diff options
authorJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2021-09-16 22:47:05 -0400
committerJesse Plamondon-Willard <>2021-11-28 00:01:49 -0500
commitf5807e22be157d908e3b8c65f19acaa16c3588e7 (patch)
parentbf10aeef0afae20e1d79f0772ba41a38fcb572ae (diff)
add BundleExtraAssemblies package option for new .NET 5 reference model
5 files changed, 244 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/docs/technical/ b/docs/technical/
index 2e26275b..93e0009d 100644
--- a/docs/technical/
+++ b/docs/technical/
@@ -39,10 +39,9 @@ change how these work):
* **Copy files into the `Mods` folder:**
The package automatically copies your mod's DLL and PDB files, `manifest.json`, [`i18n`
- files]( (if any), the `assets` folder (if
- any), and [build output]( into your game's `Mods`
- folder when you rebuild the code, with a subfolder matching the mod's project name. That lets you
- try the mod in-game right after building it.
+ files]( (if any), and the `assets` folder (if
+ any) into the `Mods` folder when you rebuild the code, with a subfolder matching the mod's project
+ name. That lets you try the mod in-game right after building it.
* **Create release zip:**
The package adds a zip file in your project's `bin` folder when you rebuild the code, in the
@@ -189,11 +188,63 @@ The folder path where the release zip is created (defaults to the project's `bin
-Whether to copy game and framework DLLs into the mod folder (default `false`). This is useful for
-unit test projects, but not needed for mods that'll be run through SMAPI.
+**Most mods should not change this option.**
+By default (when this is _not_ enabled), only the mod files [normally considered part of the
+mod](#Features) will be added to the release `.zip` and copied into the `Mods` folder (i.e.
+"deployed"). That includes the assembly files (`*.dll`, `*.pdb`, and `*.xml`) for your mod project,
+but any other DLLs won't be deployed.
+Enabling this option will add _all_ dependencies to the build output, then deploy _some_ of them
+depending on the comma-separated value(s) you set:
+ <th>option</th>
+ <th>result</th>
+Assembly files which don't match any other category.
+Assembly files whose names start with `Microsoft.*` or `System.*`.
+Assembly files which are part of MonoGame, SMAPI, or Stardew Valley.
+Equivalent to `System, Game, ThirdParty`.
+Most mods should omit the option. Some mods may need `ThirdParty` if they bundle third-party DLLs
+with their mod. The other options are mainly useful for unit tests.
+When enabling this option, you should **manually review which files get deployed** and use the
+`IgnoreModFilePaths` or `IgnoreModFilePatterns` options to exclude files as needed.
@@ -327,16 +378,15 @@ The configuration will check your custom path first, then fall back to the defau
still compile on a different computer).
### How do I change which files are included in the mod deploy/zip?
-For custom files, you can [add/remove them in the build output](
-(If your project references another mod, make sure the reference is [_not_ marked 'copy
-To exclude a file the package copies by default, see `IgnoreModFilePatterns` under
+* For normal files, you can [add/remove them in the build output](
+* For assembly files (`*.dll`, `*.exe`, `*.pdb`, or `*.xml`), see the
+ [`BundleExtraAssemblies` option](#configure).
+* To exclude a file which the package copies by default, see the [`IgnoreModFilePaths` or
+ `IgnoreModFilePatterns` options](#configure).
### Can I use the package for non-mod projects?
-You can use the package in non-mod projects too (e.g. unit tests or framework DLLs). Just disable
-the mod-related package features (see [_configure_](#configure)):
+Yep, this works in unit tests and framework projects too. Just disable the mod-related package
+features (see [_configure_](#configure)):
@@ -344,9 +394,9 @@ the mod-related package features (see [_configure_](#configure)):
-If you need to copy the referenced DLLs into your build output, add this too:
+To copy referenced DLLs into your build output for unit tests, add this too:
## For SMAPI developers
@@ -363,18 +413,24 @@ when you compile it.
