path: root/src/Java/gtPlusPlus/core/material
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-03$ Fixed 89.Draknyte1
2017-05-29$ Fix bad naming of fluorides. Closes #79 because git diffing/fetching/mergin...Draknyte1
2017-04-30$ Fixed a bug where the mold for fluid solidifying plates would get used up.Draknyte1
2017-04-29+ Added Eglin Steel.Draknyte1
2017-03-04+ New texture for the slow builders ring.Draknyte1
2017-02-27+ Added fluids to mixer recipes, instead of consuming cells.draknyte1
2017-02-22% Tweaked recipe creation for materials due to states.draknyte1
2017-02-22+ Added MaterialState.javadraknyte1
2017-02-19$ Fixed an issue where invalid fluids generated, causing the fluid registry t...Draknyte1
2017-02-14+ Added Plasma cells for all missing elements. (Adds a few extra, which will ...draknyte1
2017-02-14- Completely removed GC Booze.draknyte1
2017-02-13+ Neptunium hexafluoride, Technetium hexafluoride and Selenium hexafluoride.draknyte1
2017-02-13+ Added Pu-238.draknyte1
2017-02-13+ Enabled generation of most missing elements, in some form or another.draknyte1
2017-02-13$ Finished my periodic table of elements, it's now 100% accurate.draknyte1
2017-02-13+ Finished up the last of the initial 100 elements.draknyte1
2017-02-07+ Set-up initial functions for the LFTR to output random nuclides when Sparge...draknyte1
2017-01-19$ Begin Class Cleanup with CodeStyle and FindBugs. (On top of using PMD, code...Draknyte1
2017-01-14$ Tried fixing multi-tool names.Draknyte1
2017-01-14$ Re-wrote the handling of Multitool generation, to allow my own materials to...Draknyte1
2017-01-11+ Added Tree farm Fluid/solid Fertilisers.Draknyte1
2017-01-03+ Added Crafting Recipes for Gears in crafting tables and alloy smelters (The...Draknyte1
2017-01-01+ Added Molten Fluid to Gear Recipes in the fluid solidifier.Draknyte1
2016-12-28+ Added Clay Plates.Draknyte1
2016-12-28+ Added the last Fuel salt to NUCLIDE.java.Draknyte1
2016-12-28$ Fixed Chemical equations on the reactor salt fuels.Draknyte1
2016-12-27+ Added Fluorite to FLUORIDES.java.Draknyte1
2016-12-27% Moved the Nuclear composites to their own Classes. NUCLIDES & FLUORIDESDraknyte1
2016-12-27+ Added recipes to the fluid extractor/former for blocks.Draknyte1
2016-12-27% Changed the Autogenerated Fluid textures again.Draknyte1
2016-12-24- Removed Frame box generation from MaterialGenerator.java for things which h...Draknyte1
2016-12-24$ Fixed an issue where recipeBuilder() could fail with a null.Draknyte1
2016-12-24+ Added Uranium-232 and Lithium-7.Draknyte1
2016-11-23$ Heavily improved the code for item replacements in CoreItem.java.Draknyte1
2016-11-23+ Added some new dust generation code, for cases where I only want generate s...Draknyte1
2016-11-23+ Added proper components for the ENERGYCRYSTAL material.Draknyte1
2016-11-06+ Added two new recipes for etched IV wiring. Should help with #35Draknyte1
2016-11-06Revert "$ Cleaned up the entire project."Draknyte1
2016-11-04$ Cleaned up the entire project.draknyte1
2016-11-04% Cleaned up Imports.draknyte1
2016-10-27- Removed more dumb runnable logic.Draknyte1
2016-10-27- Removed Runnable interface from Material Generator Class.Draknyte1
2016-10-27- Removed threaded registration idea.Draknyte1
2016-10-27+ Made Recipes and Material init all runnable classes, now items should gener...Draknyte1
2016-10-27+ Made ELEMENT a singleton.Draknyte1
2016-10-27% Cleaned up material/Material.java using PMD to a rather decent level.Draknyte1
2016-10-26% Fixed Quantum and a few other alloys having improper recipes. Still Gotta f...Draknyte1
2016-10-26% Turned lots of logging off, moved it to debug logging.Draknyte1
2016-10-26+ Added cells for all my molten materials. (This also regenerates all the mol...Draknyte1
2016-10-25+ Tried improving the handling of Blast Smelting.Draknyte1