path: root/src/main/java/makamys/lodmod/renderer/LODChunk.java
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-09Render in two passes, no more G to sortmakamys
2021-05-09press G to sortmakamys
2021-05-09Include seabed in the simple meshes of chunks with a watery surfacemakamys
2021-05-08Make render distance not hardcodedmakamys
2021-05-08Fix simple meshes not getting unloaded when they're replacedmakamys
2021-05-07Implemented loadingmakamys
2021-05-07Save ChunkMeshes to disk (no loading yet)makamys
2021-05-07Add used RAM and mesh count to F3makamys
2021-05-07Fix distant chunks becoming invisible forevermakamys
2021-05-07Unload invisible meshes from VRAMmakamys
2021-05-07Rename MyRenderer to LODRenderermakamys
2021-05-07Refactor MyRenderer to use a singleton instead of being staticmakamys
2021-05-07Port mod from MCP to Forge!makamys