## Release notes
## Upcoming release
-* Updated for Stardew Valley 1.5.5 and SMAPI 3.13.0. **Older versions are no longer supported.**
+* Updated for Stardew Valley 1.5.5 and SMAPI 3.13.0. (Older versions are no longer supported.)
* Added `IgnoreModFilePaths` option to ignore literal paths.
-* Removed the `GameExecutableName` and `GameFramework` build properties (since they now have the
- same value on all platforms).
+* Added `BundleExtraAssemblies` option to copy bundled DLLs into the mod zip/folder.
+* Removed the `GameExecutableName` and `GameFramework` options (since they now have the same value
+ on all platforms).
+* Removed the `CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput` option (superseded by `BundleExtraAssemblies`).
* Improved analyzer performance by enabling parallel execution.
**Migration guide for mod authors:**
1. See [_migrate to 64-bit_]( and
[_migrate to Stardew Valley 1.5.5_](
2. Possible changes in your `.csproj` or `.targets` files:
- * If you use `$(GameExecutableName)`, replace it with `Stardew Valley`.
- * If you use `$(GameFramework)`, replace it with `MonoGame` and remove any XNA-specific logic.
+ * Replace `$(GameExecutableName)` with `Stardew Valley`.
+ * Replace `$(GameFramework)` with `MonoGame` and remove any XNA Framework-specific logic.
+ * Replace `<CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput>true</CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput>` with
+ `<BundleExtraAssemblies>Game</BundleExtraAssemblies>`.
+ * If you need to bundle extra DLLs besides your mod DLL, see the [`BundleExtraAssemblies`
+ documentation](#configure).
## 3.3.0
Released 30 March 2021.
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/DeployModTask.cs b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/DeployModTask.cs
index 0c64aed3..140933bd 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/DeployModTask.cs
+++ b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/DeployModTask.cs
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig
** Accessors
+ /// <summary>The name (without extension or path) of the current mod's DLL.</summary>
+ [Required]
+ public string ModDllName { get; set; }
/// <summary>The name of the mod folder.</summary>
public string ModFolderName { get; set; }
@@ -52,6 +56,9 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig
/// <summary>A comma-separated list of relative file paths to ignore when deploying or zipping the mod.</summary>
public string IgnoreModFilePaths { get; set; }
+ /// <summary>A comma-separated list of <see cref="ExtraAssemblyTypes"/> values which indicate which extra DLLs to bundle.</summary>
+ public string BundleExtraAssemblies { get; set; }
** Public methods
@@ -73,12 +80,15 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig
+ // parse extra DLLs to bundle
+ ExtraAssemblyTypes bundleAssemblyTypes = this.GetExtraAssembliesToBundleOption();
// parse ignore patterns
string[] ignoreFilePaths = this.GetCustomIgnoreFilePaths().ToArray();
Regex[] ignoreFilePatterns = this.GetCustomIgnorePatterns().ToArray();
// get mod info
- ModFileManager package = new ModFileManager(this.ProjectDir, this.TargetDir, ignoreFilePaths, ignoreFilePatterns, validateRequiredModFiles: this.EnableModDeploy || this.EnableModZip);
+ ModFileManager package = new ModFileManager(this.ProjectDir, this.TargetDir, ignoreFilePaths, ignoreFilePatterns, bundleAssemblyTypes, this.ModDllName, validateRequiredModFiles: this.EnableModDeploy || this.EnableModZip);
// deploy mod files
if (this.EnableModDeploy)
@@ -139,6 +149,28 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig
+ /// <summary>Parse the extra assembly types which should be bundled with the mod.</summary>
+ private ExtraAssemblyTypes GetExtraAssembliesToBundleOption()
+ {
+ ExtraAssemblyTypes flags = ExtraAssemblyTypes.None;
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.BundleExtraAssemblies))
+ {
+ foreach (string raw in this.BundleExtraAssemblies.Split(','))
+ {
+ if (!Enum.TryParse(raw, out ExtraAssemblyTypes type))
+ {
+ this.Log.LogWarning($"[mod build package] Ignored invalid <{nameof(this.BundleExtraAssemblies)}> value '{raw}', expected one of '{string.Join("', '", Enum.GetNames(typeof(ExtraAssemblyTypes)))}'.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ flags |= type;
