+ 26 => Swizzle,
+ 27 => Team,
+ 28 => ItemSlot,
+ 29 => ResourceLocation,
+ 30 => MobEffect,
+ 31 => Function,
+ 32 => EntityAnchor,
+ 33 => Range(RangeParserProps::test_gen_random()),
+ 34 => IntRange,
+ 35 => FloatRange,
+ 36 => ItemEnchantment,
+ 37 => EntitySummon,
+ 38 => Dimension,
+ 39 => UUID,
+ 40 => NbtTag,
+ 41 => NbtCompoundTag,
+ 42 => Time,
+ other => panic!("impossible condition (modulo) {}", other),
+ }
+ }
+pub struct NumParserProps<T> {
+ pub min: Option<T>,
+ pub max: Option<T>
+pub type DoubleParserProps = NumParserProps<f64>;
+pub type FloatParserProps = NumParserProps<f32>;
+pub type IntegerParserProps = NumParserProps<i32>;
+impl<T> Copy for NumParserProps<T> where T: Copy {}
+impl<T> Clone for NumParserProps<T> where T: Clone {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ min: self.min.clone(),
+ max: self.max.clone(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> Debug for NumParserProps<T> where T: Debug {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "NumParserProps(min={:?}, max={:?})", self.min, self.max)
+ }
+impl<T> PartialEq for NumParserProps<T> where T: PartialEq {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+ other.max.eq(&self.max) && other.min.eq(&self.min)
+ }
+impl<T> Serialize for NumParserProps<T> where T: Serialize {
+ fn mc_serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult {
+ let mut flags: u8 = 0;
+ if self.min.is_some() {
+ flags |= 0x01;
+ }
+ if self.max.is_some() {
+ flags |= 0x02;
+ }
+ to.serialize_other(&flags)?;
+ if let Some(min) = &self.min {
+ to.serialize_other(min)?;
+ }
+ if let Some(max) = &self.max {
+ to.serialize_other(max)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<T> Deserialize for NumParserProps<T> where T: Deserialize {
+ fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> {
+ let Deserialized { value: flags, data } = u8::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ let (min, data) = if flags & 0x01 != 0 {
+ let Deserialized { value: min, data } = T::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ (Some(min), data)
+ } else {
+ (None, data)
+ };
+ let (max, data) = if flags & 0x02 != 0 {
+ let Deserialized { value: max, data } = T::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ (Some(max), data)
+ } else {
+ (None, data)
+ };
+ let out = Self {
+ min,
+ max,
+ };
+ Deserialized::ok(out, data)
+ }
+impl<T> TestRandom for NumParserProps<T> where
+ T: TestRandom + std::cmp::PartialOrd,
+ rand::distributions::Standard : rand::distributions::Distribution<T>,
+ fn test_gen_random() -> Self {
+ let has_min = rand::random::<bool>();
+ let has_max = rand::random::<bool>();
+ let (min, max) = if has_min && has_max {
+ let a = rand::random::<T>();
+ let b = rand::random::<T>();
+ if a < b {
+ (Some(a), Some(b))
+ } else {
+ (Some(b), Some(a))
+ }
+ } else if !has_min && !has_max {
+ (None, None)
+ } else {
+ let v = rand::random::<T>();
+ if has_min {
+ (Some(v), None)
+ } else {
+ (None, Some(v))
+ }
+ };
+ Self {
+ min,
+ max
+ }
+ }
+ 0x00 :: SingleWord,
+ 0x01 :: QuotablePharse,
+ 0x02 :: GreedyPhrase
+ 0x01 :: single_target,
+ 0x02 :: players_only
+ 0x01 :: multiple
+__protocol_body_def_helper!(RangeParserProps {
+ decimal: bool
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum TeamAction {
@@ -1608,6 +2147,87 @@ proto_varint_enum!(SoundCategory,
0x09 :: Voice
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub struct StopSoundSpec {
+ pub source: Option<SoundCategory>,
+ pub sound: Option<String>
+impl Serialize for StopSoundSpec {
+ fn mc_serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult {
+ let mut flags = 0;
+ if self.sound.is_some() && self.source.is_some() {
+ flags |= 0x03;
+ } else if self.sound.is_some() {
+ flags |= 0x02;
+ } else if self.source.is_some() {
+ flags |= 0x01;
+ }
+ to.serialize_byte(flags)?;
+ if let Some(source) = &self.source {
+ to.serialize_other(source)?;
+ }
+ if let Some(sound) = &self.sound {
+ to.serialize_other(sound)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Deserialize for StopSoundSpec {
+ fn mc_deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<'_, Self> {
+ let Deserialized { value: flags, data } = u8::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ let is_both_present = flags & 0x03 != 0;
+ let is_source_present = is_both_present || flags & 0x01 != 0;
+ let is_sound_present = is_both_present || flags & 0x02 != 0;
+ let (source, data) = if is_source_present {
+ let Deserialized { value: source, data } = SoundCategory::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ (Some(source), data)
+ } else {
+ (None, data)
+ };
+ let (sound, data) = if is_sound_present {
+ let Deserialized { value: sound, data } = String::mc_deserialize(data)?;
+ (Some(sound), data)
+ } else {
+ (None, data)
+ };
+ Deserialized::ok(Self {
+ source,
+ sound
+ }, data)
+ }
+impl TestRandom for StopSoundSpec {
+ fn test_gen_random() -> Self {
+ let source = if rand::random::<bool>() {
+ Some(SoundCategory::test_gen_random())
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let sound = if source.is_none() || rand::random::<bool>() {
+ Some(String::test_gen_random())
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Self {
+ source,
+ sound,
+ }
+ }
__protocol_body_def_helper!(ExplosionRecord {
x: i8,
y: i8,
@@ -3273,7 +3893,7 @@ pub const LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH: usize = 2048;
pub const LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS: usize = 18;
pub struct LightingData {
- pub data: Vec<Option<[u8; LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH]>>,
+ pub data: Box<[Option<[u8; LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH]>; LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS]>,
_update_mask: Cell<Option<VarInt>>,
_reset_mask: Cell<Option<VarInt>>,
@@ -3281,7 +3901,7 @@ pub struct LightingData {
impl LightingData {
fn deserialize(update_mask: VarInt, reset_mask: VarInt, mut data: &[u8]) -> DeserializeResult<Self> {
- let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS);
+ let mut out = Box::new([None; LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS]);
// gotta read the var int
if update_mask.0 & (1 << i) != 0 {
@@ -3298,10 +3918,8 @@ impl LightingData {
let (section, rest) = data.split_at(LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH);
let mut to_vec = [0u8; LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH];
- out.push(Some(to_vec));
+ out[i] = Some(to_vec);
data = rest;
- } else {
- out.push(None)
@@ -3355,7 +3973,7 @@ impl LightingData {
fn serialize_data<S: Serializer>(&self, to: &mut S) -> SerializeResult {
- for item in &self.data {
+ for item in self.data.iter() {
if let Some(contents) = item {
@@ -3419,7 +4037,7 @@ impl LightingData {
impl TestRandom for LightingData {
fn test_gen_random() -> Self {
let set_mask = Self::gen_random_mask();
- let mut data = vec![None; LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS];
+ let mut data = Box::new([None; LIGHT_DATA_SECTIONS]);
if (set_mask & (1 << i)) != 0 {
let mut data_arr = [0u8; LIGHT_DATA_LENGTH];