+ }
+ }
+ return flags;
+ }
/// <summary>Get the custom ignore patterns provided by the user.</summary>
private IEnumerable<Regex> GetCustomIgnorePatterns()
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ExtraAssemblyType.cs b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ExtraAssemblyType.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..571bf7c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ExtraAssemblyType.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+using System;
+namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
+ /// <summary>An extra assembly type for the <see cref="DeployModTask.BundleExtraAssemblies"/> field.</summary>
+ [Flags]
+ internal enum ExtraAssemblyTypes
+ {
+ /// <summary>Don't include extra assemblies.</summary>
+ None = 0,
+ /// <summary>Assembly files which are part of MonoGame, SMAPI, or Stardew Valley.</summary>
+ Game = 1,
+ /// <summary>Assembly files whose names start with <c>Microsoft.*</c> or <c>System.*</c>.</summary>
+ System = 2,
+ /// <summary>Assembly files which don't match any other category.</summary>
+ ThirdParty = 4
+ }
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ModFileManager.cs b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ModFileManager.cs
index fbb91193..ad4ffdf9 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ModFileManager.cs
+++ b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/Framework/ModFileManager.cs
@@ -21,6 +21,45 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
/// <summary>The files that are part of the package.</summary>
private readonly IDictionary<string, FileInfo> Files;
+ /// <summary>The file extensions used by assembly files.</summary>
+ private readonly ISet<string> AssemblyFileExtensions = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ {
+ ".dll",
+ ".exe",
+ ".pdb",
+ ".xml"
+ };
+ /// <summary>The DLLs which match the <see cref="ExtraAssemblyTypes.Game"/> type.</summary>
+ private readonly ISet<string> GameDllNames = new HashSet<string>
+ {
+ // SMAPI
+ "0Harmony",
+ "Mono.Cecil",
+ "Mono.Cecil.Mdb",
+ "Mono.Cecil.Pdb",
+ "MonoMod.Common",
+ "Newtonsoft.Json",
+ "StardewModdingAPI",
+ "SMAPI.Toolkit",
+ "SMAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces",
+ "TMXTile",
+ // game + framework
+ "BmFont",
+ "FAudio-CS",
+ "GalaxyCSharp",
+ "GalaxyCSharpGlue",
+ "Lidgren.Network",
+ "MonoGame.Framework",
+ "SkiaSharp",
+ "Stardew Valley",
+ "StardewValley.GameData",
+ "Steamworks.NET",
+ "TextCopy",
+ "xTile"
+ };
** Public methods
@@ -30,9 +69,11 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
/// <param name="targetDir">The folder containing the build output.</param>
/// <param name="ignoreFilePaths">The custom relative file paths provided by the user to ignore.</param>
/// <param name="ignoreFilePatterns">Custom regex patterns matching files to ignore when deploying or zipping the mod.</param>
+ /// <param name="bundleAssemblyTypes">The extra assembly types which should be bundled with the mod.</param>
+ /// <param name="modDllName">The name (without extension or path) for the current mod's DLL.</param>
/// <param name="validateRequiredModFiles">Whether to validate that required mod files like the manifest are present.</param>
/// <exception cref="UserErrorException">The mod package isn't valid.</exception>
- public ModFileManager(string projectDir, string targetDir, string[] ignoreFilePaths, Regex[] ignoreFilePatterns, bool validateRequiredModFiles)
+ public ModFileManager(string projectDir, string targetDir, string[] ignoreFilePaths, Regex[] ignoreFilePatterns, ExtraAssemblyTypes bundleAssemblyTypes, string modDllName, bool validateRequiredModFiles)
this.Files = new Dictionary<string, FileInfo>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
@@ -48,7 +89,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
string relativePath = entry.Item1;
FileInfo file = entry.Item2;
- if (!this.ShouldIgnore(file, relativePath, ignoreFilePaths, ignoreFilePatterns))
+ if (!this.ShouldIgnore(file, relativePath, ignoreFilePaths, ignoreFilePatterns, bundleAssemblyTypes, modDllName))
this.Files[relativePath] = file;
@@ -152,39 +193,70 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI.ModBuildConfig.Framework
/// <param name="relativePath">The file's relative path in the package.</param>
/// <param name="ignoreFilePaths">The custom relative file paths provided by the user to ignore.</param>
/// <param name="ignoreFilePatterns">Custom regex patterns matching files to ignore when deploying or zipping the mod.</param>
- private bool ShouldIgnore(FileInfo file, string relativePath, string[] ignoreFilePaths, Regex[] ignoreFilePatterns)
+ /// <param name="bundleAssemblyTypes">The extra assembly types which should be bundled with the mod.</param>
+ /// <param name="modDllName">The name (without extension or path) for the current mod's DLL.</param>
+ private bool ShouldIgnore(FileInfo file, string relativePath, string[] ignoreFilePaths, Regex[] ignoreFilePatterns, ExtraAssemblyTypes bundleAssemblyTypes, string modDllName)
- bool IsAssemblyFile(string baseName)
+ // apply custom patterns
+ if (ignoreFilePaths.Any(p => p == relativePath) || ignoreFilePatterns.Any(p => p.IsMatch(relativePath)))
+ return true;
+ // ignore unneeded files
+ {
+ bool shouldIgnore =
+ // release zips
+ this.EqualsInvariant(file.Extension, ".zip")
+ // *.deps.json (only SMAPI's top-level one is used)
+ || file.Name.EndsWith(".deps.json")
+ // code analysis files
+ || file.Name.EndsWith(".CodeAnalysisLog.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ || file.Name.EndsWith(".lastcodeanalysissucceeded", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ // translation class builder (not used at runtime)
+ || (
+ file.Name.StartsWith("Pathoschild.Stardew.ModTranslationClassBuilder")
+ && this.AssemblyFileExtensions.Contains(file.Extension)
+ )
+ // OS metadata files
+ || this.EqualsInvariant(file.Name, ".DS_Store")
+ || this.EqualsInvariant(file.Name, "Thumbs.db");
+ if (shouldIgnore)
+ return true;
+ }
+ // check for bundled assembly types
+ // When bundleAssemblyTypes is set, *all* dependencies are copied into the build output but only those which match the given assembly types should be bundled.
+ if (bundleAssemblyTypes != ExtraAssemblyTypes.None)
- return
- this.EqualsInvariant(file.Name, $"{baseName}.dll")
- || this.EqualsInvariant(file.Name, $"{baseName}.pdb")
- || this.EqualsInvariant(file.Name, $"{baseName}.xnb");
+ var type = this.GetExtraAssemblyType(file, modDllName);
+ if (type != ExtraAssemblyTypes.None && !bundleAssemblyTypes.HasFlag(type))
+ return true;
- return
- // release zips
- this.EqualsInvariant(file.Extension, ".zip")
+ return false;
+ }
- // unneeded *.deps.json (only SMAPI's top-level one is used)
- || file.Name.EndsWith(".deps.json")
+ /// <summary>Get the extra assembly type for a file, assuming that the user specified one or more extra types to bundle.</summary>
+ /// <param name="file">The file to check.</param>
+ /// <param name="modDllName">The name (without extension or path) for the current mod's DLL.</param>
+ private ExtraAssemblyTypes GetExtraAssemblyType(FileInfo file, string modDllName)
+ {
+ string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name);
+ string extension = file.Extension;
- // dependencies bundled with SMAPI
- || IsAssemblyFile("0Harmony")
- || IsAssemblyFile("Newtonsoft.Json")
- || IsAssemblyFile("Pathoschild.Stardew.ModTranslationClassBuilder") // not used at runtime
+ if (baseName == modDllName || !this.AssemblyFileExtensions.Contains(extension))
+ return ExtraAssemblyTypes.None;
- // code analysis files
- || file.Name.EndsWith(".CodeAnalysisLog.xml", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
- || file.Name.EndsWith(".lastcodeanalysissucceeded", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ if (this.GameDllNames.Contains(baseName))
+ return ExtraAssemblyTypes.Game;
- // OS metadata files
- || this.EqualsInvariant(file.Name, ".DS_Store")
- || this.EqualsInvariant(file.Name, "Thumbs.db")
+ if (baseName.StartsWith("System.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || baseName.StartsWith("Microsoft.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+ return ExtraAssemblyTypes.System;
- // custom ignore patterns
- || ignoreFilePaths.Any(p => p == relativePath)
- || ignoreFilePatterns.Any(p => p.IsMatch(relativePath));
+ return ExtraAssemblyTypes.ThirdParty;
/// <summary>Get whether a string is equal to another case-insensitively.</summary>
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets
index 8ad298d0..de00cbe8 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets
+++ b/src/SMAPI.ModBuildConfig/build/smapi.targets
@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@
<EnableModZip Condition="'$(EnableModZip)' == ''">true</EnableModZip>
<EnableHarmony Condition="'$(EnableHarmony)' == ''">false</EnableHarmony>
<EnableGameDebugging Condition="'$(EnableGameDebugging)' == ''">true</EnableGameDebugging>
- <CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput Condition="'$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)' == '' OR ('$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)' != 'true' AND '$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)' != 'false')">false</CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput>
+ <BundleExtraAssemblies Condition="'$(BundleExtraAssemblies)' == ''"></BundleExtraAssemblies>
+ <!-- coppy referenced DLLs into build output -->
+ <CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies Condition="$(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('ThirdParty')) OR $(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('Game')) OR $(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('System')) OR $(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('All'))">true</CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT' AND '$(EnableGameDebugging)' == 'true'">
@@ -45,17 +48,17 @@
<!-- game -->
- <Reference Include="Stardew Valley" HintPath="$(GamePath)\Stardew Valley.dll" Private="$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)" />
- <Reference Include="StardewValley.GameData" HintPath="$(GamePath)\StardewValley.GameData.dll" Private="$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)" />
- <Reference Include="MonoGame.Framework" HintPath="$(GamePath)\MonoGame.Framework.dll" Private="$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)" />
- <Reference Include="xTile" HintPath="$(GamePath)\xTile.dll" Private="$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)" />
+ <Reference Include="Stardew Valley" HintPath="$(GamePath)\Stardew Valley.dll" Private="$(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('Game'))" />
+ <Reference Include="StardewValley.GameData" HintPath="$(GamePath)\StardewValley.GameData.dll" Private="$(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('Game'))" />
+ <Reference Include="MonoGame.Framework" HintPath="$(GamePath)\MonoGame.Framework.dll" Private="$(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('Game'))" />
+ <Reference Include="xTile" HintPath="$(GamePath)\xTile.dll" Private="$(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('Game'))" />
<!-- SMAPI -->
- <Reference Include="StardewModdingAPI" HintPath="$(GamePath)\StardewModdingAPI.dll" Private="$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)" />
- <Reference Include="SMAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces" HintPath="$(GamePath)\smapi-internal\SMAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces.dll" Private="$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)" />
+ <Reference Include="StardewModdingAPI" HintPath="$(GamePath)\StardewModdingAPI.dll" Private="$(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('Game'))" />
+ <Reference Include="SMAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces" HintPath="$(GamePath)\smapi-internal\SMAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces.dll" Private="$(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('Game'))" />
<!-- Harmony -->
- <Reference Include="0Harmony" Condition="'$(EnableHarmony)' == 'true'" HintPath="$(GamePath)\smapi-internal\0Harmony.dll" Private="$(CopyModReferencesToBuildOutput)" />
+ <Reference Include="0Harmony" Condition="'$(EnableHarmony)' == 'true'" HintPath="$(GamePath)\smapi-internal\0Harmony.dll" Private="$(BundleExtraAssemblies.Contains('Game'))" />
@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
+ ModDllName="$(TargetName)"
@@ -92,6 +96,8 @@
+ BundleExtraAssemblies="$(BundleExtraAssemblies)"